
China on Monday continued to mourn the deaths of 16-year-olds Ye Mengyuan and Wang Linjia from the Asiana Airlines crash-landing in San Francisco on Saturday .
Airline offcials identified the two victims as Wang Linjia and Ye Mengyuan .
Ms. Ye had won national notice with an aerobics performance earlier in the year , the friends said .
' Everyone wanted to go on the trip , ' said Xu Jiayu , a friend of Ms. Ye .
Ms. Ye was a dancer who wore purple glasses , they said , while her friend Ms. Wang liked to paint .
Often along with Ms. Wang , she seemed to join every activity , playing piano for the whole school , for instance .
Their parents , along with family members of two other badly injured girls plus local-government officials and school administrators , left early Monday for San Francisco .
' Of course she was good looking , or she wouldn 't be TV , ' a boy wearing a green T-shirt said of Ms. Ye .
As the nation watched heavy coverage on state-run media and wondered how they died while other passengers lived , classmates of Ms. Ye and Ms. Wang recalled an outgoing pair that didn 't shy away from a leading role .
Two days before Ms. Ye left for her U.S. trip , she posted a seemingly ominous message on her account on a Chinese Twitter-like miniblog service : a string of the numeral ' 4 , ' which in Chinese can signify death .