
  • 网络cecilia yip;Cecilia Yip Tung
  1. 这个传说最早在1992年被改编成电视剧,由香港女演员赵雅芝和叶童出演。

    The legend was first adapted into a TV series in 1992 and performed by Hong Kong actresses Angie Chiu and Cecilia Yip .

  2. 雯女和叶童、商天娥一起演这场关于一群主妇跳舞的戏。

    Sheren was filming the scene with Cecilia Yip Tung and Kiki Sheung tin gnor which spoke about a group of housewives dancing .

  3. 雯女摔倒在地,娥姐和叶童把她扶起来。

    Sheren slumped to the ground and Kiki and Cecilia had to help her get up .

  4. 叶童可说是作了几乎无可挑剔的表演,即使你观察的很仔细,在剧中很难看出出她女性气质的一面。

    Cecilia delivered nearly flawless performances , in which her femininity is barely noticeable even if one examines closely .

  5. 商天娥和叶童发现雯女在回忆美好的东西,就推她加入到跳舞的队伍中。

    Kiki and Cecilia noticed that Sheren was recalling fond memories , so pushed her to join the dancing group .