
  • 网络research topic
  1. 文章从多个方面探讨这一伟大发现给我们带来的启示:正确的科研选题,密切的科技合作,恰当的科学方法,合理的创造性思维等等,这些都是发现DNA结构的关键。

    This paper discusses the inspiration this great discovery brins us from many aspects : correct scientific research topic selection , intimate science and technology cooperation , appropriate scientific method , rational creativeness thought-These are all keys to discovering DNA double spiral structure .

  2. 现代思维方式在体育科研选题中的应用

    Application of Modern Thinking Mode to Selecting Research Topic of Sports Sciences

  3. 目的了解科学引文索引(SCI)收录阿尔茨海默病相关文献的情况,为科研选题、科技合作与交流以及科研成果发表提供有益的参考。

    Objective To find out information of Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) related literatures cited by science citation index ( SCI ), and to offer references to selecting scientific research items , scientific cooperation and intercommunion , and publishing scientific papers .

  4. 科技以人为本与护理科研选题

    Human-centered Science and Technology and Topic Selecting of Nursing Scientific Research

  5. 论创造性与科学性的冲突和消解&从库恩的科学发展模式看科研选题原则

    On Solving the Contradiction between the Creative Principle and Scientific Principle

  6. 护理科研选题中的经验与体会

    Experience and Takings in Selection of Research Topics on Nursing

  7. 从挑战杯论大学生科研选题

    On Subject Choice Scientific Research for Undergraduates Great challenge accepted

  8. 医学科研选题的原则及技巧

    Principles and Skills of Choosing a Research Topic on Medicine

  9. 管理科学科研选题及其研究方法探析

    Study on Research Subject and Methodology of Management Science

  10. 制约研究生科研选题的几点因素

    Some Factors of Restricting the Selection of Scientific Research Subject of a Postgraduate

  11. 模糊数学在科研选题评价中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Choosing Scientific Research Subjects

  12. 略谈科研选题的一般原则

    On the General Principles of Science Research Selected Topics

  13. 浅论科研选题过程中的创造性

    On Creativity in the Process of Scientific Research Subject-Selecting

  14. 揭示了当前体育科研选题存在的问题。

    The problems existing in current topic-selection were revealed .

  15. 略论地方高等林业院校科研选题的基本要求

    On basic requirement in choosing scientific research subject at . Provincial Forestry Colleges

  16. 科研选题的原则与方法

    The Choice of Research Topics : Principles and Methodology

  17. 科研选题的基本思想

    Basic Idea of Choosing Project in Scientific Research

  18. 科研选题的步骤和原则

    The Steps and Principles of the Selected Project

  19. 培养临床护士护理科研选题的方向与思路

    Direction and Thinking of Cultivation for Nurse to Choose the Subject of Scientific Research

  20. 公路施工管理研究中科研选题的探讨

    Discussions On How to Select the Research Subject concerning Construction and Management of Highway

  21. 科研选题的创新原则

    The Creative Principle for Selecting Scientific Research Issues

  22. 目前护理科研选题趋势分析

    Current Trends Analysis of Nursing Science Research Topic

  23. 关于警察体育科研选题的思考

    The Ideas of Topic Selection on Scientific Research Item for Physical Education of Police

  24. 高职院校科研选题探讨

    A Probe into the Selection of the Theme of Scientific Research in Higher Vocational Colleges

  25. 科研选题的探讨

    Discussion on Selection of Research Projects

  26. 科研选题基本原则中的创造性原则与科学性原则,是可能相互矛盾、互冲突的。

    There is some contradiction between the creative principle and scientific principle in selecting scientific research topics .

  27. 教育、教学科研选题存在的问题刍议&再论科研选题方法

    My Tentative Ideas on the Problems in and the Approaches of Selecting Scientific Questions for Teaching and Educational Discussions

  28. 从我自己的科研选题可以体会到这些方法的引导作用。

    This is a useful way to lead research attention to more health related , and public related questions .

  29. 不同地域条件下农户生产和市场营销行为特征及其对农业科研选题的导向

    The Characteristics of Production and Market Behavior of Farmer Householder for Different Regions and Their Influence on the Selection of Agricultural Research Subjects

  30. 开展科学研究是广大科技工作者的职责,而确立科研选题是进行科研的第一步。

    Developing scientific research is the duty of the overwhelming majority scientific and technological workers . Confirming scientific research topic selection is the first step .