
shī zhǎn
  • Exhibition;put to good use;give free play to
施展 [shī zhǎn]
  • [give free play to] 发挥;运用

  • (他们)施展叭儿狗的伎俩,指桑骂槐,向鲁迅先生呜鸣不已。--《琐忆》

施展[shī zhǎn]
  1. 在抗日爱国、社会慈善、发展自身组织等方面,也充分施展了社会职能,发挥了重要的作用。

    It also put to good use of the social function in social charity , self development and the champion of loving motherland and protecting her from Japanese invaders , and played very important role .

  2. 证券市场的开放,必将给中国证券业带来广阔的发展空间,因为其施展的舞台已不限于国内市场,还包括更为广阔的国际市场。

    The opening of security market will certainly bring the vast development space to the security business of China . Because the stage that it put to good use is not confined to the internal market but also includes the more vast international market .

  3. 她施展手腕使自己进入了公司最高领导层。

    She manoeuvred her way to the top of the company .

  4. 他们施展伎俩,不让他获得他的那份利润。

    They cheated him out of his share of the profits .

  5. 这部戏是她施展才华的理想机会。

    The play is an ideal vehicle for her talents .

  6. 他今天施展不出神奇的踢球技巧。

    He couldn 't find his magic touch with the ball today .

  7. 她的多才多艺、兴趣广泛需要找个施展的机会。

    She needed to find an outlet for her many talents and interests .

  8. 亨利星期三能施展魔力击败意大利队吗?

    Will Henry be able to weave his magic against Italy on Wednesday ?

  9. 她很有可能对经理施展她的影响力,给你弄份工作。

    She could probably exert her influence with the manager and get you a job .

  10. 有些人可能会认为我的才华在目前的工作中没能充分施展出来。

    Some people might think I 've underachieved in my job .

  11. 他的才干得不到充分施展,因此他不满意自己的工作。

    He was underemployed and not satisfied with his work .

  12. 她父亲在工作中找到了施展抱负的机会。

    Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work .

  13. 他施展魅力,让他们大部分人都加入了他的支持者行列。

    He has charmed most of them into membership of his fan club .

  14. 两个人在国家电视台节目上小口喝着橙汁的时候,弗罗斯特施展了他一贯的亲和魅力。

    Frost had displayed his usual matey charm as the pair sipped orange juice on national TV .

  15. 剩下的就只是栽上玫瑰,然后等大自然施展她的神奇魔力。

    All that was left was to plant the roses and wait for nature to do her stuff .

  16. 他需要这些人去实现他的雄心壮志,作为回报,他也会让他们充分施展各自的才能。

    He needs these people to fulfill his ambitions and reciprocates by bringing out the best in each of them .

  17. 这一病例使我们最有经验的医生也无法施展其医术。

    The case baffles the skill of our most experienced medical men .

  18. 双方都施展出高超的球艺。

    Both sides showed brilliant play .

  19. 有一条猎狗,正在森林里闲逛,猛然看见了一只狮子,心想这可是一个不错的猎物,便追了上去,想施展一下自己的小伎俩。

    A hound , roaming in the forest , spied a lion .

  20. 但没有效果,它要施展绝密自卫武器了。

    But when that doesn 't work , he deploys his secret defense mechanism .

  21. 曼施坦因在最恶劣的严冬条件下,出色地施展了灵活机动的战术,终于完成了任务

    This Manstein did , with some brilliant maneuvering under the worse winter conditions .

  22. 这种工作室为人们提供工具、材料、专业知识,供人们自己动手施展创意。

    The workshop offers tools , materials , and expertise for people to work on do-it-yourself projects .

  23. 正是这一思绪的变化让奇异博士分了心,导致法术没有按预期施展,轰的一声,顷刻间平行宇宙乱套了。

    Those second thoughts distract Doctor Strange enough that the spell doesn 't cast as intended and boom : instant multiverse madness .

  24. 匠石回答说:“我确实曾经砍过,但是能让我施展技术的配合默契的那个人如今已经死去很久了。”

    The artisan Shi said , " Yes , I did do that before . But the man who could let me perform that skill died long ago . "

  25. 该文结合本地局域实际,对Internet的技术应用,为编程开发人员提供了更广泛的施展身手的空间,很有借鉴启迪。

    Based on the application of internet in the area , provided large space for the programming staff .

  26. 双方都施展出高超的球艺。双层超扭曲向列,无源矩阵lcd

    Both sides showed brilliant play . DSTN Double layers Super Twisted Nematic

  27. 星期天全美冰球联赛俱乐部大肆招揽人才,星期三轮到美国NBA商人施展拳脚了。

    On Sunday it was the NHL draft , But by Wednesday it was time for the American NBA wheelers and dealers to step up to the free line .

  28. 在安卓电视的技术规范中,我们规定了CPU和GPU的性能要求。我们希望开发者了解,就算在低端设备上他们也有施展的空间。

    We have CPU and GPU performance requirement built into the Android TV spec. We want game developers to know that even on the low-end devices they are going to have room to play .

  29. 所以我觉得要换地方也只能去英格兰,我记得DickDonald跟我说唯一能让我施展拳脚的就是曼联。

    So I felt the best thing would be to go to England and I always remember Dick Donald telling me that the only club that would satisfy me was Manchester United .

  30. 建筑设备制造商卡特彼勒(caterpillar)与农用机械制造商约翰迪尔(johndeere)成功地施展了一招妙计:它们成功地说服人们去购买那些别的公司送都送不出去的东西。

    Caterpillar , the construction equipment maker , and John Deere , the agricultural machinery maker , have pulled off a merchandising coup : they have persuaded people to pay for the kind of goods other companies struggle to give away .