
  • 网络commerce site;web;business website;Business Web Site
  1. 基于WebServices的电子商务网站的实现

    Implement of electronic commercial web site based on Web Services

  2. LotusDomino系统构筑安全电子商务网站

    Constructing a secure e-commerce web site on Lotus Domino system

  3. WebStructureMining在电子商务网站中的应用

    The Application of Web Structure Mining in Electronic Commerce Website

  4. 基于Web的商务网站购物车系统的分析与设计

    Web-based Shopping Vehicle System Analysis and Design in Business Websites

  5. 在电子商务网站中使用Web挖掘技术的研究

    Research on Web Mining Techniques in Electronic Commerce WebSite

  6. 本文讨论在一个具体的电子商务网站环境下,Web挖掘模式对客户分类的支持作用。

    The article discusses customer-sort support of web mining model in a specific E-commerce website .

  7. 商务网站的Web使用记录挖掘

    Web Usage Mining in Commercial Websites

  8. 基于SALT平台上的一电子商务网站设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of E - commerce website-based on SALT

  9. 本文提出了一个基于Web使用挖掘的个性化电子商务网站系统。

    In this paper , I present a personalization e-commerce site system based on web usage mining .

  10. Web网站的安全是影响商务网站发展的一个十分重要的问题。

    The security of web sites is a very important problem that influences the development of commerce web site .

  11. 基于商务网站CRM的Web挖掘工具架构技术探讨

    CRM-based Business Website Architecture Technology of Web Mining Tools

  12. 基于ASP技术企业电子商务网站的规划与设计

    Plan and Design of Enterprises E-Commerce Website Based on ASP Technologies

  13. 面向Web挖掘的B2C电子商务网站系统设计

    Design of B2C Site System Based on Web Mining

  14. 电子商务网站是一个典型的ASP。

    The electronic commerce website is a typical ASP .

  15. 用PHP设计电子商务网站结构和操作网络数据库

    Using PHP to Design Structure of Electronical Commerce Website and Manipulate Network Database

  16. 基于ASP的酒店商务网站的构建

    Construction of Hotel Commercial Website Based on ASP

  17. 然后,运用统一建模语言(UML)对动态电子商务网站进行UML建模。

    Then , unified modeling language ( UML ) gives UML modeling on dynamic e-commerce sites .

  18. 而新的电子商务网站theLine所提供的商品有着统一的主题,如果你只从这里购物,几乎不会有犯错的机会。

    And new e-commerce site the Line has such a sharply focused offering that , if I shopped solely from it , chances are I 'd never err .

  19. AJAX技术在电子商务网站中的应用研究

    AJAX technology in the application of e-commerce website

  20. 基于ASP的C2C面向校园电子商务网站的分析与实现

    Analysis and Implementation of ASP Based Campus-Oriented C2C E-Commerce Website

  21. 最后采用典型的电子商务网站和门户网站作为实验WEB数据源,采用数据抽取评价指标查全率和查准率来评价该抽取器的性能。

    Finally choosing typical WEB e-commerce site and portal website as experimental data source , using data extraction evaluation recall and precision to evaluate the performance of the extractor .

  22. 基于CBR的电子商务网站智能设计系统的研究

    Research on CBR-Based Intelligent Designing System of EC Website

  23. RIA体系下电子商务网站的Flex技术实现研究

    Research on Flex for E-business Website Impact of RIA

  24. 企业B2C电子商务网站质量研究

    Research on the Quality of Enterprise B2C Web Site for E-commerce

  25. 基于IC产业近几年发展速度不断增长,各种类型的IC电子商务网站也不断涌现。

    In recent years , various types of IC e-commerce websites have been springing up with the development of IC industry .

  26. 日常商业运作中,电子商务网站会产生大量的商业数据,商务智能领域研究的任务之一就包括从Web服务器日志中挖掘出知识集。

    E-commerce Web sites often generate large volumes of data in their daily operations . Analyzing such data involves the discovery of meaningful relationships from access logs stored in Web server .

  27. 随着Internet的普及与发展,网上购物随之出现,因而基于Internet的电子商务网站也在近几年呈现快速发展的势头。

    Because of Internet popularization and development , shopping on-line is appeared too , so in recent years based on the Internet electronic commerce website is also presenting the fast development .

  28. 目前电子交易中经常使用的安全套接层SSL协议和安全电子交易SET协议因其自身的特点和局限性不适合用于仅有少量敏感数据传输的小型电子商务网站。

    The two security protocols of electronic payments : SSL and SET are not fit for tiny electronic commerce , because of their features and deficits .

  29. 国内B2C电子商务网站退货管理研究

    Study on Return Management of B2C in China

  30. 实际电子商务网站购物部分则是基于电子商务网的设计架构,使用ASP。

    The actual electronic commerce website shopping part is based on the electronic commerce network 's design construction , uses the ASP .