
  • 【法】suspension of action limitation
  1. 同时,诉讼时效的中止、中断与当事人对已过诉讼时效的债务的重新确认是完全不同的事情,应予严格区别。

    Moreover , we should strictly differentiate among suspension , inter-ruption and parties ' reaffirmation of the debts having exceeded the limitation period of action .

  2. 笔者认为,我国诉讼时效的立法应该完善诉讼时效中止制度,增加诉讼时效中止的法定事由,构建诉讼时效不完成制度,以便更好的发挥诉讼时效的制度的功能。

    The author holds the opinion that the legislation of litigation limitation should improve the limitation suspension system and increase the statutory subjects of it and construct the system of uncompleted litigation limitation in order to make full use of the function of litigation limitation system .

  3. 第一百三十九条在诉讼时效期间的最后六个月内,因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求权的,诉讼时效中止。

    Article 139 A limitation of action shall be suspended during the last six months of the limitation if the plaintiff cannot exercise his right of claim because of force majeure or other obstacles .