
  • 网络level span
  1. 拥有超高亮白光,绿光,蓝光,大功率等高档LED车灯。

    Have a super-bright white , green , blue , high-power LED lights and other high-end .

  2. 至少这是WholeFoodsMarket等高档食品超市和一批发展迅猛的小型果汁生产商的信条,他们正试图将狂热的冷榨果汁潮流从小批量变成大规模生产。

    At least that 's the belief of high-end grocers like Whole Foods Market and a spurt of small juice companies trying to move the cold-pressed-juice craze from small-batch to mass-produced .

  3. 产品使用在精美商标、书刊以及食品、香烟、手机、PDA等高档包装盒上更为客户的产品添加一份光彩。

    Our products are used in top-grade packing case of deluxe brand marks , magazines and books , food , tobacco , mobile phone , PDA and thus add luster to products of our customers .

  4. 公司产品主要用于办公写字楼、高级会所、豪华KTV、休闲度假村、星级酒店和别墅豪宅等高档室内外场所;

    Our products are mainly used at Office Building ; High Club ; KTV ; Villa Village ; Luxurious Hotel and other luxurious building .

  5. 百货商店习惯于在店内配备餐厅和咖啡厅,同时也配备borders等高档商店和colette等流行小店。

    Department stores are used to including restaurants and cafes in their premises , along with some other high street stores such as borders and boutiques such as Colette .

  6. 杭州奢侈区之一的湖滨国际名品街也是国内最先进,唯一的顶级商业经营模式,类似于米兰ViaMontenapoleone等高档商业街区。

    One of the luxury districts in Hangzhou is Hubin Street . Meanwhile , applying the unique Top Operating Model , Hubin Street is similar to other top fashion districts such as Via Montenapoleone in Milan .

  7. 电视、电话、冰箱等高档消费品,也逐渐进入寻常百姓家。

    High-grade durable consumer goods such as television , refrigerator and telephone have become daily necessities for numerous households .

  8. 无独有偶,上海日前也制定了一系列地方政策,同样是针对别墅等高档住宅的信贷市场。

    Meanwhile , Shanghai has recently developed a series of local policies , such as luxury residential villas also against the credit market .

  9. 即使在人们继续花钱购买汽车等高档商品时,他们也常常货比三家,以求最理想的价格。

    Even when people continue to invest in top-of-the-range products , such as cars , they often shop around for the best price .

  10. 本公司是一家经营进口壁纸和窗帘布艺等高档装饰材料的专业代理商。

    Beijing Xingao Centuty Decorating Material Trading Center is a professional agent , specializing in dealing with high-quality decorating material such as import wallpaper and curtain .

  11. 大学生未来最大的消费需求是购买电脑、车、房子等高档用品,其次则是储蓄。

    The undergraduates ' most important consuming need in the future is to buy such high-grade products as computers , cars and houses , followed by to make savings .

  12. 此次规定点明“鱼翅、燕窝等高档菜肴和用野生保护动物制作的菜肴”不得出现在公务宴席上。

    It named ' shark fin , birds ' nest and other high-end cuisine and meals made from protected wild animals ' as dishes that mustn 't reach official dining tables .

  13. 为充分发挥天然彩色棉的原料优势,采用天然彩色棉与其他纤维混纺、交织的方法,开发了彩条、彩格等高档条格衬衫面料;

    For showing the advantages of colored cotton , superior quality shirting fabric such as colored striped fabric , colored checked fabric and so on were developed by the methods of blending and interweaving .

  14. 公司新从日本,韩国,引进天然动植物纤维面料,精美蕾丝、高贵丝绸、随意雪纺、舒适莱卡等高档面料。

    Company 's new from Japan , South Korea , the introduction of natural plant and animal fiber fabrics , delicate lace , elegant silk , chiffon casual , comfortable Lycra fabric and other high-grade .

  15. 中央政府拟禁止公务宴请食用价格昂贵、富有争议的鱼翅。除鱼翅外,温州的规定还明令禁止食用含野生黄鱼和鲍鱼的菜肴,不得提供茅台和五粮液等高档酒以及高档香烟。

    Besides shark 's fin , the Wenzhou requirement specifically bans the consumption of treats such as dishes that include wild yellow croaker and abalone , high-end liquor brands such as Maotai , Wuliangye , and high-grade cigarettes .

  16. 随着织机转速和入纬率不断提高,以及高支高密等高档、高质量织物的不断开发,对经纱可织性的要求也越来越高。

    With the increase of the speed and weft-insertion rates of looms , as well as the development of high-grade , high-quality fabrics such as the fine count and high-density , higher and higher demands are put forward to the warps ' weavability .

  17. 为读者提供高端论坛、精英俱乐部及私人晚宴等各种高档社交平台;

    We provide business leaders with abundant networking opportunities through high-end forums , elite social clubs and private functions .

  18. 一向追求专业设计,精工制作中西餐具、不锈钢餐具、咖啡杯碟等系列高档产品。

    Yongcheng is always pursuing professional design and making western and Chinese dishware , stainless steel dishware and coffee set etc high grade products by fine working .

  19. 公司主要生产外缝拖鞋、康拖鞋、邦拖鞋、物鞋系列等各类高档拖鞋。

    The company mainly produces such all kinds of top-grade slippers as outside sewing slippers , health slippers , upper-hanging slippers , animal 's shoes series , etc.

  20. 合成纤维及其制品(无纺布,纺织品,地毯等)既是高档装饰材料,作为多孔性材料又具有优良的吸声特性。

    The product made of synthetic fiber such as nonwoven web , fabric and carpet as a good porous material will be used in buildings as both ornament and sound absorption material .

  21. 机房设备,高精密仪器,办公设备。如:电脑、服务器、打印机、扫描仪、传真机等。以及高档家用电器等用电设备。特别推荐:用子电器较为集中的区域。

    It is widely used for engine room equipments , high-precision instruments , office furnishing such as computer , server , printer , scanner , facsimile printer and upgrade household electric applications .

  22. 本文首先分析汽车行业的国内国际发展趋势,分别从市场需求、用户和竞争对手等方面对高档轿车进行市场分析,为提出营销策略奠定基础。

    This thesis first analyzes the development trend of both foreign and domestic automobile industry , as well as the market for luxurious automobile from market demand , customer and competitor separately , which will provide the basis for working out the marketing analysis and marketing tactics .

  23. Uber等打车软件使得高档租车业务也变得平易近人。

    Uber has made black car service commonplace .

  24. 利用SEM、XRF等测试手段对高档卫生洁具用乳浊釉进行了研究分析,结果表明乳浊釉中的气孔是导致釉面粗化的主要原因,结合实验结果,探讨了细化乳浊釉面的途径。

    The opaque glaze is analysis by SEM 、 XRF , the results point out it is the bubbles that make the glaze course . The paper discussed the way to prepare fine and smooth opaque glaze according to experiment .

  25. 地点本身就是营销的一种形式,这在你思考丝芙兰和ULTA等商家卖的高档品牌、与在普通药店卖的大众品牌的区别时,这种营销就变得很明显。

    It 's a form of marketing in itself , which is evident when you consider the difference between upscale brands carried at retailers such as Sephora and Ulta and mass-market brands sold at drugstores .

  26. 因为富人日渐增多,中国和印度等新兴市场的高档车市场尤其被寄予厚望。

    The premium car market is seen as particularly promising in China and other emerging markets , like India , because of the rising number of wealthy people .

  27. 罐体采用喷沙除锈等工艺,采用高档聚胺脂漆,油漆粘附力强。美观、光亮、持久。

    The tank body uses sand blast , rust removal technique and high-grade polyaminepaint , which can make the paint have a strong adhesion force , beautiful , bright and persistent .

  28. 介绍了日本几家公司通过改善薄膜的滑爽性、平坦性、耐划擦性及透明性等性能,生产高档聚酯薄膜。

    This article discusses the methods used by Japan 's companies to manufacture high grade polyester films by improving some major properties such as smoothness , flatness , anti scratch and transparency .

  29. 在福州曾先后成功独立开发了明月花园、高湖花园、福清玫瑰园等商业项目和高档住宅项目。

    Especially in Fuzhou it has been successfully completed some outdoor landscape projects , such as Bright Moon Garden , High Lake Garden , Rose Garden and other commercial landscape projects and residential project .

  30. 水冷二冲程汽油机油主要应用于水上作业的舷外机(摩托艇)等动力机械,高档的水冷二冲程汽油机油既要具有环境友好的清净性,又要具备优秀的润滑性,才能保证其可靠性。

    Water-cooled two-stroke gasoline engine oils were mainly used in outboard marines ( also called motorboat ) . The high-grade oils are required to have not only better detergency for friendly environment , but also the excellent lubricating quality to ensure their reliability .