
  • 网络Filing system;register system
  1. 我国法律规定,商品房预售实行备案制度。

    In China , the statute regulates that the register system is implemented in housing presale .

  2. 论我国行政征缴中的土地备案制度

    Studies on Land-Record System in Levying of Administrative Fee in China

  3. 论地方性法规的批准与备案制度

    On the Approval and Record Systems of Local Regulations

  4. 国家建立放射性同位素备案制度。

    The State establishes a system for radioisotope registration .

  5. 地方性法规备案制度论

    The Theory of Putting Local Regulations For Records

  6. 第六条国家对软件产品实行登记备案制度。

    Article Six The state exercises a system of registration and filing over software products .

  7. 我国图书出版中的重大选题备案制度研究

    Study on the System of Major Subject Selection Putting on Record of Chinese Book Publish

  8. 备案制度作为立法制度的重要组成部分,是立法监督的重要形式。

    The system of serving as a record is an important form of legislative intendance .

  9. 再次,要建立立法信息交流制度和交叉备案制度。

    Third , we must set up the exchange of legislative information systems and cross-filing system .

  10. 法规规章备案制度论

    On Rule and Regulation Filing System

  11. 用工登记备案制度存在些什么问题呢?

    They exist what problem ?

  12. 有学者也指出房屋租赁登记备案制度已没有存在的必要。

    Some scholars have also pointed out that " the rental registration system is no longer necessary " .

  13. 重大选题备案制度是我国图书出版管理制度中的核心制度之一。

    System of Major Project Putting on Record is the key one in the management system of Chinese book publish .

  14. 设定了扣缴登记和合同备案制度,从源头上控制税源信息;

    The Interim Measures establishes a withholding register and contract record system , in order to control tax source information ;

  15. 房屋租赁登记备案制度,是国家为了加强对房地产租赁市场的管理而设立的。

    House tenancy register records system is designed by the state to strengthen the administration of the real estate tenancy market .

  16. 第三,通过限制主体,规范形式,确立私了备案制度来规范私了的程序。

    Third , by limiting the main , standard form , compounding the filing system established to regulate the compounding process .

  17. 执行物价部门规定的商品价格和收费标准的申报、备案制度;

    Implement an application and record filing system for commodity prices and service fee rates , as stipulated by the commodity price departments ;

  18. 外汇局将对境内机构境外直接投资及其形成的资产、相关权益实行外汇登记及备案制度。

    SAFE will implement a forex registration and filing system on the assets and related gains obtained from the offshore direct investment by domestic institutions .

  19. 本文论述了我国关于房屋租赁合同中的登记备案制度的内涵及实质,并阐述了该制度对房屋租赁合同效力的影响。

    This paper describes the system of registration in the contract of house-renting in China , and illustrates its influence on the force of the contract .

  20. 在招投标阶段,主张编制准确的工程量清单,并通过合理的评标手段、实行合同备案制度等控制造价。

    In the bidding stage we advocates the preparation of accurate quantities , and a reasonable means of evaluation and contract filing system to control project cost .

  21. 在本文的最后一部分,主要探讨了如何在出版自由的视角下完善重大选题备案制度。

    At the last part of this paper , the author study how to perfect system of major project putting on record for the freedom of publish .

  22. 我国对招标投标的政府规制主要表现为有形建筑市场制度和工程合同备案制度,但这两种规制模式在不同程度上存在着规制过度。

    There are excess of regulation in tangible construction market and the construction contracts recording system , which are the main government regulation forms in the tendering procedure .

  23. 行政备案制度如能得到进一步完善,有利于提高行政效率,对于行政体制改革在很大程度上起到促进作用。

    If the study of Administrative filing system can be further improved , the administrative efficiency and the reform of administrative system will be improves to a large extent .

  24. 同时应当完善告知制度、机动车所有人基本信息强制备案制度、裁决时效制度以提高行政效率。

    Meanwhile , the chapter states that it should also perfect advising system , mandatory filed system on the information of vehicle owners and adjudication prescription mechanism to improve administrative efficiency .

  25. 应当从规定商品房预售转让的条件和程序、建立商品房预售转让的登记备案制度等几个方面来完善我国商品房预售转让制度。

    We should stipulate the condition and procedure and set up registries rules of pre-paid house transfer , only this can we perfect the system of pre-paid house transfer in our country .

  26. 房屋租赁登记备案制度是国家为了管理租赁市场而规定的要求房屋租赁当事人将房屋租赁合同向房产管理部门登记备案,由房管部门对租赁合同进行审查的制度。

    House tenancy register records system is built for managing the rental market , which regulates house lease parties have the responsibility to rent rental contract to house property management authority to review .

  27. 笔者认为,要更加深入的研究行政备案制度,对于模糊的相关概念的定性,用法律法规性文件使之明确下来是至关重要的。

    The author believes that a more in-depth study of the Administrative filing system can make people know it is crucial to us to formulate laws and regulations documents make fuzzy concepts clear down .

  28. 逐步在我国建立和完善企业间借贷的登记备案制度、借贷准入门槛制度、企业信用评级制度以及监管体制,并以该制度设计为基础,对我国相关立法进行完善及重构。

    Gradually establishing and improving the business registration system , access threshold system , credit rating system and regulatory system , and based on the above systems to design and improve the relevant legislation .

  29. 然后提出了几点相应的完善措施:重新认识备案制度,尽快出台《备案法》,强化备案机构。

    Getting a fresh understanding of the system of putting on file , drawing up the law of putting on file and strengthening organizations of putting on file are most important in solving these problems .

  30. 该制度与公民出版自由的权利关系密切,但是,目前国内学者在研究出版自由问题的时候,大多都忽略了这一制度。本文首先介绍了重大选题备案制度的概念。

    This system has close relation with the right to freedom of the publish , but most of domestic scholars neglect it . First , introduce conception of System of Major Subject Selection Putting on Record .