
  • 网络Universities, middle schools and primary schools;Great schools
  1. 土壤样品采自于大中小学、幼儿园、广场、绿地和路边,采用GC-MS分析了其中16种EPA优先监测的多环芳烃。

    Soil samples were collected from campuses of universities , schools and kindergartens , public squares , fallow land and roadsides , and were analyzed for 16 PAHs by GC-MS.

  2. 美术教育是一项贯穿于大中小学的学科。

    Art education is a major primary and secondary schools throughout the disciplines .

  3. (大学或美国大中小学的)假期暑假期间他去俄罗斯了。

    During his summer vacation he visited Russia .

  4. 大中小学各学段学生学习适应性的差异及其衔接教育

    Difference in study adaptability and the linking education of students in universities , middle and primary schools

  5. 老人能延长寿命,大中小学学生也能睡足睡好。

    Do following the passage , the people should sleep well include the old man and the students .

  6. 如果这种方法被大中小学所采用,将会引发一场英语学习的灾难。

    If this method is adopted in the classes of middle school and university , it 'll be a disaster .

  7. 对体育课程整体设计(大中小学课程衔接)的研究

    Research on Physical Education Curriculum Design as a Whole in Primary Schools , Middle Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning

  8. 一批开放教育出版商现在就在致力于解决上面这个问题,而且逐渐赢得了大中小学的信任。

    A cadre of so-called open-education publishers is slowly beginning to gain the trust of schools and university systems by posing that question .

  9. 大中小学德育内容的衔接,是一个重要的理论与实践问题。

    It is an important theoretical and practical issue to connect the moral education contents among primary school , secondary school and college .

  10. 多首(篇)诗文被选入大中小学教材和辅导教材,多首诗刻于名山。

    A great number of his poetry have been selected into the teaching materials and supplement materials for the students with different levels ;

  11. 大中小学体育与健康课程中体操类项目的教学设计研究

    A Study on Teaching Design of Gymnastic Course Contents in P.E. & Health Curriculum for Colleges , and High Schools and Elementary Schools

  12. 最后,提出了新时期大学德育的新内容,并研究了学校德育内容体系的衔接问题,提出了大中小学德育内容衔接中应注意的主要问题。

    Thirdly , the paper presents the importance of linkage of moral education content in schools and its major problems to be paid attention .

  13. 下面这些奇思妙语是从大中小学的试卷和作文中收集来的。

    The following gems of wisdom were gleaned from test papers and essays from elementary , junior high , high school , and college students .

  14. 据《英国财产周刊》报道,靠近知名大中小学的房产是中国买家最倾向的选择。

    According to a survey by UK Property Weekly , properties near universities and outstanding primary and secondary schools are the most preferable location for Chinese buyers .

  15. 近几年来,我们武术教师一直在思考武术教学的改革,思考如何在各大中小学能更好地传播和开展中华武术。

    In recent years , our Wushu teachers are always studying the reform of Wushu teaching and how to teach China traditional Wushu in our elementary and middle schools .

  16. 探究实验室为学生提供必要的探究工具,被认为是进一步深化改改革,切实提高教学质量的关键,目前已被各大中小学广泛的配备使用。

    Exploring laboratory , which provides necessary exploring tools for the students , is considered the key of further reforming and improving the teaching quality , and has now been widely used in many schools .

  17. 通过对河北省部分大中小学的体育课及训练课的调查,发现放松活动在一次课中所占地位并不突出。

    By an investigation about sports class and training made in most primary and middle schools of Hebei province , it is found that relaxation activities in a class are not paid enough attention to .

  18. 通过在全国大中小学广泛开展校园足球活动,形成校园足球文化,从而培养全面发展、特长突出的青少年足球后备人才。

    Through developing the campus football activity in the national big , middle and primary school widely , finally forming the campus football culture , to cultivate those youth football reserved talented person who are all-round development and specialty prominent .

  19. 塞尔维亚严谨的教练员培养制度,培养出大批优秀的教练员,他们分布于国内各个俱乐部、大中小学、篮球学校,是后备人才迅速成长的根本保障。

    Rigorous system of training coaches of Serbian , trained a large number of outstanding coaches , they spread out in all domestic club , the primary and middle schools , basketball school , is the fundamental guarantee of rapid growth of reserve talents .

  20. 田径是体育运动之母,是所有运动项目中最为普及也最易推广的运动项目之一,无论在大中小学还是社区体育活动当中,田径运动都得到了广泛推广。

    Athletics is the mother of sports , one of the most popular and the easiest to be popularized among all the sports . In primary schools , secondary schools , universities and community sports activities , track and field sports have been widely spread .