
  • 网络Business world
  1. 在商业世界中,无序状态主宰一切。

    In the business world , entropy rules .

  2. 在商业世界中有两个重要的驱动因素:变化和异构性(heterogeneity)。

    There are two important drivers in the business world : change , and heterogeneity .

  3. 很多女性表示,这些限制抵消了她们为争取商业世界中平等地位而付出的努力。草坪天花板与升迁时遭遇的玻璃天花板一样,阻挡了女性在商界前进的步伐。

    Many women say the restrictions " glass ceiling , " the grass ceiling keeps women from advancing in business .

  4. 在这个由关于Applebot(苹果(Apple)的网络爬虫——译者注)的议论和硅谷(SiliconValley)狂热者主导的商业世界里,马尔凯蒂是个异类。

    In a commercial world dominated by chatter about Applebot and Silicon Valley evangelists , Marchetti is an exception .

  5. 但是,商业世界已经厌倦了ERP项目的失败,并不断探索新方法。

    But , the business world has grown tired of ERP project failure and new approaches are being explored as a result .

  6. 因此,MBA仍有改进的空间。纵使如此,MBA学位仍然是当今全球商业世界中极有说服力的资质证明。

    So there is room for improvement , but the MBA is nevertheless a powerful qualification in today 's global business world .

  7. 最近,BBC(英国广播公司)的一部连续剧《比阿特丽克斯·波特带你走入商业世界》就说明了这一点。

    The BBC recently elaborated on this insight in a series on " The Beatrix Potter Guide to Business " .

  8. 然而纵观当今的商业世界,很多公司还在忙着物色有出色创造力的CEO来推动变革,带领公司取得更好的业绩。

    Yet in today 's business world , companies say they 're looking for creative CEOs who can promote change and lead their businesses in profitable new directions .

  9. 商业世界的新速度如此之快,传统的M.B.A.与教室教学已经被远远地抛在了尘土之中。

    With the new speed of business , the traditional M.B.A. and the classroom have been left in the dust .

  10. 早在2001年,吉新就与其他人共同创办了一家名叫IDQuantique的公司,希望借此把他在量子物理世界里发现的各种奇特现象应用到商业世界中。

    In 2001 , gisin co-founded a company called ID quantique with the aim of converting the strange phenomena found in the quantum world into commercial applications .

  11. 德鲁温策尔(drewwenzel)是一位工程学的毕业生,他知道为了追求他想要的那种职业生涯,自己不仅需要一个扎实的工程学教育背景,同时还需要对商业世界有一个明确的了解。

    Drew Wenzel , a graduate in Engineering Sciences , knew that in order to pursue the kind of professional career he wanted , he needed not only a solid engineering education , but also a firm understanding of the business world .

  12. mba顾问斯泰西布莱克曼(stacyblackman)表示,这种项目“不能反映商业世界的真实情况”,并认为,对于多半没有学会如何“与狼共舞”的毕业生,某些未来的雇主可能会持保留态度。

    Stacy Blackman , MBA consultant , says the programme is " not reflective of the business world as it is " and believes that some prospective employers could have reservations about a graduate who perhaps had not learned to " swim with the sharks " .

  13. 在此故事之后的讨论章中,Norgaard在商业世界外边并列呈现了有关我们如何关联到我们的工作和我们的工作如何关联到我们生活的其余部分。

    In the discussion chapter following this story , Norgaard ranges outside the business world to take on the issues of how we relate to our work and how our work relates to the rest of our lives .

  14. 电子邮件是商业世界里最常见的文件形式。

    E-mails are the most common document in the business world .

  15. 商业世界是增长率数据的奴隶。

    The business world is a slave to growth stats .

  16. 所有这一切对商业世界有什么好处?

    What good is all this in the business world ?

  17. 商业世界对内省课程的摸索已经有些年头了。

    The business world has been groping towards inward-bound courses for years .

  18. 尽管他们统治缅甸的商业世界,他们为国际社会所唾弃。

    Despite their dominance the business world , they are international pariahs .

  19. 您如何展望商业世界正在使用的系统?

    How do you envision the system being used in a commercial world ?

  20. 如果有规则,那就不是今日的商业世界!

    If there are rules , it isn 't today 's business world !

  21. 巴菲特喜爱的书更多的偏向于商业世界。

    His choice of favourite books is centered more on the world of business .

  22. 这样的宣传和支持,是否有利于敏捷实践在商业世界中推广和实施呢?

    Will this endorsement encourage or discourage the takeup of Agile practices in businesses today ?

  23. 但是一个企业家的精神不会局限于商业世界。

    But an entrepreneurial spirit does not have to be limited to the business world .

  24. 因为想做一些更加高贵的事情,他很快地离开的商业世界。

    But he quickly abandoned the commercial world because he wanted to do something nobler .

  25. 本公司由商业世界这本贸易杂志,得悉贵方的名称与地址。

    We have learned your name and address from the trade magazine , The business World .

  26. 商业世界里的这种行为通常被称为“相互指导”:

    This kind of riffing in the business world is often called " mutual mentorship " :

  27. 乔布斯长期以来都被奉为现代商业世界一个有创造力的伟大头脑。

    Jobs has long been hailed as one of the great creative minds of modern business .

  28. 商业世界里没有人有时间去揣摩一个想法的发展过程。

    Nobody in the business world has time to wander through the development of an idea .

  29. 在瞬息万变的商业世界里,企业变革是一种无可避免的商业行为。

    In today 's business world that changes rapidly , change has become a necessary business behavior .

  30. 在商业世界里,广告几乎无处不在,它集中全力唤起消费者的购买欲望。

    Advertisement appearing every conor of the commercial world focuses fully on arousing the purchaser 's desire .