
yǎng liào
  • Nutrient;nourishment;sustenance;nutriment;aliment;pabulum
养料 [yǎng liào]
  • [nourishment] 能供给有机体营养的物质;营养品

养料[yǎng liào]
  1. 许多植物的种子内部积贮养料,初看似乎和其他植物没有什么关系。

    The store of nutriment laid up within the seeds of many plants seems at first sight to have no sort of relation to other plants .

  2. 它在文学的园地里吸取了滋养艺术灵魂的养料,意境、象征、对比手法的运用使它具有浓郁深厚的文学气质。

    It assimilates nutriment from the literature garden to nourish its art soul . The mood , symbol and comparison makes it full of strong literature temperament .

  3. 密布的血管和神经网向子宫输送养料。

    The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves .

  4. 树根从土壤中吸取水分和养料。

    The roots of trees draw water and nourishment from the soil .

  5. 叶脉把养料和水分分配给整张叶子。

    Leaf veins distribute food and water throughout the leaf .

  6. 这为后来的进步思想家们提供了丰富的思想养料

    This is the ascensive ideologist later people provided rich thought nourishment .

  7. 根将水分和养料输送到干和枝。

    The roots transmit moisture and nutrient to the trunk and branches .

  8. 扔下的手杖,被他的尸体所化成的养料滋润,竟然开花结果,长成一片连绵千里的桃林。

    The walking stick thrown down by him , being nurtured3 by the nourishment4 converted from his dead body , unexpectedly bloomed and fructified5 , and it grew into peach woods , which stretched for thousands of miles .

  9. 不像超甜(SuperSweet)杂交品种那样挑剔,要求温暖的土壤和肥沃的养料。

    Less fussy about warm soil and heavy feeding than Super Sweet hybrids .

  10. 最适pH为6;最适培养料含水量为60%;

    The optimum pH is 6 , and content of water is 60 % of the compost .

  11. 高强度碳纳米管可在养料、药品供给系统与细胞之间形成圆筒形的渠道,输送肽、蛋白质、质粒DNA或寡核苷酸等物质。

    CNTs of high intensity are mainly focused on the interactions of aliment , drug supply and biological molecules , such as DNA , peptides , proteins and oligonucleotide etc.

  12. BP保水剂的实验室保水试验及其在宁南山区的生产应用实践表明,BP保水剂对农作物有储存水分和提供养料、提高产量的作用。

    The experiments conducted in the mountainous region of south Ningxia showed that BP aquasorb was effective in conserving soil moisture , improving nutrient condition and increasing crop yield .

  13. 养料锐减导致部分从河流带来的溶解CO2转移到大气圈,致使在长达40000年的时间内,空气中的CO2剧增。

    The reduction of fertility led to a partial transfer of dissolved CO2 from river-input to the atmosphere , resulting in a large increase of the CO2 tin the air during 40,000 years .

  14. Cleveland说,他的研究表明,即使是养料方面很小的改变,也会对热带雨林土壤中二氧化碳的释放产生深远的影响。

    He says his study shows that even small changes in nutrients could have a profound impact on the release of carbon dioxide from tropical rainforest soils .

  15. 在JohnCage的预置钢琴乐曲中我们能听到甘美兰音乐的特点,藉于深入讨论及分析找出两者相似之原因,以验证现代音乐作曲家从世界音乐中汲取养料,获得灵感的普遍现象。

    I hear characteristics of gamelan music in John Cage 's prepared piano pieces , and I hope to find out the reasons that result in the similarity between these two musics in order to examine the common phenomenon of modern composers ' liaisons with world music .

  16. 也可以在杂草上种植草皮,杂草便会死亡,成为草皮的养料。

    The grass will die and become fertilizer for the sod .

  17. 白银市中心区土壤养料肥力系统聚类分析

    Hierachical Cluster Analysis of Soil Nutrient Fertility in the Centre of Baiyin

  18. 这类有机养料统称为生长因子。

    Organic nutrients of this type are known collectively as growth factors .

  19. 但是,有些有机肥不是能为作物提供养料吗?

    But don 't some organic fertilizers provide plant food ?

  20. 鸡腿蘑培养料高产配方筛选研究

    A Study on the Screening of High-Yield Formulae for Coprinus comatus Compost

  21. 叶绿体将阳光、水分和二氧化碳转化成可用的养料。

    Plastids convert sunlight , water and carbon dioxide into usable nutrients .

  22. 汲取精神养料,调整人生态度;

    The spiritual food to adjust our attitude towards life ;

  23. 变化的大气电场是植物产生养料输送的关键因素。

    Changed atmospheric field is a key factor of plant nutrient transportation .

  24. 能将简单有机物合成其本身所需的养料的植物。

    Plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances .

  25. 这是一种浪费,因为它夺走了土壤的有价值的养料。

    This is wasteful because it deprives the soil of valuable nutrients .

  26. 植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料。

    Plants absorb minerals and other nutrients from the soil .

  27. 单一成份肥料仅含有一种养料的肥料。

    Single fertilizer a fertilizer containing only one nutrient .

  28. 成为蘑菇生长的养料

    and becomes baby food for the growing mushrooms .

  29. 但幼虫再怎么获得养料?

    But then how do the young get nourishment ?

  30. 我们还应该吃碳水化合物,这是身体的主要养料。

    We should also eat carbohydrates , the main fuel for your body .