
  • 网络construction document;Construction data
  1. 试论公路施工资料的统一格式及电子化管理

    A Discussion on Unified Form and Electronic Management of Construction Document for Highways

  2. 沥青砼面层施工资料表式的选用与整理

    On the selection and coordination of the construction document forms for asphalt concrete surface

  3. 根据国内外有关试验和施工资料,分析了钢纤维及钢纤维混凝土(SFRC)的基本性质。对钢纤维混凝土在道路工程中的应用进行了全面介绍。

    According to data of experiment and construction , the article analyzed the basic property of steel fiber and steel fiber reinforced concrete ( SFRC ), and introduced the application of steel fiber reinforced concrete in road engineering .

  4. 用地面压裂施工资料求取煤岩岩石力学参数的新方法

    A new method of determining coal rock mechanical parameters by fracturing treatment materials

  5. 焦晋高速公路孤山隧道施工资料整理与验收

    Neatening , Checking and Acceptation of Construction Data of Gushan Tunnel in Jiao-Jin Speedway

  6. 大型公共建筑施工资料管理办法

    Data management measure of big-size public buildings

  7. 桥梁施工资料规范化的思考

    Discussion on Standardization of Bridge Construction Data

  8. 公路工程施工资料中存在的问题及解决方法探讨

    Some problems in the construction data

  9. 通过实际施工资料的统计,对施工排量和前置液量的确定等施工中需要改进的技术问题,提出了建议。

    Then it gives some suggestion on the determination of operation discharge and preflush rate and some technical problems in operation .

  10. 对于大多缺乏原始设计和施工资料的旧拱桥,很难对其承载能力作出准确的评定。

    For most old arch bridges lack of original design and construction data , it is difficult to assess their bearing capacities accurately .

  11. 基于施工资料的处理和分析,总结出了一套盾构隧道下穿建筑物的掘进控制技术参数。

    Based on the processing and analysis of construction data , a set of control parameters of shield tunneling beneath the buildings were summarized .

  12. 实际施工资料表明,在富水性强的砂金矿勘探中,采用震动取样钻,无法获得有代表性的岩样。

    Information from practical operation indicate that in exploration of water abundant placer goldby vibratory sampling drill , no representative rock sample could be collected .

  13. 结合实际的压裂施工资料进行了实例计算分析,为指导压裂液返排和确定气井合理产能提供依据。

    A case is presented , which can guide the flowing-back of fracturing fluid and the determination of the reasonable productivity of fractured gas wells .

  14. 最后根据分析结论和相关的管道施工资料,对埋地管道的抗震措施提出了几点建议。

    Finally , based on the analysis results and relevant pipeline construction data , some suggestions are proposed on the earthquake resisting techniques of buried pipelines .

  15. 介绍了施工资料的编号填写原则、组卷文件的质量要求、施工文件的立卷原则及方法。

    This paper introduces the principles of filling the numbers of construction materials , the quality requirements of files and the establishing principles and methods of construction documents .

  16. 结合地质、监测、物探及施工资料,对地下厂房施工期围岩的变形与破坏特征进行分析。

    The deformation and fracture characteristics of the surrounding rock mass are analyzed according to the geological conditions , monitoring and geophysical prospecting data , and construction process .

  17. 根据新疆鄯善油田38口井的压裂施工资料,拟合出裂缝延伸压力梯度与压裂目的层压力系数之间的关系。

    The relational expression between fracture extension pressure gradient and pressure coefficient of fractured formation is matched based on fracturing operation data of 38 wells in Shanshan oilfield of Xinjiang .

  18. 本文结合现阶段公路建设中经常遇到的土石混合料路基的压实问题,对已有的土石混合料的试验、施工资料和经验进行了总结、探讨。

    The paper combines the question of the embankment grinded with soil-rock mixture in construction , summarizes and discusses the data and experience in test and in construction with the mixture .

  19. 结合某高速公路的路面施工资料和路况的调查结果,分析了沥青混凝土路面的压实度与空隙率、空隙率与路面状况的关系。

    The relationships between the compactness of asphalt concrete pavement and the ratio of void and between the ratio of void and PCI are discussed on the basis of the investigation on expressway .

  20. 基于室内岩石力学实验,结合动、静态力学参数,确定了储层纵向力学参数剖面,提出了综合运用测井资料和前期压裂施工资料反演压裂井储层的地应力参数。

    Based on the laboratory experiments of rock mechanics and integrated static mechanical parameters with the dynamic , the stress profile is determined a new computing method for in-situ stress by reversion with log information and primary fracturing information .

  21. 本文主要工作如下:(1)分析建立了各种监测资料(实测资料、设计施工资料、工程及安全概况资料、水文资料等)数据库;

    Main work was done in this thesis as follows : ( 1 ) Establish various monitoring information database ( in-situ information , information of design and construction , project safety information and hydrographic information , etc. ) and managed by DBMS .

  22. 此方法既可用于煤岩压裂的实时分析,也可用于压后评估分析,为利用压裂施工资料进行煤岩岩石力学参数的再认识提供了又一新的工具。

    This method can be used in not only real time analyzing in the coal rock frac , but evaluating and analyzing after frac . It provides a new tool for research the mechanics parameters of the coal rock by fracturing treatment information .

  23. 介绍了带悬臂端的简支双T结构桥梁在缺乏设计及施工资料的情况下,对桥梁现状进行充分的调查检测,采用粘贴钢板法对其上部结构进行全面加固维修。

    Lacking of the design and construction data but with a sufficient investigation and detection to the present statues of the bridge , an overall repairing of external strengthening with steel plates of the upper structures of one simply supported twin-T beams bridge with a cantilever is introduced .

  24. 在对变形山体进行实地踏勘的基础上,收集和调查了相关地质与施工资料,对变形体的成因得出了初步结论,并对相应的应对措施进行了初步研究。

    For which the relevant geological and construction data are collected and investigated on the basis of the site exploration on the deformed mountain , and then the preliminary conclusion for the origin of the deformation is made and the corresponding countermeasures on the deformation are basically studied as well .

  25. 通过对PC连续刚构桥现有施工控制资料的收集,借鉴已有研究成果,着重探究各种常用控制方法进行预测控制的本质,提出了基于神经网络为基本理论的施工控制方法。

    Through the collection of long span prestressed concrete continuous rigid-frame bridge construction control data , with the help of the existing research achievement , the paper pursues for quality of the common forecasting method , and raises the method of construction control , based on the theory of ANN .

  26. 由地面压裂施工压力资料反求储层岩石力学参数

    Determination of rock mechanics parameters by pressure of surface fracturing treatment

  27. 施工技术资料的管理要适应形势&《市政工程施工技术资料管理规定》试行浅论

    Administration of the Construction Technological Data Should Adapt to the Situation

  28. 谈建设工程施工技术资料中存在的问题与改进措施

    Problems Existed in Construction Technical Materials of Building Engineering and Improved Measures

  29. 市政道路工程施工技术资料管理系统开发研究

    Study & Development on Management System of Technical Data for Municipal Road Construction

  30. 本文阐述施工监理资料包含的内容,提出监理资料的规范化管理

    The contents and standardization management materials in construction are presented in this paper