
shī zhènɡ ɡānɡ lǐnɡ
  • administrative program;guiding principles of government policy
  1. 其实,《月令》只是作者构想的一篇施政纲领,并不切合实际。

    An idealist 's administrative program , Yueling is just a utopia which can not be put to practical use at all .

  2. 这些发现有助于实现美国总统就职演说辞的社会语用目的,即阐释施政纲领,表达特定的价值取向和立场观点,增强演说辞的人际功能。

    These two findings are conducive to achieve the socio-pragmatic purposes of Inaugural Addresses : either to illuminate the administrative program or to express some value orientation and standpoint , or both , so as to increase interpersonal functions .

  3. 二百多年来,从乔治·华盛顿到乔治·W·布什,总统们通过就职演说表达其美好愿望和英雄梦想,展示其雄才大略和施政纲领。

    Over two hundred years , from George Washington to George W. Bush , the Presidents expressed their best wishes and heroic dreams , and displayed their rare gifts , bold strategies as well as administrative programmes through inaugural speeches .

  4. 然后,1980年,罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan)凭借解除管制和减税的施政纲领执掌美国大权,极大地推动了全球各地的市场意识形态。

    Then , in 1980 , Ronald Reagan took power in the US on a platform of deregulation and tax cuts giving a huge boost to market ideology around the world .

  5. 印度新政府的施政纲领及其面临的问题

    On the policy programme of and problems before the new Indian government

  6. 支持拥护他信的人大都穷人。他们为他信的民粹主义施政纲领所吸引。

    His support comes mainly from the poor , who are drawn by his populist agenda .

  7. 然而他的施政纲领,以及团队组成,已经相当明确。

    But the outline of his programme , and his team , is already fairly clear .

  8. 与此相应,政府的卫生行政将分娩卫生正式纳入施政纲领以全面掌控社会生活。

    Accordingly , childbirth hygiene was brought into the hygiene administration program in order to control the social life .

  9. 相比较此前施政纲领的一个突破,是他还勉强承认这应当引起关注。

    In a break with previous administration pronouncements , he also conceded that this might be cause for concern .

  10. 这一政权因其对德合作及极端保守的施政纲领而成为了法国历史中不可抹去的污点。

    For its cooperation with Germany and the extreme conservative policy agenda It could never erase these stains from French history .

  11. 邮政民营化改革是小泉政府实现其小政府、大经济施政纲领的具体体现。

    Postal privatization reform is the concrete expression of the political program " big businesses and small government " of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi .

  12. 其次,阐明了韩族总联合会的结成背景及其宗旨、施政纲领、组织情况。

    Second , clarifying to form the background and purpose of the General Federation of Korean family , the policy agenda , the organization .

  13. 在本年的施政纲领中,无论国会是否配合,我将尽我所能,我都将为更多人创造更多机会。

    In this year of action , I 'm doing everything I can , with or without Congress , to expand opportunity for more Americans .

  14. 因此,这些演说不仅是他们的施政纲领,而且是展现总统个人文采的重要途径之一。

    Therefore , these speeches are not merely the Presidents ' administrative programmes , but one of the important ways to demonstrate their personal charm .

  15. 我刚才提到有需要勤勉推动你的施政纲领,也有需要用心听取民众的意见。

    I just mentioned the need for diligence in pushing forward your policy agenda . You also need to be diligent in listening to peoples views .

  16. 例如,软性捐款可用在宣扬党的施政纲领的电视广告上,但是这个广告却不能点侯选人的名,要求电视观众投票选举他。

    For instance , soft money can be used for TV ads advocating the party platform but cannot ask viewers to vote for any candidate by name .

  17. 收入分配问题是一个被经济学家、社会学家长期关注的问题,同时它也是很多政治家施政纲领中经常涉及的问题。

    Income distribution is a problem which has concerned by economist and sociologist for a long time and it is also be found in the policy program of many politics .

  18. 美国总统就职演说是具有代表性的一种政治演说,它由总统在就职时向国内外公开发表、宣布自己的施政纲领,说服公众接受并支持自己的观点。

    The American presidential inaugural address ( APIA ) is a typical political speech that is presented by the president when he assumes the post to publicize his policies and persuade the public to accept and support them .

  19. 许多国家都从经济发展和社会稳定的高度来对待普通工科高校毕业生就业问题,制定相关的法律、政策措施促进就业成为各国政府施政纲领的重要内容。

    Many countries from the economic development and social stability to deal with the high degree of employment , development of relevant laws , policies and measures to promote employment of Governments to become an important part of the policy agenda .

  20. 第二部分在对第三条道路的代表人物、制度模型、施政纲领、福利政策和均衡状态进行评述的基础上,指出第三条道路是当代资本主义制度创新的新发展。

    By reviewing the representative VIP , systematic model , administrative creed , welfare policy and balanced state of the Third Way , the second part concludes that the Third Way is the new development of the contemporary capitalistic institutional innovation .

  21. 它在总统就职时向国内外公开发表,宣布自己的施政纲领,说服公众接受并支持自己的观点。

    It is delivered to the people at home and abroad , when the newly elected president takes office . In these addresses the speakers are expected to make his government policy known to the public and to persuade the public to accept and support his policy .