
  • 网络New7Wonders of Nature
  1. 此次的“世界新七大自然奇观”计划利用互联网使得各个国家的人民都可以参与其中,使得很多小众且不为人知的景点也能获得认可。

    The N7W project used the internet to reach out to the citizens of every country , allowing for many smaller and less well-known sites to gain recognition .

  2. 作为“世界新七大自然奇观”评选的发起人,伯纳德韦伯对之前的那份全凭一人编排的“世界七大奇迹”榜单很不满意。

    Founder of the New Seven Wonders of the World ( N7W ), Bernard Weber was dissatisfied with the original list which was compiled by one single man .