
  • 网络world currency
  1. 人体词对应的概念是人类认知世界的元概念。

    Concepts about body-part terms are meta concept of human cognition .

  2. 英语世界中的元散曲翻译及研究

    Translations of and Researches on Yuan " San-Ch ' ü" in English World

  3. 现代不可知论在试图超越主客二元分立的认识方式的基础上,强调主体世界的一元性,而走向一种彻底的不可知论。

    Post-Modern agnosticism stressed the monad of subject world by attempting to transcend the dichotomy of subject and object , which is an extreme agnosticism .

  4. 宝洁公司,世界最大最多元化的消费品经营者和生产者之一,正在寻找充满活力、进取心强的人才加入我们的玉兰油团队。

    Procter & Gamble , one of the world 's largest and most diversified marketer and manufacturer of consumer products is now looking for self-motivated and dynamic individuals to join our Olay Team .

  5. 可是遍视古今,尼采却发现因世界的二元分裂和世界真实关系的颠倒,人之生命被遮蔽,人之尊严丧失。

    But Nietzsche found human life was obscured , human dignity bereaved because of world 's split in two and overturn of real world 's relations after he had a look at ancient and modern history .

  6. 盾叶薯蓣(DioscoreazingiberensisC.H.Wight)是我国特有的甾体激素类药源植物,也是世界上薯蓣皂甙元含量最高的资源植物。

    Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wight , a native species in China , has the highest content of diosgenin in the rhizome among all the species in Dioscorea .

  7. 跟她谈世界局势值二百五十元。

    Just a plain talk on world conditions might be worth 250 .

  8. 下面是来自世界各地的一元物品清单;

    Below is a list of these items from all around the world ;

  9. 小世界网络上的元胞自动机行为模拟

    Behaviors of Cellular Automata on Small World Network

  10. 他笔下文学世界的构成呈现乡村世界和都市世界的二元对立,他对土地有着深厚的感情依恋,所以他对城市有本能的隔膜和反感。

    He described the composition of world literature showing rural world and urban world dualism , He Land have deep emotional attachment to the city he has instinctive divide and resentment .