
  • 网络The Grand Design;Design
  1. 《大设计》预计于下周上市。

    " The Grand Design " is due to go on sale next week .

  2. 谈服装设计中的大设计观

    On the Grand Design Idea in Garment Designing

  3. 你在为这个大设计家工作,不是吗?

    You work for this big designer , right ?

  4. 负责与全国各大设计院建立业务关系,形成有效的市场信息搜集渠道。

    Be in charge of good relationship established with technical institutes around China as well as the information collected distribution .

  5. 然后再分别针对六大设计目标,提出多样化的设计策略,达到分析问题、解决问题的目的。

    Then for each of six design goals propose a variety of design strategies , reaching the goal of analyzing and solving problems .

  6. 家具仿生设计在上个世纪得到了蓬勃发展,翻开各大设计比赛的获奖名单就可以发现总有仿生家具列于其上。

    Bionic designs of furniture have been developed greatly in last century , and you could always find bionic form furniture in all kinds of design awards .

  7. 霍金68岁,他说,由于重力的存在,宇宙可以从无到有,将创造自己在他的著作“大设计”。

    Hawking , 68 , says in his book " The Grand Design " that , given the existence of gravity , the universe can and will create itself from nothing .

  8. 提出了技术美学的十大设计准则。结合矿山机械从不同角度论述了机械产品美学设计的重要性

    This paper analyzes the basic contents and describes the design rules of the aesthetics , then associates with the mine mechanical products design , and talks about the importances of the aesthetic design

  9. 大设计概念现在在服装设计界里不断地被提出并运作、全面渗透到企业的服装品牌的设计中,并被拓展到服装的相关产业当中。

    In the design community , the grand design idea is now continuously used and then completely infiltrates through the design of garment brands in enterprises . And it is also expanded into related industry .

  10. 大设计是一种新的设计观念,我们可以从设计的规模、内涵及对一个时代或历史具有的影响力这三个层面上来理解。

    The grand design idea is a new design one . We can understand it from the three aspects : the designing scale , the designing connotation and the influence in a time and history .

  11. 为了达到实现构建和谐的田园化乡村,提出了重新唤醒地方乡村审美意识、提出乡村景观大设计的概念和探索符合我国乡村特征的现代乡村景观语汇这三个策略措施。

    In order to realize the harmonious countryside there are three policy can be use which is puts forward ruralize resurrects local village aesthetic consciousness , put forward the concept design rural landscape as a whole and explore a modern rural landscape vocabulary fit for rural characteristics of our country .

  12. FET基波和谐波振荡器的大信号设计

    The large-signal design for FET fundamental and harmonic oscillators

  13. 自由空间光通信(freespaceopticalcommunication,FSO)是一种采用红外激光承载高速信号的无线传输技术,具有成本低、容量大、设计简单、接入方便等优势。

    Free space optical communication ( FSO ) is a type of wireless transmission technology which transmission the high-speed signal by infrared laser . It is characterized by the low cost , great capacity , simple to design and convenient to access .

  14. 就其车内的大空间设计而言,菲亚特500L在美国的竞争对手包括小众的可爱呆瓜日产Cube(厂商建议零售价16760美元(约合人民币10.4万元))和起亚秀尔(KiaSoul)。

    In terms of its big-on-the-inside packaging , the 500L 's competitors in the U.S. include niche-y , adorable blockheads Nissan Cube ( $ 16760 MSRP ) and Kia Soul .

  15. 另外,考虑到CIC在通带频率内对有用信号的衰减比较大,设计了补偿滤波器进行补偿处理,并且实现了降采样2倍。

    Moreover , after considering the large amplitude attenuation effect of CIC filter on useful signals in the passband frequency , a compensation filter was designed , and 2 times down-sampling was realized .

  16. Siplet存在于更大的设计中,包括许多用于服务的实现中的其他类和库API。

    The SIP Servlet exists in a larger design , one that includes a number of other classes and library APIs that are used in the implementation of the service .

  17. 结果表明,由GTM设计出的沥青混合料抗车辙及水稳性能较之大马歇尔设计方法有明显的提高。

    As a result , the resisting rut performance and moisture susceptibility of asphalt admixture which is designed by GTM contain obvious exaltation than that is designed by marshall .

  18. 采用Prony算法为一个单机无穷大系统设计的FPSS作仿真试验,仿真结果显示了其可行性和有效性,为FPSS的设计提供了一种新方法。

    A single-machine infinite-bus system with FPSS designed by Prony algorithm is tested , and the simulative results show its feasibility and effectiveness , which provides a new way for FPSS design .

  19. 伸缩缝处超长剪力墙大模板设计与施工

    Design of super long shear wall formwork in expansion joint

  20. 其中环境设计包括讯息设计、布局设计与大环境设计。

    Environmental design includes instructional message design , layout design and context design .

  21. 关于大中桥设计流量计算方法的探讨

    Discussion on the calculation methods of large and medium-size bridges ' design runoff

  22. 某地铁区间轨排井基坑围护结构变形过大的设计调整

    The Design Modify of Large Deformation in a Subway Foundation Pit Support Structure

  23. 多支出这么大的设计费公司内是怎么讨论的呢?

    Spending such a large number of companies is how to design costs ?

  24. 低电阻、低损耗、小体积大电流设计。

    Low DCR , lower loss , low profile package with large current design .

  25. 关于国外高层办公楼空调水系统大温差设计的探讨

    A Research about Big Temperature Difference Design of AC Water System in Tower Office

  26. 空调冷冻水系统大温差设计的能耗分析

    Analysis on Energy Consumption of Large Temperature Difference in Air Conditioning Chilled Water System

  27. 建筑装饰的文化个性&咸阳大剧院设计

    Cultural character of public decorative design

  28. 不锈钢结构,坚固耐用,侧面大开门设计,清理方便;

    Solid and durable stainless steel structure , large side access door design contribute to easy cleaning ;

  29. 给大嘴巴设计一个圈套,告诉她关于你自己的一个谎言,一再强调这是高度机密。

    Trap the big mouth by telling her a lie about yourself that you emphasize is top secret .

  30. 让留下操纵机器人的工人拥有更大的设计发言权,也能提振其士气。

    A bigger say in design can also lift the morale of workers kept on to operate robots .