
  • 网络contouring;contouring method;contour method;contours
  1. 检测大平面平面度的等高线法

    Contour Method of Measuring Massive Planeness

  2. 该岩层在图上应有的露头形态可与图14相反,用构造等高线法予以确定。

    The outcrop pattern that the bed should make on the map may be determined by using the structure contour method , in reverse as shown in figure 14 .

  3. 土方计算的基本方法有断面法、方格网法、等高线法及基于数字高程模型(DEM)法。

    There are Transect , Table , Contours and Digital Elevation Model several methods for earthwork calculation in civil engineering .

  4. 前面研究的都是误差的一些理论工作,接下来本文以北京近年Aster遥感数据为实例,分别用误差椭圆、矢量箭头和等高线法显示了遥感数据经过正射校正后图面的点元误差分布。

    After theory research , this article used recent Aster remote sensing data of Beijing as an example . I used 3 methods to show the error , there are error ellipse , vector arrows and contour lines .

  5. 基于密度等高线法的柔顺机构轮廓提取算法

    Density Contour-Oriented Profile Extraction for Topology Optimization of Compliant Mechanisms

  6. 复杂交叉口竖向设计方法&区域等高线法

    Local Contour Metho ── Vertical Design for Complicated Intersections

  7. 速度等高线法优化喷射成形棒坯的形状控制参数

    Optimization of spray-forming rod condition by contour line

  8. 方法应用等高线法设计实验,用辐射热甩尾法测定痛阈。

    METHODS Experiments were designed by the isobole method , using radiant heat induced tail flick latency as indication of nociception .

  9. 等高线法计算是假定两等高线之间体积变化是线形性,对于两高程之间的地形起伏无法精确反映,特别对地势较为平坦地区,计算结果误差较大。

    Contour method is assumed to be two contour between the volume change is linear , to two elevation between topography cannot accurately reflect , particularly on relatively flat terrain area , calculation results error .

  10. 文章对车身反求工程中曲面光顺的含义、常用光顺检查方法(曲面曲率法、光照模型法、等高线法、线性变换法)的特点及原理进行论述;

    The meaning of surface fairness on vehicle body reverse engineering , the characteristics and the principle of the fairness check-up method ( surface curvature plot , ray model plot , high shine plot , linear change plot ) are discussed .

  11. 用等高线图法对分段信号进行能量面积分析。

    At last , contour map method is used to analyze the power area of segments signals .

  12. 再次采用等高线图法定性分析模型参数与分相流量之间的关系,选取相关特征值组合。

    Thirdly , correlation between model parameters and the individual flow rate was investigated by contour map , get the relative eigenvalues .

  13. 阐述了利用水下地形测量数据对进港航道水下地形进行空间监测分析的方法,及其对制定航道水深监测周期的意义,主要介绍了等高线图示法、三维图示法和断面图示法及其应用。

    This paper introduces the space monitoring analysis in underwater topography of access channel , and mainly introduces the application of contour map , three-dimensional map and sectional drawing in Analyzing Navigation Channel Change Regularity .

  14. 基于Voronoi内邻集的等高线树生成法

    A Voronoi Interior Adjacency-based Approach for Generating a Contour Tree

  15. 提出一种简便的等高线图判别法,该方法能通过参数的位置判断微粒轨迹是否收敛并衡量收敛速度。

    And a kind of convenient contour map discriminance is put forward . This discriminance can be used to judge if the algorithm is convergent , measure the convergence rate .