
jìn ɡōnɡ xìnɡ
  • offensive;aggressiveness
  1. 究竟什么可称作进攻性武器仍然难以界定。

    Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area .

  2. 我没有理会他的进攻性的语言。

    I took no notice of his offensive remarks .

  3. 此次峰会以签订具有历史性意义的《削减进攻性战略武器条约》宣告圆满成功。

    The summit was crowned by the signing of the historic START treaty .

  4. 防守中,逼抢对方进攻性中场,帮助保护防线

    In defence , he harries attacking midfielders and helps protect the defensive line .

  5. 与由微生物组成的蛋白质相反,使用DNA可以诱导出免疫系统的更强有力和有进攻性的反应。

    Using DNA , as opposed to proteins made by a microbe , elicits a more vigorous , aggressive response from the immune system .

  6. 由于GPS信号功率很弱,极易受到干扰,实际上GPS干扰就是现代战争的一种进攻性措施,可以降低对方现代化武器的使用效能。

    Due to the poor GPS signal power being vulnerable to interference , GPS jamming is actually a modern war offensive measure , which can reduce the use of other modern weapons performance .

  7. 与高盛的和解或许实现了第一个目标,但这也表明,SEC仍未能朝着更有进攻性的方向发挥其更广泛的监管职能。

    The settlement may have accomplished the first goal . But it also showed the SEC 's continuing failure to take its wider regulatory role in a more aggressive direction .

  8. 其基本特性是强烈的进攻性:Fairbairn最初把这部分的自体称之为内在破坏者。

    Fairbairn had earlier called this part of the self the Internal Saboteur .

  9. 他们的风格不具进攻性,但是非常持久稳固,只是INFP们并不愿意担任领导职务。

    Their style is not an aggressive one but is highly persistent ; only reluctantly do INFPs assume leadership roles .

  10. 本章运用SWOT分析法,对中国企业海外并购的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁进行了深入分析,进而提出相应的战略模式选择:合作性战略模式、进攻性战略模式和防御性战略模式。

    In this section , the SWOT method is applied to deeply analyses the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats , based on which the strategic modes are proposed : cooperative strategic mode , offensive strategic mode and the defensive strategic mode .

  11. 在访问学校的过程中,凯特王妃还加入了学生的歌舞“Head,FeetandToes”。威廉王子也兴致勃勃地参与了一种当地的快速略带进攻性的排球运动,此外威廉还用一把大砍刀切开了一个大椰子。

    During a tour of a school , Duchess Kate also joined in with a song-and-dance routine of " Head , Feet and Toes . " William also tried out a local sport , a fast , aggressive version of volleyball - and he also chopped open a coconut with a machete !

  12. Restrepo也发现了当小鼠从一个笼子转移到另一个时,其心理进攻性水平发生了极大的变化以至于“判若两鼠”。

    Restrepo also found profound changes in the levels of aggression when mice are moved from one type of cage to another .

  13. 理解进攻性现实主义:继承、超越、困境和启示

    Understanding Offensive Realism : Heritage , Surpass , Dilemmas and Indications

  14. 十月间,他开始谈到进攻性的导弹基地了。

    In October he began to talk about offensive missile bases .

  15. 看看它的反应是冷静、害羞、还是有进攻性。

    Note if he 's calm , shy , or aggressive .

  16. 论现代足球运动员进攻性跑位意识

    The Analysis on the Attacking Position Sense of Modern Soccer Players

  17. 弹道导弹是现代战争中极具威胁的进攻性武器。

    Ballistic missiles are extremely perilous offensive weapons in modern warfare .

  18. 时光百合并无进攻性,也无法做出攻击动作。

    A chronolily is non-aggressive and can take no attack action .

  19. 布莱尔的批评是针对那些推销和销售进攻性物资的公司。

    Blair aimed his criticism at corporations promoting and distributing offensive materials .

  20. 他更具进攻性、跑动更多。

    He 's more of an aggressive , running player .

  21. 这是一项进攻性很强的运动,同时它也得讲究技巧。

    It 's an aggressive sport . It 's also very technical .

  22. 目的研究装甲部队进攻性演习疾病发生规律。

    Objective Study on the disease of armoured force during attacking manoeuvres .

  23. 球的转移和人员跑动非得更有进攻性。

    They have to move the ball and themselves offensively .

  24. 进攻性现实主义与美国布什政府的进攻性战略

    The Offensive Realism and the Offensive Strategy of Bush Government of America

  25. 关于进一步限制进攻性战略武器谈判的基本原则

    Basic Principles of Negotiations on the Further Limitations of Strategic Offensive Arms

  26. 摘要进攻性现实主义是一种具有较强政策内涵的理论。

    Offensive realism is a practical theory available for the foreign policy .

  27. 所以你们对进攻性的看法是完全错误的。

    So your idea of aggression is completely wrong .

  28. 三个讲塞尔维亚语的蒙面男子挥动着进攻性武器伏击了警车。

    Three masked men speaking Serbian and brandishing assault weapons ambush the car .

  29. 她说,我们浑然不觉地激发出了妮娜的进攻性。

    We had , she said , inadvertently brought out Nina 's aggressiveness .

  30. 进攻性现实主义的理论逻辑及其批判

    The Theoretical Logic of Offensive Realism and Its Critique