
  • 网络User Account
  1. 在S3中创建的每个bucket和对象都是创建它们的用户账户私有的。

    Each bucket and object created in S3 is private to the user account creating them .

  2. 第一个检查确认AIX主机上是否存在这个用户账户。

    An initial check is carried out making sure the user account is present on the AIX host .

  3. 用于连接DataManager类别数据库的用户账户

    The account to use to connect to the Data Manager catalog database

  4. antecedent参考代表用户账户所在的域。

    The antecedent reference represents the domain the user account exists in .

  5. 该组件是一个储存库,用于持久化用户账户信息,如用户ID和密码、许可和角色,以便提供Web资源的认证和授权。

    This component is a repository for persisting user account information such as user ID and password , permissions , and roles for providing authentication and authorization of Web resources .

  6. 今年6月谷歌表示,使用谷歌Apps的企业已达500万家,总共有数千万个别用户账户。

    Google said in June that it had 5m businesses using Google Apps , totalling tens of millions of individual user accounts .

  7. 尽管如此,当处理更新和文件/脚本分发时,需要使用root用户账户跨系统执行ssh操作。

    Having stated this , when using ssh , using root to ssh across systems can be desirable when dealing with updates and file / script roll-out .

  8. 例如,监视未授权的账号切换,或者更改尚未通过事件票据(incidentticket)或系统更改请求进行授权的用户账户属性。

    For instance , monitoring unauthorised account switches or changing user account attributes that have not been authorised via an incident ticket or change request on the system .

  9. 布鲁塞尔在没有附加条件的情况下批准了这笔交易,部分是因为Facebook坚称自己无法合并用户账户。

    Brussels allowed the deal with no ¬ conditions attached , in part because of Facebook 's insistence that it was not able to combine user accounts .

  10. 然后,把用户账户的sugroups属性改为这个组

    Then change the users account sugroups attribute to include that group

  11. 然而,在普通的用户账户和root用户(或通过sudo命令授予的特权)之间仍然存在显著差异。

    However , there 's a fair distance between the typical user account and a root user ( or the privileges you 're granted through the sudo command ) .

  12. 本系统是以ASP和Access为基础,具有学生基本信息管理功能、班级管理功能、成绩管理功能、课程管理功能、信息发布管理功能、用户账户管理功能。

    The system is based on ASP and Access , and has many functions , such as students ' basic information management , class management , score management , curriculum management , information release management and user account management , etc.

  13. 与SqlServer相关的账户有服务启动账户、登录账户、数据库用户账户等,深入地理解这些账户的作用,才能更好地对SqlServer进行维护、管理和开发。

    There are service startup account , login account , database customer account and other account related to SQL Server . As long as having good understanding of these accounts , you can carry out maintenance , management and development by SQL Server better .

  14. 该公司将这主要归因于智能手机即时信息应用微信(WeChat),据腾讯称,微信是中国最受欢迎的互联网应用,月度活跃用户账户数量为8.46亿。

    The company attributed this mainly to smartphone messaging app WeChat , the most popular internet app in China with 846m monthly active user accounts , according to Tencent .

  15. 然后,为这个用户账户设置密码,清除所有密码限制标志(这意味着用户foxtrot在登录时不会提示他更改密码)。

    The password is then set on the account clearing all password restrict flags for the user ( that means user foxtrot will not be prompted to change their password upon login ) .

  16. 注册用户账户控制支持运行库失败。

    Registratie van de User Account Control Support Library is mislukt .

  17. 应该在所有活跃的用户账户上设置密码策略。

    The password policy should be in place on all active user accounts .

  18. 是用户账户的唯一标识符。

    Is a unique identifier for the user account .

  19. 一些人认为对于普通用户账户使用随机密码是良好的安全策略。

    Some people suggest using random passwords for ordinary user accounts is good security policy .

  20. 您可以设置用户账户,指定目录的权限和监测获得的单个文件。

    You can set up user accounts , specify directory permissions and monitor access to individual files .

  21. 从脸谱网获取的信息涉及4千至5千个用户账户,微软有1.6万至1.7万名用户受到影响。

    It accessed between 4000 and 5000 customers accounts at Facebook and another 16000 to 17000 at Microsoft .

  22. 选中一个根用户账户然后使用CTRL+DEL,来从操作系统中将其删除。

    Delete the root user account from the operating system by selecting it and then using CTRL + DEL .

  23. 询问您的管理员,他们能否使您的特定用户账户可以运行/usr/local/bin/snort。

    Ask your admin if they 'll make / usr / local / bin / snort runnable by your specific user account .

  24. 他表示,过去数年的对话历史记录都将保存在用户账户下,垃圾邮件也将完全被遮罩。

    Entire conversation histories going back years will also be saved into users'accounts and spam will be completely filtered out , he claimed .

  25. 数据驱动测试脚本的一个子流程(例如,登录并为五十个不同用户账户执行相同的事务)

    Data-driving a subflow of the test script ( e.g. , log in and perform the same transaction for each of the fifty different user accounts )

  26. 例如,多租户应用程序需要一些应用程序方法和数据表来访问和存储不同用户账户的数据,这会牺牲安全性。

    For example , multi-tenant applications require application methods and database tables to access and store data from different user accounts , which compromises on security .

  27. 在/etc/security/user文件中可以找到用户账户属性,比如系统默认的或用户特有的属性。

    The user account attributes , such as system defaults or user specific , can be found in the file : / etc / security / user .

  28. 后台系统主要负责商品信息的管理、发布和修改,同时对用户账户、报表统计以及系统维护的管理工作。

    Back system is mainly responsible for product information management , distribution and modification , while the user accounts , reports , statistics , and system maintenance management .

  29. 通过查看用户账户覆盖系统默认设置的情况,就可以判断用户的属性集对于实现的安全策略是否合法有效。

    Looking at the users overrides of system defaults , one can then determine if the attributes for the users set are valid according to the implemented security policy .

  30. 网络钓鱼就是近年来专门针对用户账户信息进行的犯罪,不仅给用户造成了严重的经济损失、制造了不良的社会影响,还扰乱了网络秩序。

    Phishing is specialized crime for users ' account information in recent years , which not only caused serious economic losses and negative social impact , but also disrupted the network order seriously .