
  • 网络Isentropic expansion
  1. 乘波构型的源流场选用常用的锥形流场,前缘曲线在底面的投影用一个四次函数来描述,流线追踪生成下表面,对上表面进行局部等熵膨胀设计。

    Cone flow field is used here as the generating flow field . The projection of the leading-edge on the base surface is defined using a forth-order function . The lower surface is produced tracing streamlines and isentropic expansion is done in some part of upper surface .

  2. 分析节流膨胀与等熵膨胀的原理,通过推导公式,从理论上找到二者的本质区别。

    Analyzed are principles of throttling expansion process and isentropy expansion process and derivation formula is adopted to identify the essential distinction of the both theoretically .

  3. 对带低温切换阀的小孔气库型脉冲管的等熵膨胀效率的初步实验结果表明,其等熵效率可达40%以上,显示了一定的应用前景。

    In the preliminary experiments the adiabatic expansion efficiency of orifice pulse tube with low temperature switching valve can be higher than 40 % . These results show the application prospects of the machine .

  4. 通过理论分析说明了在相同的工况下,节流阀的火用损失最大,涡流管次之,透平膨胀机最接近等熵膨胀。

    By theoretical analysis , it can be achieved that in the same condition , throttle valve loses the most exergy , vortex tube takes the second place , and expansion turbine is the nearest constant entropy expansion .

  5. 根据爆炸气体等熵膨胀理论和应力波传播理论,推导了孔壁压力计算公式,以及由应力波传播和爆炸气体引起应力状态的计算公式。

    On the basis of the equi-entropy expansion theory and stress wave propagation theory of explosive gas , calculation formulae of pressure on the hole wall and pressure force state caused by stress wave and explosive gas are deduced .

  6. 对涡旋膨胀机真实气体理想(等熵)膨胀过程进行了理论分析,提出了涡旋膨胀机真实气体设计压比的概念和计算方法,并进行了实验研究。

    The concept of design compression ratio of real gas in a vortex expander and computational method are put forth . The corresponding experimental study has been done .

  7. 具有等熵压缩、膨胀过程的回热式布雷顿热泵循环有限时间热力学性能

    Finite-Time Thermodynamic Performance Characteristics of Isentropic Closed-Regenerated Brayton Heat Pump Cycles

  8. 确定了计算所用到的湍流模型之后进行了涡轮非稳态特性计算得到了在一个脉冲周期内涡轮的流量、等熵效率相对于膨胀比的变化都成圈状的典型的涡轮的非稳态特性。

    And the turbulence model is determined then the non-steady characteristics of turbine are calculated . The results show that in a pulsed cycle turbine flow mass and isentropic efficiency relative to the expansion ratio change into " ring-like " which is typical .

  9. 本文阐明了等焓与等熵绝热膨胀致冷原理,并讨论了在两类膨胀原理基础上设计出的各种膨胀致冷元件,在提取天然气液烃中的相互关系及适用场合。

    This paper expounded refrigeration principles of isoenthalpic or isoentropic adiabatic expansion , and discussed the relationship and applicable conditions of various expansion refrigeration elements designed according to these two expansion principles in extracting liquid hydrocarbon from gas .