
  1. 天天P图于2014年发行,如今其每月活跃用户量已达1.06亿。

    Launched in 2014 , Pitu has accumulated 106 million monthly active users ( MAUs ) .

  2. 在过去凡年里,随着Internet的普及,P2P流媒体系统用户量快速增长,己成为当前网络最重要的应用之一。

    In the past few years , with the popularity of the Internet , P2P streaming media systems have been widely used by a great number of Internet users .

  3. 一旦用户量上升,公司就会推出高级排名服务(premiumlistings)并从某些活动中收取部分费用,以此来获得现金收入。

    Once usership grows , the company plans to monetize through premium listings and by taking a percentage of revenue from certain programs .

  4. 今年早些时候,Facebook高管宣布英国用户量达到三千万,占全英总人口的一半。

    Earlier this year , executives announced that the number of Facebook accounts held in the UK had reached30million , accounting for about half the population .

  5. 巴特菲尔德称,Slack的业务呈指数增长,用户量每周增长5%。

    Mr Butterfield says the service has been growing exponentially , adding new users at a rate of about 5 per cent a week .

  6. 而现有的仿真平台都是孤立的,不同的系统之间不能够协同工作,不能进行广域分布,不能通过Internet进行交互仿真,不能适应在Internet提供大用户量交互仿真服务。

    However , the platforms at present are all isolated , and the different systems can neither cooperate nor distributing widely , neither carry simulation alternatively through Internet nor accommodate the large scale of alternatively simulation service which provided by the Internet .

  7. 随着Internet的迅速发展和用户量的急剧增加,网络对企业和事业单位的运营和发展日益重要,对需要网上交易或传递重要数据的企事业单位,面临的安全问题也日益严重。

    With the rapid development and the increase of user in Internet , network becomes more and more important to enterprise . The Security problem becomes more and more grave to the enterprise needing to deal or translate important data on network .

  8. 此外,Facebook表示其每月活跃用户量同比增长了14%,达到13.2亿人,而每月活跃移动用户量增长了31%,达到10.7亿人。

    Facebook also said the number of its monthly active users increased 14 % year-over-year to 1.32 billion , while its mobile monthly active users jumped 31 % to 1.07 billion .

  9. 今年,奈飞的提名数依然明显不敌HBO。HBO今年的用户量约为1.3亿,旗下剧集获得了99项提名。

    Its nomination count for 2014 is still drastically dwarfed by HBO , which earned 99 nominations this year and has some 130 million subscribers .

  10. 这种方法能满足近似同步CDMA(AS-CDMA)系统对大用户量的需求。

    This method can satisfy demand of larger user size for approximately synchronized CDMA ( AS-CDMA ) system .

  11. 类似Facebook、淘宝等社交类和在线商城类互联网企业,随着用户量和业务的发展,企业存储系统中的图片数量呈指数级增长,如何有效的存储和管理这些海量数据成为企业面临的巨大挑战。

    With the amount of user increased and business development , the number of enterprise image growth in the exponential such as Facebook , Taobao Mall and other social networking or online internet business .

  12. Facebook发展十分迅速,目前全球用户量已超过5亿,这也使得人们开始担忧其负面影响,但德克萨斯大学的研究人员得出了不同的结论。

    The rapid spread of Facebook , which has more than 500 million users worldwide , has prompted concerns about its negative effects , but researchers at the University of Texas have reached a different conclusion .

  13. 随着因特网用户量的急速增长和业务类型的不断丰富,研制适用于当前IPv4网络和下一代IPv6网络的T比特双栈路由器已经迫在眉睫。

    With the rapid development of Internet and the abundance of services , developing Terabit routers with IP dual-stack to apply the IPv4 / IPv6 network is very important nowadays .

  14. 腾讯总部位于深圳,其微信的月活跃用户量约为6亿,QQ的月活跃用户量约为8.43亿。腾讯现已获得京东15%的股份。

    Shenzhen-based Tencent , which has about 600 million monthly active users on WeChat and 843 million monthly active users on QQ , already owns 15 percent stake in JD.com .

  15. 验证了在用户量为10000的并发用户数为3000的情况下,该数据接口在IPTV多业务运营支撑系统与多业务系统间数据交换的有效性。

    When the number of users is 10000 and the number of concurrent users is 3000 , verified the effectiveness of data exchange between IPTV multi-businesses operation support system and a variety of IPTV business systems .

  16. 而法国与之对应的互联网前身Minitel,用户量的巅峰值是900万。

    The French pre-internet computer network equivalent , Minitel , peaked at 9m .

  17. 从全球来看,Facebook用户量的增速已连续第二个月出现下滑。Facebook的目标是活跃用户达到10亿,但现在不得不依靠发展中国家来增加用户量了。

    Worldwide , the rate of growth has slowed for a second month in a row – and as it aims to reach its goal of one billion active users , Facebook is having to rely on developing countries to boost its numbers .

  18. 在该游戏于7月6日发布的一天之后,其在安卓设备的安装量就已超过Tinder,现在其活跃用户量即将赶超Twitter。

    Just one day after its July 6 release date , it had already been installed on more Android devices than Tinder , and is now looking set to overtake Twitter when it comes to active users .

  19. 本文提出了模糊漏桶模型,研究了它与普通漏桶在用户量参数控制(UPC)中的作用。

    In this paper , we present a fuzzy leaky bucket ( FLB ) model and study its effect with normal leaky bucket ( LB ) in Usage Parameter Control ( UPC ) .

  20. 所以对于大用户量的单向文件传输,本方案具有技术优势。

    So this scheme of file transfer has the advantages .

  21. 公司可为不同用户量身定裁,开发生产特殊规格的产品。

    Xianghe can design and develop new products according to customer 's special requirements .

  22. 去年年底,用户量接近9000。

    The number of users reached nearly 9,000 by the end of last year .

  23. 因为用户量也在增长,数据修改变得越来越慢。

    Because the user base also grew , data changes became slower and slower .

  24. 最后对系统的可靠性以及系统所支持的最大用户量进行了分析。

    Finally , the system reliability and the max users supported by the system are analyzed .

  25. 苹果不断增长的用户量使其产品成为了受犯罪集团攻击的有价值目标。

    Apple 's growing base of users makes its products a more promising target for criminal groups .

  26. 随着国内数字电视网络的建设不断发展,数字电视的用户量和增值业务的规模也在不断扩展。

    With the construction of digital TV network , digital TV subscribers and value-added services continue to expanding .

  27. 这是一个很大的用户量,相当于中国互联网用户的三分之一。

    This is a very large user amount , 1 / 3 what be equivalent to Chinese Internet user .

  28. 在大用户量的情况下,论文提出一种快速认证的整体解决方案,旨在为类似问题提出解决问题的思路。

    At the big customer measure of the circumstance , This paper proposes the whole solution of a fast authentication .

  29. 这些症状经常出现在高并发性环境中,在这种环境中,应用程序必须处理庞大的用户量或负载。

    These symptoms are usually found in a high-concurrency environment where an application must process a large user volume or load .

  30. 为了测试的真实性,本文采用的测试对象是用户量较大的暴风影音播放器。

    To ensure authenticity , Storm Video Player , which has a large number of users , is used as the test sample .