
  • 网络Estheria;Conchostraca;Eosestheria;Euestherites
  1. 安徽含山侏罗纪叶肢介

    Jurassic conchostracans at Hanshan County , Anhui Province

  2. 闽西南早、中侏罗世叶肢介

    Early & middle Jurassic conchostracans from southwestern Fujian

  3. 本次研究在西峡盆地含恐龙蛋地层中首次发现了无脊椎动物化石,如双壳类、叶肢介、腹足类和介形类。

    Now we have recovered invertebrate fossils , such as bivalves , conchostracans , gastropods and ostracodes , in the dinosaurian egg-bearing strata .

  4. 目前发现的生物化石主要有植物、孢粉、轮藻、双壳类、腹足类、叶肢介、介形类、昆虫及脊椎动物的鱼类、两栖类、爬行类和早期哺乳类等。

    Fossils found involves fossil plants , pollen , _spores , round algae , bivalves , gastropods , conchostracans , ostracods , insects and_vertebrates , fish , amphibians , reptiles and early lactation and so on .