
  • 网络sale area;Saleable Area
  1. 中国房地产指数系统(ChinaRealEstateIndexSystem)显示,成都7月份住房销售面积较2013年同期下降了20%。

    Housing sales by floor area in Chengdu in July fell 20 % from the same month in 2013 , according to data from China Real Estate Index System .

  2. 中国国家统计局(nbs)昨日发布的数据似乎表明,住房需求有所降温,一季度全国商品房销售面积35.8%的同比增幅,低于去年末季度50%的同比增幅。

    The figures released yesterday by the National Bureau of statistics suggested some cooling in demand for housing , with the 35.8 per cent on-year increase in sales in the first quarter down from the 50 per cent rate seen at the end of last year .

  3. 其中,住宅销售面积增长12.1%。

    Among them , residential sales growth of 12.1 % area .

  4. 各地区房地产施工、竣工、销售面积

    Floor Space of Buildings under construction , completed and sold by region

  5. 营收增长近四分之一——主要是拜销售面积增长所赐;

    Revenues rose one quarter - mostly on volume growth ;

  6. 商品房销售面积的灰色预测

    The Grey Forecasting of the Marketable Housing Area Sold

  7. 从住宅建设和住宅管理政策分析了其对住宅寿命周期的影响,并定量分析了住宅拆迁量与新建量、销售面积和销售价格的关系。

    From housing construction and housing manage policy analysis its influence for housing life cycle .

  8. 基于此模型,山西省每年商品房销售面积的规律被刻画为四个周期,即:增长期、衰退期、调整期、以及结束期。

    Based on such a model , we classify Shanxi commercial apartment yearly sales trend into four different periods .

  9. 5月份房屋销售面积较上年同期降7.8%,4月份降6.9%。

    Property sales were down 7.8 % year over year in May , after falling 6.9 % in April .

  10. 商品房销售面积增长8.2%,初步扭转一年多来的下降局面。

    The total floor space of commercial housing sold expanded by8.2 % , a preliminary reversal of the year-long downward trend .

  11. 国内四大开发商2月份销售面积出现大幅下跌,销售情况也基本与整体市场趋势相似。

    Sales situation of top four domestic developers also bore out similar trend , with sales area dropped sharply in February .

  12. 我没有买一个目录副本62然而,这里却是销售面积从易趣。

    I haven 't bought a copy of the62 catalogue yet , but here are the covers from an eBay sale .

  13. 今年头9个月,居民住宅销售面积下降近16%。

    In the first nine months of the year , the amount of residential floorspace sold fell by nearly 16 per cent .

  14. 那么来看看上海,上周该市的新房销售面积增加了46%,逼近3个月高点。

    Then point to Shanghai , where sales of new homes jumped 46 per cent by area last week , nearing a three-month high .

  15. 3月,商品房住宅供求比为0.6,住宅销售面积远大于供应面积。

    In March the ratio of commercial building supply and demand registers at 0.6 , with residential sales area far outnumbering the current supply area .

  16. 例如体现在供给方面的商品房开发投资额和体现在需求方面的住宅销售面积,都呈现出了明显的区域差异。

    For example , housing development investment to reflect the supply and housing demand to reflect the demand , all presented the obvious region differences .

  17. 今年头9个月的房地产销售面积同比下降8.6%。

    The volume of real estate floor space sold in the first nine months of the year was down 8.6 per cent from the same period a year earlier .

  18. 同时也分析了投资、竣工面积、销售面积单项指标的周期波动,证明杭州市房地产周期波动的客观性。

    Also analyzed the investment , completion area , a sales area of the cyclical fluctuations of individual indicators , Hangzhou fluctuations in the real estate cycle to prove objectivity .

  19. 根据中国官方统计数字,今年头7个月,住宅地产销售面积比2013年同期下跌了9.4%。

    Residential property sales fell 9.4 per cent in floorspace terms in the first seven months of the year compared with the same period in 2013 , according to government statistics .

  20. 需求因素方面,住宅销售面积对嘉兴市住宅房地产价格的影响最小;接着是常住人口;而人均可支配收入对嘉兴市住宅房地产价格的影响是最显著的。

    Demand factors , the residential sales areas with the minimal impact on price of residential real estate in JiaXing city ; followed by resident population ; per capita disposable income of the most significant factor .

  21. 这一显示房价回升的调查结果,与官方发布的数据一致。官方数据显示,5月份新房销售面积同比增长13%,这是该数据在连续13个月下滑后第二次上升。

    The price recovery matches official data showing that new residential property sales were up 13 per cent annually in floor-area terms in May , the second month of gains after 13 straight months of falling sales .

  22. 近年来,随着我国住房体制改革的不断深入和城镇化水平的不断提高,房地产业迅速发展,房地产开发投资规模、房地产销售额及销售面积快速增长。

    In recent years , with the deepening of housing reform and improvement of the level of urbanization , The real estate industry developed rapidly , the actual completion of our real estate investment and real estate sales increase quickly .

  23. 例如,今年头四个月的商品房销售面积同比下降4.8%,相比第一季度9.2%的同比降幅有所好转。

    For example , the floor area of property sold in the first four months of the year fell 4.8 per cent from a year earlier , an improvement on the 9.2 per cent year-on-year decline in the first quarter .

  24. 在商品房销售面积大幅下降、销售额迅猛下降、房价下跌的情况下,突出暴露了部分企业资金链的脆弱和应对风险的无力。

    In real estate sales area , it underwent the condition that a rapid decline of the sales , house prices fell down . This indicated the weak of some enterprises in the capital chain and ability to withstand the risks .

  25. 继去年12月下降7.6%以后,今年前两个月住房销售面积再次同比下降16.3%,表明未来还会有进一步的痛苦。

    In a sign of further pain to come , housing sales in the first two months of the year fell 16.3 per cent in terms of floor space from a year earlier , after falling 7.6 per cent in December .

  26. 在2002之后,不仅住宅销售面积大幅增长,其价格也飞速上涨,每年的上涨增幅超过20%,引发了学术界和产业界的讨论。

    After 2002 , not only housing sales area grows rapidly , but also the price of the house rises quickly with the increase amplitude about 20 % per year . This phenomena has arisen intense debate between the academic circle and the industrial field .

  27. 由现房销售建筑面积和期房销售建筑面积两部分组成。

    It constitutes floor space of completed housing and floor space of future housing .

  28. 零售书店方面的销售区域面积问题、书店人员责任心问题和经营理念及业务流程问题。

    The problems of sales areas in retail bookstores , responsibilities of bookstore staff and the management ideal and operation process .

  29. 该报援引常州房产管理局最新数据称,今年上半年常州商品住房销售备案面积为251万平方米,同比减少11.3%。

    Citing fresh figures from the city 's housing bureau , the newspaper said that contracted sales for private residential properties totaled 2.51 million square meters in the first half of this year , down 11.3 % from a year earlier .

  30. 然而,冷却表现为销售放缓,建筑面积减少。

    Yet cooling appeared as sales slowed and area under construction decreased .