
  1. F2代的成活率、饲料系数、养殖产量均高于F1代,但生长速度不如F1代。

    As for comprehensive evaluation , the output , feed conversion ratio and survival rate of F2 generation was superior to F1 , but the growth was lower than F1 .

  2. 鱼类养殖产量和水库养殖方式对淡水养殖产量的影响较大。

    Fish aquaculture production and reservoir-aquaculture production have relatively great influence .

  3. 关于估算某年鳗鱼养殖产量方法的探讨

    Study on Assessment Method of Eel Farming Yield in a Certain Year

  4. 我国淡水鱼养殖产量居世界首位。

    The output of freshwater fish cultured in our country occupies first place in theworld .

  5. 不同放养和管理模式对三角帆蚌生长与养殖产量的影响

    Effect of different models of stocking and management on growth and yield of freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii

  6. 然而,随着养殖产量的增加,养殖规模的扩大,养殖海区环境污染日益严重,病害发生日益频繁,使得贝类养殖遭遇重大损失。

    However , shellfish farming suffered a great loss due to diseases and environmental pollution with the increasing output and expanded breeding scale .

  7. 近年来甲鱼养殖产量的迅速增加,为甲鱼深加工提供了良好的机遇。

    Owing to the rapid increase in the production of soft-shelled turtles these years , it gives us good opportunities on its deep processing .

  8. 经分析得贝类养殖产量和海上养殖方式是海水养殖产量的优势因素。

    It further illustrated that shell fish-aquaculture production and the mode of aquaculture in seawater are the superior elements for the mariculture production factor .

  9. 2007年我国牡蛎的养殖产量达到351万吨,占世界牡蛎养殖总产量的79.8%。

    The production of oysters reached 351 metric tons in 2007 in China , accounting for 79.8 % of total oyster production in the world .

  10. 猪和鸡是我国养殖产量最大的两个品种和常用的煲汤原料,但对其烹制和营养特征的研究很少。

    Pork and chicken are common materials for soup , but there are little research data or achievement on the cooking conditions and nutritional properties .

  11. 通过对1985年至2004年的水产养殖产量分品种、分产区进行分类统计分析,发现我国养殖水产品供给呈现以下特点:(1)水产养殖产量快速增长;

    By statistic analysis of the aquaculture products supply from 1985 to 2004 , the following characters are found : There appears rapid growth in the total output ;

  12. 当前,中国精养池塘养殖产量和效益的提高主要是通过大幅度提高放养密度和增加商品饲料的投入量来实现的。

    However , the increase of pond fish production and improvement of economic return are mainly achieved through increase of stocking density and feeding amout of commercial feeds .

  13. 结果表明:水产养殖产量在未来几年呈增长趋势,但是增长的幅度不大。

    Results showed that the aquaculture production in Qingdao City will enjoy gradual increase in the next few years , but the growth rate would not be significant .

  14. 南美白对虾是世界上养殖产量最高的三种虾之一在我国南方也大量养殖。

    White shrimp ( Penaeus Vannamei ) is one of the top three high yield shrimp species in the world . It is also commonly cultured in South China .

  15. 人工诱导的三倍体鱼具有不育、个体大、生长快、寿命长、肉质好、成活率高等优良品性,对提高养殖产量和鱼肉品质具有重要的意义。

    The artificial triploid fish has a list of good characters such as sterility , large size , long-life , meat with good quality , high rate of growth and survival and etc.

  16. 实验结果表明:1龄和2龄三角帆蚌生长和养殖产量因放养模式而异,鱼蚌混养不仅额外获得鱼产量,同时也提高了蚌产量。

    Results of the experiment show that growth and yield of the 1 year-old and 2 year-old pearl mussel are closely dependent on the stocking model used , while the management model examined does not affect growth and yield of the pearl mussel significantly .

  17. 其中海水养殖产量已经接近海水养殖环境的容纳量,可以采用新技术开展外海网箱养殖来提高其环境容纳量,但提升的潜力有限。

    The seawater aquaculture production has reached the carrying capacity of the water environment in the coast of Qingdao , we therefore can think about introducing new techniques such as open-ocean cage culture to promote the carrying capacity , but its potential to improve is limited .

  18. 联合国粮农组织(FoodandAgricultureOrganisation)的数据显示,2000年至2008年,渔业总产量增长了13%;这一增长是由养殖鱼产量贡献的,捕捞鱼产量则出现了下降。

    Total fishery production has risen 13 per cent between 2000 and 2008 , according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organisation . That growth has come from farmed fish , and there has been a decrease in captured fish , according to the data .

  19. 水产养殖单位产量的比较与评价

    Evaluation and Contrast for Aquaculture Yield Per Unit Area

  20. 中国养殖鱼产量超过了全球总产量的60%。

    China produces more than sixty percent of the world 's farmed fish .

  21. 本文介绍了1995年世界东半球和西半球对虾养殖的产量、方法和市场情况。

    He paper described the production , methods and the markets of the shrimp farming of the Eastern and Western Hemisphere of the World .

  22. 水产养殖业是支撑我国国民经济的一个重要支柱,近些年来得到飞速发展。目前我国的水产养殖总产量已居世界首位。

    Aquaculture industry is an important support to our country economics which develops very fast in recent years . Total aquaculture production of China has got the first place in the world .

  23. 大黄鱼是我国海水网箱养殖的产量非常高的的鱼类之一,在我国的农业部把大黄鱼作为我国最具养殖优势的六种用于出口水产品中的一种。

    Large yellow croaker is the seawater aquaculture single yield the highest fish , the ministry of agriculture in our country has been identified as the most advantage of six kinds of aquatic products of export .

  24. 不同养殖密度与产量的关系;

    ( b ) . effect of culture density on the yield ;

  25. 全球养殖水貂皮产量现状分析

    Analysis of Present Status of World Mink Fur Production

  26. 一些不合理的放牧造成水土流失,生态失调。④水面养殖粗放,产量低;

    Some unreasonable herd creates soil erosion , lives loses . ( 4 ) water surface breeds extensively , the quantity is low ;

  27. 我国是世界渔业大国,水产养殖面积、产量均居世界首位。

    China is a big country in fishery in world , the aquiculture area , yield both come to number 1 in the world .

  28. 研究表明,水产动物的多倍体育种和单性化养殖在提高产量、改善品质等方面具有重要的促进作用。

    Previous researches on polyploid breeding and mono-sex culture of aquatic animal have been proved to be successful in increasing yield and improving quality .

  29. 结果表明,饵料系数为4,养殖效果良好,产量可达8273.26Kg/hm2,投入与产出比为1:1.8,笔者认为农作物秸秆发酵饲料,是一种经济低廉,值得推广的养鱼饲料。

    The results show that the fermented feed is an economic feed worthy of recommendation as the feed coefficient is 4 , input / output ratio 1 : 0 . 8 and the production output reaches 8 273 . 26kg / hm2 .

  30. 海水养殖占水产养殖产量的比例逐渐上升;

    The percentage of sea water aquaculture keeps rising ;