
  • 网络Schmitz
  1. 欧洲各边境间的沟通依旧是个问题,尽管vdm的拉尔夫施密茨认为,协会可以在新盗窃案案发一小时内,通知德语国家的交易商们提高警惕,这或许可以实现。

    There is still the question of communication across European borders , though Ralf Schmitz of the VDM reckons his bush telegraph will alert traders in German-speaking countries to a new heist within an hour of its discovery .

  2. 德国哲学家施密茨提出的新现象学情感理论具有重要的创新意义:(1)把情感理解成客观上把握到的具有空间性的力量、气氛;

    The emotion theory of new phenomenology put forward by German philosopher Hermann Schmitz is of great original significance .