
  • 网络shih-shuo hsin-yu;a new account of tales of the world;shishou xinyu
  1. 人物品评与《世说新语》的叙事结构

    Remarking on Figures and Narrative Structure of A New Account of Tales of the World

  2. 本文讨论了《世说新语》题名的内涵。

    The paper discusses the connotation of the title of Shishuoxiyu .

  3. 《论语》对《世说新语》的影响

    The Influence of The Analects of Confucius on Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  4. 《世说新语》中的程度补语研究

    A study of degree complement in Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  5. 《世说新语》总括范围副词试析

    An Analysis about Adverbs of Blanket Range in Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  6. 第二部分是《世说新语》中实义动词同义词组列表。

    The second part is a list of synonymous groups .

  7. 《世说新语》的德性观念

    Concept of Virtue in the Book Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  8. 对历史真实的冲淡与对艺术真实的强化&论《世说新语》的叙事原则

    The Weakening of the Historical Reality and the Strengthening of the Artistic Reality

  9. 论《世说新语》刻画的曹操形象及其发展

    On the Image of Cao Cao Characterized in The New Stories and Its Development

  10. 第三部分是《世说新语》中同义实义动词的形成途径分析。

    The third part is an analysis on the forming method of the synonym .

  11. 试论《世说新语》文体的戏剧性特征

    Initial Probe Into the Dramatic Features of the Style of Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  12. 第三部分就《世说新语》范围副词的语义指向分析进行分类阐述。

    The semantic analysis of the ranging adverbs will be analyzed in the third part .

  13. 《世说新语》中的清范畴

    On the Category of " Qing " in New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages

  14. 你要是再开门,世说新语,在心里我还要日。

    Once more , you open the door , And you 're here in my heart .

  15. 《世说新语》是中国文化史上一个十分重要的文本,它构建了非常独特的魏晋士人形象,对后世的士人精神产生了深远影响。

    A new account of world tales is a very important text in Chinese culture history .

  16. 一往情深,质性自然&从《世说新语·伤逝》看魏晋士人的情感价值与表达

    Emotion Value and Expression of Wei and Jin Periods from Shi Shuo Xin Yu · Shang Shi

  17. 从《世说新语·任诞》看魏晋风度

    The View about the Demeanor of Wei and Jin Dynasty from unconventionality of shi shuo xin yu

  18. 从《世说新语》看魏晋士族婚姻观念变化

    On change of ideas on marriage among Wei & Jin aristocrats as reflected in Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  19. 《世说新语》类目的设定、秩序的编排与容量的控制彰显着作者的编撰意图,也产生了客观效果。

    Arrangement of classification and order of Shi Shuo Xin Yu displays compiling the intention of the author .

  20. 考察《世说新语》,将有助于我们解读魏晋书法。

    Studying the book will help us a lot understand and appreciate the calligraphy in those two dynasties .

  21. 另一方面,《世说新语》中魏晋士人的生活风貌,表明士人们已经摒弃了传统的儒家礼乐教化观念,他们践履着与前人不同的人生价值。

    Meanwhile , the scholars in Wei-Jin period renounced traditional Confucian ethical code and lived up to different ideals .

  22. 使正文与注的相互响应与补充成为《世说新语》类拟、续之作的典范;

    The mutual response and complement between the notes and the body becomes the model of its following works .

  23. 对《世说新语》动词同义词进行辨析,并从语义、语法、语用三个角度总结其区别。

    And then it concludes and differentiates these verb synonyms in three aspects including semantic , grammar and pragmatics .

  24. 本文尝试从美学的角度全面、深入地解读《世说新语》,对其审美文化特征进行有意识发掘和系统整理。

    From the angle of Aesthetics , this paper tries to discover intentionally and sort systematically its ' aesthetic cultural characteristics .

  25. 就《世说新语》看魏晋南北朝的婚姻文化

    The marriage culture in the Wei , Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties as viewed from Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  26. 适于认知系统和条件句系统的更新语义(英文)《论语》与《世说新语》双宾语句式比较

    Update Semantics for Epistemic Systems and Conditional Systems ; Comparison of Double-object Sentence between the Analects and Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  27. 同时,上连上古,对《世说新语》中新兴介词的语法化过程进行简单的纵向的描写,并下系近代,对《世说新语》介词对后世介词应用的影响作出一定的描述。

    At the same time , I would describe how did the new prepositions form briefly and its influence for later ages .

  28. 综合以上两个方面,对《世说新语》介词及介词短语的特点进行归纳阐释,并由此概括中古汉语介词系统的特点,拟测汉语介词发展的趋势。

    Thus I would summarize the prepositions system 's characteristics at the middle ancient times and surmise the development tendency of Chinese prepositions .

  29. 秀骨清相:世说新语时代的人物之美

    Elegant Bone and Clear Appearance : On the Beauty of Body of the Time of " A New Account of World Tales "

  30. 女性在中国历史中从来是被遮掩、被歪曲、被忽视的,这一点在《世说新语》中依然被部分验证。

    Women are always been obscured , distorted , neglected in Chinese history , which is still partially verified in Shi Shuo Xin Yu .