
  • 网络limitation of action
  1. 第一百三十六条下列的诉讼时效期间为一年:

    Article 136 The limitation of action shall be one year in cases concerning the following :

  2. 第一百三十七条诉讼时效期间从知道或者应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。但是,从权利被侵害之日起超过二十年的,人民法院不予保护。

    Article 137 A limitation of action shall begin when the entitled person knows or should know that his rights have been infringed .

  3. 从中止时效的原因消除之日起,诉讼时效期间继续计算。

    The limitation shall resume on the day when the grounds for the suspension are eliminated .

  4. 未参加登记的权利人在诉讼时效期间提起诉讼的,适用该判决、裁定。

    Such judgments or written orders shall apply to those who have not registered their rights but have instituted legal proceedings during period of limitation of the action .

  5. 从中断时起,诉讼时效期间重新计算。

    A new limitation shall be counted from the time of the discontinuance .

  6. 民事权利诉讼时效期间的起算问题

    On the problem of accounting the time periods of civil rights ' extinctive prescription

  7. 有特殊情况的,人民法院可以延长诉讼时效期间。

    Under special circumstances , the people 's court may extend the limitation of action .

  8. 论诉讼时效期间的起算&以未定期限债权为客体的分析路径

    Time Limits of Litigation : When to Start ? & A Analyzing Approach with Timeless Debt as an Object

  9. 笔者认为保证合同的诉讼时效期间不能长于主债务的诉讼时效期间。

    The author thought guarantee contract limitation of lawsuit period cannot excel in the main debt limitation of lawsuit period .

  10. 保证期间与主合同诉讼时效期间和保证合同诉讼时效期间相互独立。

    The guaranty term is separated from the limitation of the action both of the main contract and the guaranty contract .

  11. 第一百三十七条诉讼时效期间从知道或者应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。

    Article 137 A limitation of action shall begin when the entitled person knows or should know that his rights have been infringed upon .

  12. 第一百三十八条超过诉讼时效期间,当事人自愿履行的,不受诉讼时效限制。

    Article 138 If a party chooses to fulfil obligations voluntarily after the limitation of action has expired , he shall not be subject to the limitation .

  13. 不应允许当事人随意通过协议改变诉讼时效期间,诉讼时效利益也不可预先抛弃。

    The parties should not be allowed to change arbitrarily the limitation period by agreement , and the interests of limitation must not be abandoned in advance .

  14. 从理论上分析保证责任期间的性质为除斥期间,而非诉讼时效期间。诉讼时效与除斥期间区分标准之再探索

    Nature of period of liability for guaranty is theoretically analyzed . A Probe into a Line of Distinction between Procedural Prescription and the terms of Validity of Right

  15. 从主观标准和客观标准相结合的原则来考虑,诉讼时效期间应从请求权人知道或应当知道请求权的实现受到被请求权人阻碍时起计算。

    When in this circumstance the prescription period should be calculated when the lighter knows or should know that the realization of Anspruch has been stopped by his opponent .

  16. 第一百三十五条向人民法院请求保护民事权利的诉讼时效期间为二年,法律另有规定的除外。

    Article 135 Except as otherwise stipulated by law , the limitation of action regarding applications to a people 's court for protection of civil rights shall be two years .

  17. 超过诉讼时效期间的债权债务处于法律不再调整的自然状态,自然状态下的债权人的债权或者权利人的权利在学理上被称为“裸体权利”。

    Claims and debts out of limitations of actions are beyond the legal regulation , and creditors ′ rights under such natural circumstances are known as " naked rights " in theory .

  18. 诉讼时效期间是诉讼时效制度中的一项重要内容,它直接关系到请求权人的权利能否继续获得法律强制保护的问题。

    The negative prescription period is an important content within the negative prescription system , it directly relate to the creditor 's right that if can continue to be protect by laws .

  19. 由于诉讼时效期间是一定的,在司法实践中诉讼时效案件的争议焦点多集中于诉讼时效的起算。

    Due to the limitation of action is certain limitation of actions in the judicial practice cases a focus of controversy is more concentrated in the starting of the limitation of actions .

  20. 在实践中,对于是否允许当事人约定改变诉讼时效期间以及是否允许当事人预先放弃诉讼时效利益两个问题存在着争议。

    In practice , there are controversy on whether to allow the parties agreed to change the limitation period , and whether to allow the parties to give up the interests in advance .

  21. 第一百三十九条在诉讼时效期间的最后六个月内,因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求权的,诉讼时效中止。

    Article 139 A limitation of action shall be suspended during the last six months of the limitation if the plaintiff cannot exercise his right of claim because of force majeure or other obstacles .

  22. 约定保证期间既非诉讼时效期间,亦非除斥期间,《担保法》第25条第2款以及第26条第2款均为有利于债权人之解释性规定。

    The contractual guarantee period is neither period of prescription nor period of exclusion in nature . Article 25.2 and article 26.2 of the PRC Security Law are both interpretative provisions which are beneficial to the creditor .

  23. 保证合同生效后,保证债权的诉讼时效期间开始计算,适用普通诉讼时效的规定,与保证期间无直接联系。

    After the guaranty contract comes into force , it puts a beginning to the limitation of action of the guaranty contract , which should applies the normal limitation of action and have no direct connection with the guaranty term .

  24. 在实行完全的实体权利消灭主义同时,可适度延长诉讼时效期间,借助于债法的不当得利和撤销权制度,弥补完全的实体权利消灭主义立法模式可能带来的不公平。

    In the same time , the unfair of models of extinguishment of essential substantive right can be modified by the way of extending period of limitation and the function of unjust advantage and right of revocation in debt law .

  25. 因产品存在缺陷造成损害要求赔偿的诉讼时效期间为二年,自当事人知道或者应当知道其权益受到损害时起计算。

    The limitation period for bringing an action for damages arising from the defect of a product is two years , counting from the day when the party concerned knew or should have known the infringement of his rights and interests .

  26. 建议未来立法采台湾地区民法成例,将返还原物请求权的诉讼时效期间设定为15年,并且将已登记不动产之上的返还请求权排除在诉讼时效的适用范围之外。

    Recommendations for future legislation is that adopted the practice which established in Taiwan , setting the time period of 15 years for return claiming right . And registered the right based on real estate in the exclusion from the scope of the object of extinctive prescription .

  27. 然而,保证期间的性质究竟是什么,应该如何加以确定以及怎样认识保证期间与诉讼时效期间之间的相互影响等一系列的问题,一直伴随着这样那样的争议,影响着保证期间效力的发挥。

    But the problems as what the basic character of the duration of guaranty is , how to determine it , and how to distinguish the duration of guaranty with the prescription of action are still in argue , and deduce the effect of the duration of guaranty .

  28. �因环境污染损害赔偿提起诉讼的时效期间为三年,从当事人知道或者应当知道受到污染损害时起计算。

    The limitation period for prosecution with respect to compensation for environmental pollution losses shall be three years , counted from the time when the party becomes aware of or should become aware of the pollution losses .

  29. 第四十二条因环境污染损害赔偿提起诉讼的时效期间为三年,从当事人知道或者应当知道受到污染损害时起计算。

    Article 42 . The limitation period for prosecution with respect to compensation for environmental pollution losses shall be three years , counted from the time when the party becomes aware of or should become aware of the pollution losses .

  30. 对于诉讼时效起算点和期间变动宜进一步具体化和细致化。

    The starting-point and duration-change of civil prescription in our country should be particularized and concrete .