
shānɡ biāo mínɡ chēnɡ
  • brand name;trade name
  1. 一个成功的商标名称通常蕴含丰富的文化内涵。

    A successful brand name usually carry rich meanings in cultures .

  2. 文化对商标名称的翻译具有十分重要的作用。

    Culture plays an important role in brand name translation .

  3. 为保护商标名称,“coca-cola,coke”和甚至大家熟悉的形状独特的可乐瓶都被注册为专利商标。

    To protect the trade name , " Coca-Cola , coke , " and even the " familiar shaped bottle " are registered trademarks .

  4. Lodine是一种抗炎药物的商标名称。

    Lodine is the trade name of this nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug .

  5. Broadcom无线网卡编入到许多商标名称,尤其是在许多的Dell和Acer的笔记本电脑中,这种情况更为明显。

    Broadcom wireless cards come under many brand names and , in particular , are used in many Dell and Acer laptops .

  6. 然而,verizon这样的大广告客户不能忽视那些机会主义分子即所谓的网域霸占者,他们在网上注册其商标名称的变体。

    Yet big advertisers like Verizon cannot afford to ignore the opportunists so-called cybersquatters who register variations of its trademark name online .

  7. “Rolodex”是一种普通索引系统的商标名称,通常被繁忙的管理人员所使用。

    " Rolodex " is the commercial name of a common in-dex system much used by busy executives .

  8. 古怪生僻的单词(Yahoo,Google,Fogdog),全新的商标名称(Novartis,Aventis,Lycos),都会冒很大的风险。

    Quirky words ( Yahoo , Google , Fogdog ) or trademark-proof names concocted from scratch ( Novartis , Aventis , Lycos ) are a big risk .

  9. Ansaid是口服抗炎药物的商标名称。

    Ansaid is the trademark of a brand of this nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is administered only orally .

  10. 另外现代的工业控制不再是封闭的系统,ActiveX是基于COM的可视化控件结构的商标名称,提供了封装COM组件并将其置入应用程序的一种方法。

    In addition modem industrial control is not a close system again , ActiveX is a name of trade mark based on visual controlling part structure of COM . It offers one way of encapsulation of COM , and a kind of method to input it to application program .

  11. 英汉商标名称之功能解析与翻译

    A Functionalist Approach to the Study and Translation of Brand Names

  12. 阿的平商标名称,用于预防疟疾的阿的平氢氯化物制剂。

    A trademark used for an antimalarial preparation of quinacrine hydrochloride .

  13. 品牌商品是具有标准商标名称的商品。

    Branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name .

  14. 试论商标名称的翻译原则与机制

    A Tentative Study on the Principles and Mechanism of Brand Name Translation

  15. 他的文章仍有大量的商标名称。

    His writings were still liberally larded with brand names .

  16. (商标名称)一种轻而透明、防风雨的热塑性塑料。

    ( trademark ) a light transparent weather resistant thermoplastic .

  17. 试论商标名称英汉互译文化意义的转换

    On the Appropriate Conversion of Cultural Meanings in CE-EC Translation of Brand Names

  18. 商标名称的翻译不同于常规意义上的翻译。

    The translation of trade names is different from that of normal sense .

  19. (商标名称)一种透明的热塑性丙烯酸树脂。

    ( trademark ) a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin .

  20. 从跨文化角度对商标名称的研究

    An Intercultural Approach to the Study of Brand Names

  21. 商标名称翻译的文化取向和方法

    Cultural Orientation and Methods in the Translation of Trademarks

  22. 文化影响视角下的商标名称翻译

    Brand Name Translation on View of Cultural Impact

  23. 烤鸡用烤箱的商标名称。

    A brand name for a roasting chicken .

  24. 商标名称同样也有很重的文化负荷。

    Brand name is also heavily culturally loaded .

  25. 自动竖琴:商标名称,用于与齐特琴相类似的乐器。

    Autoharp : a trademark used for a musical instrument similar to a zither .

  26. 商标名称,罐装的混合蔬菜汁。

    Brand name for canned mixed vegetable juices .

  27. 首先,从语言的视角对食品商标名称进行考察。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the food brand name from the perspective of linguistics .

  28. 从词汇的联想意义看商标名称翻译

    A New Perspective on Translation of Trademarks

  29. 谈英文商标名称的汉译策略英文商标音译词分析

    On the Translation of Trademarks An Analysis of Transliterated Brand Names from English to Chinese

  30. 本论文是语言的,作者从跨文化的角度对商标名称做了调查和研究。

    The author adopts intercultural approach to the investigation and the study of brand names .