
  • 网络Appeal Point;USP;key message
  1. 现代硬表面清洗剂的诉求点&方便和对表面安全

    Claims of modern hard surface cleaners & convenience and safety for surface

  2. 试析汽车商品广告词的诉求点

    On Appealing Point of Advertising Claims of Cars

  3. 还可以借助产品的部分标识作为诉求点。

    You also could use product 's part identification to be a glittery point .

  4. 对房地产广告创意和媒体两大方面分别进行阐述,探讨最佳的创意诉求点,最优的媒体组合策略。

    We discuss the best idea and media tactic from the originality and media .

  5. 20世纪电视和广告的结盟产生了电视广告这一强势广告媒体。如今,电视广告正呈现出日趋鲜明的发展趋势,即诉求点的小型化、精致化特色;

    The alignment of TV and advertisement in the 20th century saw the rising of a powerful advertising media & TV advertisement .

  6. 从争议程度上看,民众、政府和税务机关各有利益点和诉求点。

    Extent from the controversial point of view , people , government and tax authorities have their own interests and aspirations of points .

  7. 香水广告一个经久不衰的诉求点就是香水能说话,能传递有关香水使用者的信息。

    There 's a long-running trope in perfume advertising that perfume speaks , and what it broadcasts is a message about its wearer .

  8. 这四类利益主体在社区旅游发展过程中的利益诉求点不一致,其相互之间必然经历反复的利益和权力博弈。

    These four kinds of core stakeholders pursue different interests during the process of tourism development , which would cause iterative games of interest and power among them .

  9. 这为军队政治部门了解官兵的关注和诉求点,掌握部队舆情提供了真实而丰富的素材。

    This helps political departments better understand the attention and aspirations of army officers and soldiers and also provides a rich and true way to study the public opinion in the military .

  10. 对同质化提出了找准诉求点,创新解决方法,品牌建设、塑造个性三项解决方案,对应用增值服务做了拓展。

    And to the question of homogenization propose three solutions , identify the selling point , and innovative solutions , brand building , shaping the personality . And expand value-added services for applications .

  11. 首先,第一章选取2010年度合肥市主要纸质媒体中刊登的房地产广告为研究样本,对房地产广告的诉求点进行分类总结和一定的阐述。

    First of all , the first chapter select 2010 annual hefei in the main paper media published as research samples , and real estate advertisement for real estate advertisement of claim points classification summary and discussed as well .

  12. 品牌核心诉求点:“慢调悠闲生活”:生活简朴而优雅,简单而慵懒的生活方式,浓厚的艺术气息,宁静而和谐,在沉稳质感中融入悠闲舒适。

    Core demands of the brand : " Slow adjustment leisurely life ": Life simple and elegant , simple and lazy way of life , strong art , quiet and harmonious , calm in the integration of leisure in comfort .

  13. 但中国目前的广告效果测评主要还是局限于广告局部的测评,集中在广告领域本身分析某一广告活动的效果,以便决定怎样去表达诉求点和创意。

    However , today the test of advertising effect is limited in the partial test in china . The test is located in the advertising field to evaluate the effect of promotion and to decide how to express the available ideas and medias .

  14. 每则房地产广告的诉求点比较多,热销和生活质量是两个重要的诉求点,多数广告(72.5%)还提到价格,广告中的促销和活动介绍越来越多;

    Almost every real estate advertisement appealed to several points among which well-sell and the quality of life were often mentioned . Besides 72.5 per cent of the real estates advertisements referred to prices , while the tool of sales promotion was also used more and more often .

  15. 主要从产品设计过程中情感诉求的出发点,情感诉求的载体以及情感诉求的特点等3个方面来进行探讨和阐述。

    The article is to discuss and consider it with the following aspects : the starting point , the medium and the feature .

  16. 教育公正作为教育制度伦理的核心范畴,也必然成为教育政策价值诉求的基本点。

    The education justice , as the core content of the education institutional ethics , should be the basic value pursued by educational policy .

  17. 就我国少儿报刊的功能而言,它兼具经济属性和社会属性,以企业发展诉求为出发点追求商业利益的最大化的同时,它还肩负引导舆论、传播事实的社会功能。

    Enterprise development aspirations as a starting point to the pursuit of commercial interests at the same time , it shoulder to guide the social function of public opinion , disseminate facts .

  18. 本文以广西高校的产学研合作研究生培养模式为研究对象,以利益相关者为研究视角,以满足各利益相关者的利益诉求为研究切入点,目的在于创新产学研合作研究生培养模式。

    In this paper , taking Guangxi universities graduates ' cultivating model as the object of study , in the eyes of the stakeholder perspective to meet the needs of stakeholders ' interests . The purpose is to innovate cooperation of graduates ' cultivating mode .

  19. 笔者尝试将广告分为新闻性广告、娱乐性广告和情感性广告。分类标准依照诉求形式,出发点则是方便探讨这些广告形式在群体效应方面不同的表现。

    The author tries to divide these Ad into journalistic Ad , Entertaining Ad and Emotional Ad , The classification criterion is according to the forms of the appeal , intending to make it easy to explore the different expression of these advertising forms on the group effect .