
  • 网络sales growth
  1. 以中型开发商雅居乐地产(AgileProperty)为例。这家公司虽然在二三线城市面临风险,且大幅下调了几个项目的售价,但仍预计今年销售增长19%。

    Take midsize developer Agile Property : It targets 19 % sales growth , despite exposure to second - and third-tier cities and aggressive price cuts at several of its projects .

  2. 由于dvd销售增长停滞,电影公司一直在焦急地等待另一个具有广泛吸引力的dvd格式的出现。

    With DVD sales growth stalling , studios have been anxiously awaiting the emergence of another format with popular appeal .

  3. 企业利润的触底反弹并不能归因于销售增长,因为gdp增长依旧乏力。

    The V-shaped recovery cannot be attributed to sales : GDP growth has been tepid .

  4. 在中国推出iPhone有望大幅提振该产品的海外销售增长,目前iPhone已经是苹果公司增长最快的产品。

    The release of the iPhone in China could turbocharge overseas growth for what is already Apple 's fastest-growing product .

  5. 持有苹果股票,即意味着要依托于iPod、iPhone或iPad的销售增长。

    Owning Apple meant riding the iPod or the iPhone or the iPad as waves of growth .

  6. 施蒂费尔金融(StifelFinancial)预计,2014年零售商整体销售增长中的一半份额将来自于网络购物。

    Stifel Financial estimates that in 2014 , fully half of retailers ' overall sales growth will come from online orders .

  7. 对于苹果公司(Apple)来说,大中华区一直是iPhone销售增长最快的市场之一,因此,它想要把这里的业务扩大一倍以上。

    For Apple , greater China has been one of its fastest growing markets for iPhone sales , so the company wants to more than double its presence there .

  8. 三星上一个系列的Galaxy手机得到科技爱好者的好评,但未能重新点燃期望的销售增长。

    Samsung 's last range of Galaxy phones was acclaimed by tech enthusiasts but failed to reignite sales growth as had been hoped .

  9. 根据市场调研公司npd发布的数据,今年迄今为止,美国游戏行业销售增长25%。

    US industry sales are up 25 per cent so far this year , according to the NPD research firm .

  10. 毫无疑问,这些措施收到了成效:3月份该公司销售增长41%,强于通用、福特(ford)或现代(hyundai)。

    There is no doubt they are working : sales in March were up 41 per cent , better than GM , Ford or Hyundai .

  11. 根据伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)的数据,中国的方便面销售增长同样在下降,从2012年的12%降至2013年的3%。

    Similarly , sales growth in China slowed from 12 per cent in 2012 to 3 per cent in 2013 , according to Bernstein .

  12. 但在近两年,GF公司的发展势头却锐减,销售增长缓慢,利润率下降,新产品成长缓慢。

    But in recent years , but the momentum of development of company GF , sales growth and decline in margins , new product develop slowly .

  13. 过去两年来,奇瑞qq(cheryqq)一直是中国销售增长最为迅速的品牌之一,其售价约为4000美元。

    The Chery QQ , which has been one of the fastest-selling cars in China over the past two years , sells for about $ 4000 .

  14. 分析师加德纳(RichardGardner)写道,信贷缺乏、公司利润率不断下滑、失业率上升以及美元走强,这些因素都对公司和消费者个人电脑销售增长产生了负面影响。

    ' Analyst Richard Gardner wrote that'lack of credit , declining corporate profit margins , rising unemployment and a stronger dollar are all negatively affecting corporate and consumer PC growth .

  15. 花旗集团(Citigroup)追踪的20家大开发商平均预计今年销售增长25%,而整体市场预计只会增长8%。

    On average , the top 20 tracked by Citigroup target sales growth of 25 % this year , while the overall market is expected to grow just 8 % .

  16. iPhone推出期间,BodyGuardz较上一季度的销售增长率平均为34%。

    During iPhone launches , bodyguardz has experienced an average of 34 percent growth in sales over the previous quarter .

  17. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)向投资者报告:第四季度营业利润同比飙升73%,销售增长12%(应该承认,出售一个硬件部门带来了一次性收益)。

    Samsung Electronics primed investors for a 73 per cent year-on-year leap in fourth-quarter operating profit on sales up 12 per cent ( admittedly buoyed by a one-off gain from the sale of a hardware unit ) .

  18. 总营收和利润率:总的来说,销售增长了59%,比Facebook在今年3月这个季度达到的水平高出15个百分点。

    Total revenues and margins : in sum , sales were up 59 per cent , which , for those of you following at home , is 15 percentage points better than Facebook managed in the March quarter .

  19. 联想股价下跌10%,此前里昂证券(clsa)的一份研究报告将该公司评级下调至“卖出”,原因是成本可能不断上升及销售增长放缓。

    The shares slid 10 per cent after the report from CLSA downgraded the computer maker to " sell " , citing possible rising costs and slowing sales growth .

  20. 法国广告集团PublicisGroupeSA也将业绩不振归因于中国等新兴市场销售增长放缓。该公司的客户包括许多消费品大牌。

    French advertising conglomerate Publicis Groupe SA , which handles many big-name consumer brands , also blamed slower sales in China and other emerging markets for a poor performance .

  21. 拥有Oldnavy等品牌的Gap公司计划今年在中国新开40家门店。拉尔夫o劳伦去年在中国实现了两位数的销售增长,眼下将中国视为其最至关重要的市场之一。

    Gap Inc GPS - 0.58 % , whose brands include Old Navy , plans to open 40 new stores in China this year , while Ralph Lauren RL - 0.10 % sees China as one of its greatest markets on the back of double-digit sales growth last year .

  22. 负责辽宁省船舶行业AODD气动双隔膜泵的销售增长;

    Responsible for AODD pump sale growth in marine industry in Liao Ning ;

  23. Primark的表示,其销售增长放缓,在过去三个月的一年百分之四,这是年初的一半水平见于。

    Primark said its growth in sales slowed in the last three months to four per cent , which was half the level seen at the beginning of the year .

  24. 越南乳业公司vinamilk的销售增长,在过去五年中平均达到每年三分之一。

    Sales growth at vinamilk , a dairy company , has averaged a third each year over the past five .

  25. 新兴市场的消费者帮助英国时尚品牌巴宝莉(Burberry)在去年最后三个月实现了36%的销售增长。该公司称,2010年全年业绩将位于预期区间的最上端。

    Consumers in emerging markets led a 36 per cent increase in retail sales at UK fashion brand Burberry in the final three months of last year , with the company saying that full-year results would be at the top end of expectations .

  26. 据金融研究公司Sageworks分析表明:去年,家庭健康护理服务业的销售增长率达11.2%,使其成为美国增长最迅速的行业。

    In the past year , the home health care services industry has experienced sales growth of 11.2 % , making it the fastest growing industry in the U.S. , according to Sageworks , a financial analysis company .

  27. 索尼否认了这一观点,并坚持今年达到其近20%的部门销售增长目标和恢复盈利(索尼总裁平井一夫(KazuoHirai,见上图)周一表示,即便未达到部门销售目标仍可实现盈利)。

    Sony dismissed the idea , and stuck to its target of a nearly 20 per cent increase in unit sales , and a return to profits , for this year ( Sony boss Kazuo Hirai said on Monday that the unit would be profitable even if it missed its unit target ) .

  28. 提高顾客接触质量促进销售增长

    Raise the Contact Quality of Customers and Promote Sales Increase

  29. 2012年,宝马在华销售增长约40%。

    In 2012 , BMW 's China sales rose around 40 % .

  30. 太多时候,销售增长被看作是解决一切问题的灵丹妙药。

    Too often more sales are seen as the antidote to everything .