
  • 网络The World Games;World Game
  1. 台湾希望,本周在港口城市高雄开幕的世界运动会(worldgames),也能取得类似效果。

    Taiwan is hoping to turn a similar trick when it hosts the world games at the port city of Kaohsiung this week .

  2. 1982年,杜格在世界运动会上赢得三枚金牌,并作为优等生从拉马波学院毕业。

    In 1982 , Doug won three gold medals at the World Games , and he graduated from Ramapo as a dean 's list scholar .

  3. 第六届世界运动会技巧比赛分析

    Analysis on sports acrobatic tournaments in 6 world game

  4. 1997年世界运动会蹦床比赛成套动作难度与编排的分析

    An Analyze of Routine Difficulty and Arrangement of Trampoline Match of 1997 World Game

  5. 2009年世界运动会中国技巧项目金牌突破点探析

    Analyzing the Gold Medal 's Breakthrough of China 's Acrobatic Gymnastics in World Sport Meeting 2009

  6. “两运”都是每四年举行一次。象奥林匹克运动会,世界运动会都有开,闭幕式典礼。

    Like the Olympics , the World Games begin with an opening ceremony and conclude with a closing ceremony .

  7. 本月,所有来自各国的来访者都会聚于高雄,分享世界运动会最重要的运动员竞技比赛。

    This month , visitors from around the world converge on Kaohsiung to participate in one of the world 's foremost athletic competitions the world games .

  8. 2007年日本举行的世界运动会上,刘翔成为第一个赢得田径项目金牌的中国人,他成为了世界冠军。

    Liu was the first Chinese man to win a track and field Olympic gold medal in Athens and became the world champion in2007 World Athletics Championships in Japan .

  9. 在2005年世界运动会上,中国健美操在6人项目上首次获得世界冠军,被世界所关注。

    At the 2005 world sport aerobics meeting , China sport aerobics team won the world champion for the first time at six-people event and drew a close attention in the world .

  10. 第六届世界运动会技巧比赛是新世纪的第一次比赛,也是国际体操联合会颁布的2001-2004年新国际技巧评分规则和难度表的首次使用。

    The acrobatic tournaments of 6th world game is first time game in new century . It is also first time that applied 2001-2004 international code of points sports acrobatic and tables of difficulty published by international gymnastics association .

  11. 你提到这些都是综合运动会,还有世界单项运动会?

    Those mentioned are also comprehensive sports games in a sense . are there any international individual sports Games ?

  12. 1976年,国际残疾人组织决定,斯托克?曼德维尔运动会与世界残疾人运动会合并,在加拿大的多伦多举办了第一届国际伤残人士奥运会。

    In Toronto in1976 , other disability groups were added and the idea of merging together different disability groups for international sport competitions was born .

  13. 现在健康结实的她在森德兰的一所大学研习表演艺术,而且正在参加体育训练,准备代表英国参加今天夏天即将在加拿大举行的“世界移植运动会”。

    Now fit and healthy , she studies performing arts at a college in Sunderland and is in training to represent Britain at the World Transplant Games in Canada this summer .

  14. 提出与国际体育竞赛接轨、举办世界武术运动会、开展武术套路职业联赛和推出套路与散打竞赛相结合的改革思路。

    , and put forward the following reformative train of thought : connecting with the international sports competitions , holding the world Wushu games , developing league professional Wushu routine competition and combining routine competition with free fighting competition .

  15. 由北京市承办的2008年世界奥林匹克运动会,将进一步拉动北京市的社会经济发展,扩大北京市在世界的影响。

    To be delighted , the World Olympic Games of 2008 , undertakened by Beijing , will further impel the local economic and social development , and therefore expand the influence of Beijing city on the rest of the world .

  16. 第26届世界大学生夏季运动会将在26号闭幕。

    The26th Summer Universiade will come to an end on the26th .

  17. 是国际奥委会主办的世界性综合运动会。

    It is a comprehensive sports meet held by the IOC .

  18. 哈尔滨成功地举办第24届世界大学生冬季运动会,是高校体育更好与冰雪体育融合,促进经济发展的典范。

    The successful holding the24th winter universiade in Harbin shows that the university sports can advance the winter sports and economic development .

  19. 在过去的十年中,英格兰还曾举行过一些世界级的运动会,从世界羽毛球锦标赛到男子帆船芬兰人级锦标赛。

    In the past decade the UK has also welcomed everything from the World Badminton Championships to the World Finn Sailing Championships .

  20. 大学生体育城周边区域道路交通网密集,四通八达,完全能够满足举办世界级大型运动会的交通需要。

    A network of roads runs through the vicinity of the Universiade City , capable of meeting the transportation needs for a world-class sports event .

  21. 深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会是继北京奥运会、上海世博会、广州亚运会之后,中国举办的又一项国际性重大活动。

    The26th Summer Universiade , Shenzhen is another grand international event held by China after Beijing Olympic Games , Shanghai Expo , and Guangzhou Asia Games .

  22. 曾翻译过本科理工科专业的毕业论文,以及外国原文专业学术论文,并参加过世界大学生冬季运动会翻译。

    I have translated some undergraduate theses of science and engineering and several foreign professional papers . I served as the translation of the Winter Universiade .

  23. 一座冰球赛场已经建成,另一座在建,它是为2017年在此举行的世界大学生冬季运动会做准备,不管是否举办奥运会都会建成。

    One hockey arena has been built and another will be completed with or without the Olympics for the University Games , which are set for 2017 .

  24. 第二十六届世界大学生夏季运动会将于中国南部城市深圳举行。蒂森克虏伯电梯制造并安装了116台电梯和2台扶梯,为此盛会提供服务。

    ThyssenKrupp Elevator has manufactured and installed a total of116 elevators and two escalators for the26th World University Summer Games in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen .

  25. “吉祥大运纪念章”经深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组委会执行局授权制造发行。

    This " Auspicious Universiade Shenzhen Commemorative Medallion " is manufactured by authorization of the Executive Office of the Organizing Committee for the26th Summer Universiade , Shenzhen .

  26. 着眼于登上本届世界大学生夏季运动会奖牌榜首位,中国正准备向深圳大运会派出史上最大的代表团。

    With an eye on topping the medal table at this summer 's Universiade , China is getting ready to send its largest delegation ever to Shenzhen .

  27. 我希望诸位在深圳过得愉快,在比赛结束后带着对深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会的美好记忆重返家园。

    I hope that each of you enjoy your stay in Shenzhen , and that you will return to your homeland with many pleasant memories from your experiences here at the26th Summer Universiade .

  28. 世界水下运动联合会;

    World Confederation of subaquatic activities ;

  29. 1987年,中国作为东道主同联合国合作在北京召开了世界裁军运动区域讨论会。

    In 1987 , China , in cooperation with the United Nations , hosted the Regional Symposium on World Disarmament Campaign in Beijing .