
  • 网络Mass Marketing;mass-marketing
  1. 基于竞争情报下的精确营销是不同于大众营销的一种新的营销方式。

    Precise marketing based on competition information is a new kind of marketing mode which is different with mass marketing .

  2. 需求营销是大众营销的产物,需求营销理论已渐渐丧失指导营销实践的功能。

    The need marketing strategy is a result of mass marketing , which neglects the function of leading the marketing action .

  3. 如何才能让POLO脱颖而出,也一直是上海大众营销团队在营销策略上所要达成的重要目标之一。

    So how to make it distinguished from others is always one of the main goals Volkswagen marketing team try to achieve .

  4. 随着市场细分化程度不断加深,营销活动由大众营销开始走向分众营销、甚至一对一营销。

    As the market separation deepen , the marketing activities changed form mass marketing to small mass , even one to one .

  5. 此外在对推荐系统的研究中我们注意到,进入网络经济时代,大众营销策略已经没落。

    Also in the study of recommender system , we noticed mass marketing has been replaced by data-driven one to one marketing .

  6. 在科技热潮期间,私人银行开始向那些新生富豪大献殷勤,也采取了工业化的大众营销模式。

    During the tech boom , when private banks began to court the newly affluent , they also moved into industrialised mass-marketing mode .

  7. 传统的大众营销模式已难以适应市场竞争的需要,商业银行必须在营销方面实现变革。

    The traditional public marketing mode is already hard to match to the market competition , the commercial bank must bring about a reform in the marketing .

  8. 本章首先明确了一汽-大众数据库营销的意义,即一汽-大众通过实施数据库营销,可以获取巨大的市场竞争优势,对于企业的长远发展具有十分重要的战略意义。

    The chapter first introduces the meaning of database marketing , namely Faw-Volkswagen can gain enormous competitive advantage by implementing database marketing , and this has very important strategic significance .

  9. 随后,对一汽-大众数据库营销的体系进行了介绍,从网络建设、产品定位、价格策略、促销策略四个方面展开,并分析了存在的问题及其原因。

    Secondly , it introduces the system of Faw-Volkswagen database marketing from four aspects of network construction , product positioning , price strategy and promotion strategy and analyzes the existing problems and reasons .

  10. 美国司法部在上周五提交给法庭的一份文件中表示,苹果反对帮助执法部门看来“是基于对公司商业模式及其大众品牌营销战略的考虑。”

    In a court filing on Friday , the Justice Department said Apple 's opposition to helping law enforcement appeared " to be based on its concern for its business model and public brand marketing strategy . "

  11. 本文阐述了一对一营销的产生和发展,介绍了一对一营销的概念和主要观点,并描述了一对一营销的实施步骤,分析了一对一营销与大众化营销的关系。

    This thesis elaborate the generation and development of one-to-one marketing , introduce the concept and main points of one-to-one marketing , and describe the implementation step of one-to-one marketing , analysis the relationship between one-to-one marketing and traditional marketing .

  12. 一汽&大众奥迪轿车营销策略研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of Faw-Volkswagen Audi Cars

  13. 另外,一汽-大众自身也存在营销模式老化、产品规划不利等方面的问题,市场份额出现下滑趋势。

    In addition , there are problems in FAW-Volkswagen , such as marketing model aging , negative aspects of product planning , and so on .

  14. 经过几年努力,伊丽莎白o雅顿公司发现利用大众化市场渠道营销的策略使公司很容易受到低端市场影响:几年前,一家大众市场零售商大批量减少了订单,致使伊丽莎白o雅顿公司的销售业绩出现大幅下滑。

    It also has found itself very exposed to the lower-end market after years of pushing into the mass market channel : a couple of years ago , it got dinged when a mass market retailer dramatically cut back on orders .