
bèi àn
  • filings;put on record;put on file;enter in the records;serve as a record
备案 [bèi àn]
  • [put on record] 向主管机关报告事由,登记备查

备案[bèi àn]
  1. 网站重庆森达律师事务所在律盾网中注册,并已在律盾网会员数据库中备案。

    The website Chongqing Senda Law Firm has been registered in Law Shield and put on record on its member database .

  2. 假如原租赁合同进行了房屋租赁登记备案,那么还要到同一机构办理登记备案手续。

    If rented a contract to undertake the building is rented formerly , register put on record , so deal with to same orgnaization even register put on record formalities .

  3. 我们立即向当局备案。

    We presented ourselves to the authorities promptly .

  4. 此事已经层报备案。

    The matter has been reported for the record to our superiors at each level .

  5. 该法共有54条,规定了境外非政府组织在中国运营的登记和备案、活动规范、法律责任以及监督管理。

    The 54-point law clarifies the registration1 process , operational rules and liabilities of overseas NGOs , as well as measures for their operations in China .

  6. 此外,大多数制造商也优先在利润更高的富裕国家获得监管批准,而不是向世卫组织提交备案材料进行资格预审。谭德塞强调,公平获取疫苗也有经济效益。

    Additionally , most manufacturers also have prioritized regulatory approval in rich countries , where profits are higher , rather than submitting their dossiers to WHO for prequalification .

  7. 鼓励将具有部分博物馆功能、但尚未达到登记备案条件的社会机构,纳入行业指导范畴。

    Moreover , certain social institutions that have some attributes of a museum but have not yet met registration and archival requirements will be included in the scope of industry guidance .

  8. 加入WTO后实行的进出口经营权登记备案制使出口退税监管难度进一步加大。

    The registration system of import and export rights has further increased the difficulty of monitoring of the export drawback system after WTO accession .

  9. 她说她星期五在DUKE大学警察局已备案。

    She said she filed a report with the Duke University Police Department Friday .

  10. 截至到2005年7月,向WTO及GATT通知备案的自由贸易协定总计已经达到330个。

    As of July in 2005 , there are 330 free trade agreements have been filed with WTO and GATT .

  11. 本系统还采用微机监测的方式,监测PLC控制系统工作的可靠性,并将各种段内作业记录备案,实现了机务段的现代化管理。

    This system adopts computer monitor mode to supervise the reliability of the PLC control system , put different sections work note on record and then realize modernized management .

  12. 根据法院备案文件,瑞信受到sec的传讯,涉及在一宗私人部门诉讼中曝光的指控。

    Credit Suisse was subpoenaed by the SEC in relation to allegations made in a private lawsuit , according to court filings .

  13. 根据世贸组织的官方统计,截至2005年7月,向世贸组织及其前身关贸总协定通知备案的区域贸易协定总计达330个,且只有一个WTO成员蒙古没有和任何国家缔结区域贸易协定。

    There are 330 RTAs recorded to WTO and its predecessor GATT until July 2005 except Mongolia that is the only one of WTO that has not reached any agreement with other countries .

  14. 加工原料全部取于CIQ备案的养殖场。

    All raw materials of the products are from CIQ registered farms .

  15. FDA管理药品注册和备案系统的药品代码数据库并在药品代码目录中发布摘录信息。

    FDA maintains the repository of NDC numbers in its Drug Registration and Listing System ( DRLS ) and publishes an extract of this information in its NDC Directory .

  16. 纽约运动俱乐部(NewYorkSportsClubs)的母公司城镇运动国际(TownSportsInternational)最新的一份年度股东备案文件显示,公司有49.7万名会员,全年的健身人次是2910万,即平均每名会员每月去五次。

    The last annual shareholder filing from Town Sports International , the parent company of New York Sports Clubs , showed the company had 497000 members making 29.1 million annual visits ; that is , the average member visited five times a month .

  17. 采用面向对象软件建模方法,进行了系统需求分析,得到了系统用例模型,确定了系统的类和对象,给出了一个基于B/S结构的合同备案系统方案。

    Using the object-oriented method , this paper analysed the system requirement , identified the system use case model and thus set the system class and object . The paper proposed B / S architecture , based on which Realty Bargaining System is presented .

  18. Facebook在递交给监管机构的备案文件中说,公司在印度和巴西等国的业务正迅速增长,不过这些国家的广告价格要低于美国。

    In its regulatory filings , the company has said it is experiencing substantial growth in countries such as India and Brazil , although ad rates in those countries are lower than in the U.S.

  19. WT电喷公司目前所行使的售后服务业务只是进行备案的管理(记录相关的售后服务的数据),不对业务流程进行管理。

    Now the after-sales system of WT company is just for the record of business management ( recorded data related to after-sales service ), not the management of business processes .

  20. Facebook在一份监管备案文件中说,将用约1.839亿股Facebook股票(价值120亿美元左右)收购WhatsApp的全部流通股和期权。

    Facebook said in a regulatory filing that it would acquire all outstanding stock and options in WhatsApp for about 183.9 million of its shares , valued at about $ 12 billion .

  21. 另外一份监管备案文件显示,同期SorosFundManagementLLC持有的SPDRGoldShares份额增加了一倍以上;以6月30日的价格计算,该公司所持份额总值为1.373亿美元。

    Soros Fund Management LLC more than doubled its stake in SPDR Gold Shares over the same period , leaving it with shares worth $ 137.3 million as of June 30 , according to a separate filing .

  22. 它是中国唯一一家临床前CRO实验室,其研究数据被美国食品药物管理局(FDA)和欧洲药品管理局(EMEA)接受为重要规章备案文件的一部分。

    It is the only preclinical CRO laboratory in China whose data have been accepted by both the FDA and EMEA as part of successful regulatory filings .

  23. 据监管备案文件显示,截至6月30日,鲍尔森麾下的Paulson&Co.持有各类金矿公司股票共9800万股,较一季度末增加了3.5%。

    Mr. Paulson 's firm , Paulson & Co. , held 98 million shares of various gold-mining companies as of June 30 , up 3.5 % from the end of the first quarter , according to filings .

  24. 据监管备案文件显示,截至6月30日,Paulson&Co.持有2180万份黄金交易所买卖基金(ETF)SPDRGoldShares,较3月31日增加了450万份。

    Paulson & Co. owned 21.8 million shares of SPDR Gold Shares , an exchange-traded fund backed by bullion , at June 30 , an increase of 4.5 million shares from March 31 , according to filings .

  25. IBM的声明和这家名为华胜天成的北京公司的备案资料显示,在过去16个月中,IBM已经同意——并根据美国出口法律获得了许可——为华胜天成提供高端服务器的部分蓝图以及在这些服务器上运行的软件。

    In the past 16 months , IBM has agreed - and received permission under U.S. export laws - to provide the Beijing company , Teamsun , with a partial blueprint of its higher-end servers and the software that runs on them , according to IBM announcements and filings from Teamsun .

  26. 米奇•马库斯(MitchMarcus)在上任两个月之后,便于今年1月8日辞去了在线旅行社OrbitzWorldwideInc.首席财务长一职,以“追寻其他机会”。这是Orbitz公司在一份监管备案资料里的说法。

    Mitch Marcus resigned as chief financial officer of Orbitz Worldwide Inc. on Jan. 8 , two months after he arrived , in order ' to pursue other opportunities , ' the online-travel agency said in a regulatory filing .

  27. 正确履行资源储量登记统计、评审备案等职责;

    Fulfilling resister , statistics and evaluation for mineral resources reserves ;

  28. 论我国行政征缴中的土地备案制度

    Studies on Land-Record System in Levying of Administrative Fee in China

  29. 有关文件副本必须送交法院备案。

    Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court .

  30. 我有一位初级分析师已经开始备案

    I have a junior analyst who 's started a file .