
sù sònɡ qī jiān
  • Litigation period;duration of action;time periods of an action
  1. 司法效率的实现有赖于刑事诉讼法对诉讼期间的科学规范和司法实践对法定期间的严格遵守。

    The effective realization of judicial efficiency depends on the scientific arrangement of duration of action imposed by criminal procedural law and strict observance of prescribed time by judicial practice .

  2. 鉴于双方处于诉讼期间,复星国际和SOHO中国拒绝就计划如何打造这一建筑群的问题提供有关细节。

    Fosun and Soho declined to provide details on their plans for the building , given the lawsuit .

  3. 论诉讼期间权的确立与保护

    On the Establishment and Protection of the Rights in the Accusation Time

  4. 简论我国行政诉讼期间制度的缺陷及重构

    On Defects of Statute of Limitation System for Chinese Administrative Litigation and Its Reconstructions

  5. 关于行政诉讼期间不停止执行制度的几点分析

    Several Analysis of the System of Non-stop Implementation during the Period of the Administrative Lawsuit

  6. 去年夏天,美国地区法官威廉·康利在考虑诉讼期间暂时搁置了这项法律。

    US district judge William Conley placed the law on hold last summer while he considered the lawsuit .

  7. 法庭行动使财产在诉讼期间在接收者的控制下为了所有人的利益而受到保护。

    A court action that places property under the control of a receiver during litigation so that it can be preserved for the benefit of all .

  8. 行政机关无强制执行权而要申请法院执行的行为,在诉讼期间原则上停止执行。

    If the administrative agency has no executive power or has to ask the court to execute the administrative acts , the executive process stops in principle .

  9. 在诉愿及行政诉讼期间,得命提供适额保证,停止执行。

    During the period of administrative appeal and administrative proceedings , the execution of the penalty may be suspended by the provision of bonds in the appropriate amounts .

  10. 文章还就诉讼期间的其他救济措施,包括大陆法系的保全措施命令、英国的玛利华禁令和中国的诉讼保全制度等进行了研究。

    The article also does some researches on other remedy measures , including protective measure from continental law , British Interdiction case , and preservation in litigation in China .

  11. 民事诉讼期间是法院、当事人以及其他诉讼参与人各自完成特定诉讼行为所应遵守的时间限制。

    Tune period of civil procedure is a kind of tune limitation which must be obeyed by court , the party and other participants when they finish respective procedure behaviors .

  12. 被裁决拘留的人或者他的家属能够找到担保人或者按照规定交纳保证金的,在申诉和诉讼期间,原裁决暂缓执行。

    In case a guarantor can be found or bail has been paid according to regulations by the detainee or his family , the original ruling can be suspended temporarily during the time a petition or suit is taking place .

  13. 在第一章中,笔者首先介绍了我国申请执行期限制度的现状,并对现行申请执行期限的性质进行分析,得出申请执行期限在性质上是诉讼期间的结论。

    In the chapter one , author give information about the system of the duration of application for enforcement . Then author analyse the nature of the duration of application and draw a conclusion that its nature is duration of civil procedural law .

  14. 在禁令救济之外,美国的诉讼期间商业秘密保全制度、337调查中的商业秘密保护制度,也为我国商业秘密法律保护和救济体系的构建和完善起到拾遗补阙的作用。

    Besides ban relief , the preserving system of trade secrets during the litigation period and the protecting system of trade secrets in the 337 survey also make up for the building and perfection of the law protecting and relief system of trade secrets in our country .

  15. 第一百三十六条下列的诉讼时效期间为一年:

    Article 136 The limitation of action shall be one year in cases concerning the following :

  16. 从中止时效的原因消除之日起,诉讼时效期间继续计算。

    The limitation shall resume on the day when the grounds for the suspension are eliminated .

  17. 第一百三十七条诉讼时效期间从知道或者应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。但是,从权利被侵害之日起超过二十年的,人民法院不予保护。

    Article 137 A limitation of action shall begin when the entitled person knows or should know that his rights have been infringed .

  18. 未参加登记的权利人在诉讼时效期间提起诉讼的,适用该判决、裁定。

    Such judgments or written orders shall apply to those who have not registered their rights but have instituted legal proceedings during period of limitation of the action .

  19. 上周,联邦上诉法院判决表示,诉讼进行期间,Aereo可以继续运营。

    A federal appeals court last week ruled that Aereo can keep operating while their lawsuit against the company proceeds .

  20. 从中断时起,诉讼时效期间重新计算。

    A new limitation shall be counted from the time of the discontinuance .

  21. 民事权利诉讼时效期间的起算问题

    On the problem of accounting the time periods of civil rights ' extinctive prescription

  22. 有特殊情况的,人民法院可以延长诉讼时效期间。

    Under special circumstances , the people 's court may extend the limitation of action .

  23. 论诉讼时效期间的起算&以未定期限债权为客体的分析路径

    Time Limits of Litigation : When to Start ? & A Analyzing Approach with Timeless Debt as an Object

  24. 笔者认为保证合同的诉讼时效期间不能长于主债务的诉讼时效期间。

    The author thought guarantee contract limitation of lawsuit period cannot excel in the main debt limitation of lawsuit period .

  25. 保证期间与主合同诉讼时效期间和保证合同诉讼时效期间相互独立。

    The guaranty term is separated from the limitation of the action both of the main contract and the guaranty contract .

  26. 第一百三十七条诉讼时效期间从知道或者应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。

    Article 137 A limitation of action shall begin when the entitled person knows or should know that his rights have been infringed upon .

  27. 第一百三十八条超过诉讼时效期间,当事人自愿履行的,不受诉讼时效限制。

    Article 138 If a party chooses to fulfil obligations voluntarily after the limitation of action has expired , he shall not be subject to the limitation .

  28. 不应允许当事人随意通过协议改变诉讼时效期间,诉讼时效利益也不可预先抛弃。

    The parties should not be allowed to change arbitrarily the limitation period by agreement , and the interests of limitation must not be abandoned in advance .

  29. 从理论上分析保证责任期间的性质为除斥期间,而非诉讼时效期间。诉讼时效与除斥期间区分标准之再探索

    Nature of period of liability for guaranty is theoretically analyzed . A Probe into a Line of Distinction between Procedural Prescription and the terms of Validity of Right

  30. 从主观标准和客观标准相结合的原则来考虑,诉讼时效期间应从请求权人知道或应当知道请求权的实现受到被请求权人阻碍时起计算。

    When in this circumstance the prescription period should be calculated when the lighter knows or should know that the realization of Anspruch has been stopped by his opponent .