
sù sònɡ qǐnɡ qiú
  • claim
  1. 您同意任何针对STYLESIGHT提起的诉讼请求或争议均由位于纽约州纽约市的法庭审理。

    You agree that any claim or dispute you may have against STYLESIGHT must be resolved by a court located in New York , NY .

  2. 在法官看来,现行的证券法尚不足以支持她的诉讼请求。

    Because the judge thought that the securities law could support her claim .

  3. 第五十二条原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。

    Article 52 The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims .

  4. 昨日律师向纽约联邦法院提出诉讼请求,指定公司CEOJ。

    The lawsuit , filed yesterday in federal court in New York , names the company as well as CEO J.

  5. 个人诉讼请求因为当事人死亡而终止。

    A personal claim perished on the death of a party .

  6. 其他应当判决驳回诉讼请求的情形。

    Other circumstances where the court shall reject the claims .

  7. 衡平法上的诉讼请求应该由法官先审理。

    The equity claim should be tried first , before the judge .

  8. 变更诉讼请求是当事人的一项重要诉讼权利。

    Change of Litigious claim is an important procedural right of parties .

  9. 驳回起诉和驳回诉讼请求是两个不同的概念。

    Lawsuit rejected and claim overruled are two different concepts .

  10. 这宗诉讼请求对从中国进口的太阳能产品征收关税。

    The complaint requests tariffs against imported Chinese solar products .

  11. 据此,李伟的诉讼请求被驳回。

    Accordingly , Li Wei of the proceedings was denied .

  12. 当事人变更诉讼请求的法理思考

    Reflections on the Change of Litigious Claim by Parties

  13. 判决:驳回滕王阁公司的诉讼请求。

    Decision : rejected Tenwangge Company 's appeal and upheld the original verdict .

  14. 若有法院令状(在1227年),诉讼请求可被执行;

    If a writ existed ( in1227 ) a claim could be enforced ;

  15. 三是驳回当事人的诉讼请求或抗辩。

    ( c ) The parties ' claims or defenses will be rejected .

  16. 判决:驳回宁波通信公司的诉讼请求。

    Decision : rejected claims of Ningbo Communication Company .

  17. 法院宣告合同无效与当事人诉讼请求衔接的探讨

    Approaching People 's Court Declaring Contract Invalid accordant to the Litigant 's Lawsuit Requirement

  18. 此前没有一家法院受理他的诉讼请求。

    Previously he had been unable to get a court to accept his case .

  19. 预期和现实之间的差距经常造成关系紧张并最终形成诉讼请求。

    Differences between expectations and reality often precipitate tension and , ultimately , claims .

  20. 劳动争议仲裁与诉讼请求事项程序性冲突问题研究

    Research on the Conflict about the Claims of Labor Dispute between Arbitration and Litigation

  21. 原判决、裁定遗漏或者超出诉讼请求的;

    Some claims were omitted or exceeded in the original judgment or ruling ; or .

  22. 法律救济的诉讼请求应该由陪审团先审理。

    The claim for legal relief , before a jury , should be tried first .

  23. 有具体的诉讼请求和事实根据;

    There must be a specific claim and a corresponding factual basis for the suit ;

  24. 论美国民事诉讼请求合并规则的演变

    On the Evolution of American Claim Joinder

  25. 基于上述理由,法院判决驳回了原告的诉讼请求。

    Be based on afore-mentioned reason , the court adjudicates the suit that rejected accuser requests .

  26. 驳回诉讼请求判决替代维持判决的观点几成学界通说。

    Dismissal adjudgement alternative to maintaining adjudgment is ruling view several academic judgment into general said .

  27. 也论放弃诉讼请求

    Also Discuss Abnegating of a Suit

  28. 法院驳回诉讼请求。

    The court dismissed the action .

  29. 案由、诉讼请求、争议的事实和理由;

    Cause of action , the claims , facts and cause or causes of the dispute ;

  30. 因此该诉讼请求被驳回。

    The lawsuit was thrown out .