
  • 网络Waiting for Review;pending review
  1. 已经申请,等待审核。谢谢您对百度的的产品和服务支持!

    Application has been submitted , pending * Thank you for your backing up our products & services by Baidu Inc.

  2. 这个等待审核子面板中的每个评论都需要得到认可,或者删除。

    So if the menu tab reads " Awaiting Moderation ( 0 )", you don 't even have to visit this SubPanel .

  3. 等待审核的评论(请看看等待审核子面板),也显示了,但是是暗灰色。

    Comments which have been marked for Moderation ( see the WordPress : Awaiting Moderation SubPanel ) are also displayed but are shown in light gray text .

  4. 如果你将你的讨论选项设置为审核所有的评论,审核面板会将等待审核的评论与其它的评论分开。

    The Moderation Panel will segregate the comments awaiting moderation from the rest of the comments if you 've set your Discussion Options to moderate all comments .

  5. 第二种选项是规定一组审核关键词,如果这个关键词出现在评论的任何部分中,会导致评论等待审核。

    The second option is to specify a set of moderation keys which , if present in any part of the comment , will cause it to be held for moderation .

  6. 通过使用语言和内容过滤器,可以控制和规范评论,通过评论出现在网站之前,需要等一些时间来等待审核。

    Comments can be controlled and regulated through the use of filters for language and content , and often times can be queued for approval before they are visible on the web site .

  7. 弗雷德爵士此前明确表示,他希望等待审核结果。他于近日主动提出,决定退还部分退休金。

    Sir Fred , who had made it clear he wanted to wait for the outcome of the review , made the decision voluntarily to hand back part of the pension in the past few days .

  8. 在苹果公司,如果员工在使用一款产品时发现其存在妨碍使用的问题,他们不用等待层层审核就可以自由参与并修复这一问题。

    At Apple , if an employee was using a product and found an issue that bothered them , they had the freedom to go in and fix it without having to deal with layers of bureaucracy to get approval .

  9. 他说,申请豁免的手续太过繁复,需要等待长达两年的审核。

    The job of obtaining an exemption , he says , is too bureaucratic and could involve as much as two years of consultation .