
  • 网络trademark application;Trade Mark Application
  1. 富士通自2002年起生产一款提供给店员使用的称为iPad的手持式电脑,此项商标申请仍在审批中。

    Fujitsu has made a handheld computer called the iPad for use by shop assistants since 2002 , and has an outstanding trademark application for the name .

  2. 2003年度外国(地区)在华商标申请统计表

    Statistics of Foreign Trademark Application Filed in 2003

  3. 第十八条两个或者两个以上的申请人,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,以相同或者近似的商标申请注册的,初步审定并公告申请在先的商标;

    Article 18 . Where two or more applicants for the same or similar goods , the preliminary approval , after examination , and the publication shall be made for the trademark which was first filed .

  4. 韦伯相信,LegalZoom等基于表单的服务将会替代非诉讼律师完成简单的任务,诸如商标申请,遗嘱,甚至离婚。

    Webb believes non-litigation lawyers could soon be replaced by online form-based services like LegalZoom that can carry out simple tasks like trademark applications , wills and even divorce .

  5. 2003年度商标申请和注册概况表

    Statistics of Trademark Applications and Registrations in 2003

  6. 腾讯的这一上诉引起了网友们的热议。一些网友支持此商标申请,也有人认为这是一个笑料。

    Tencent 's accusation has stirred up online debate , with some netizens supporting the company 's appeal and others calling it a joke .

  7. 因为如果商标申请违反了公共政策的话,它们是应当被驳回的。

    Because there is a provision in the law , which means that we said the application may be refused if they are contrary to public policy .

  8. 另外,世界知识产权组织表示,去年全球商标申请飙升16%,达到590万件;全球工业设计知识产权申请增长2.3%,达到87.3万件。

    Separately , Wipo said trademark applications surged 16 per cent worldwide to 5.9m last year , while industrial design applications increased 2.3 per cent globally to 873000 .

  9. 对可能产生误认、淆或者其他不良影响的转让注册商标申请,商标局不予核准,予以驳回。

    The Trademark Office shall reject and not approve any application for the assignment of a registered trademark that may cause misidentification , confusion or other harmful effects .

  10. 微软提交了商标申请,商标的3月9日,今年也有一个商标的申请在同一台计算机的搜索引擎分类云。

    Microsoft filed a trademark application for the mark on March9th of this year , and also has a trademark application for the same computer search engine classification for Kumo .

  11. 同时附送原《转让注册商标申请书》或者《商标续展注册申请书》和《驳回通知书》。

    The application shall be accompanied by the original Application for Assignment of a Registered Trademark or Application for Renewal of Trademark Registration as well as the Notice of Rejection .

  12. 而商标申请注册历时却长达36个月之久,这不仅不利于节约行政成本也不能满足商事活动快速、便捷的需要。

    But it is 36 months for a trademark from application to registration . This is not only beneficial for saving administrative cost , but also for satisfying the need of convenience and rapidness of commercial .

  13. 商标申请、注册和维权程序的完善&我国《商标法》第二次修改探析这个文件要标注出在可预见的未来中该城市会有的所有改善。

    The Perfection of Trademark Application Registration and Right Maintenance & Analysis of a Second Revision of Trademark Law of China ; This document identifies and plans for all improvements the city envisions in the foreseeable future .

  14. ABC公司:我们受理你公司关于注册卫洁洗衣机商标的申请。

    ABC Company : We accept your application of registration of the trademark for your Weijie washing machine .

  15. ABC公司:我们收到了你公司要求注册卫洁洗衣机商标的申请。

    ABC Company : We acknowledge receipt of your application , asking for registration of the trademark for your Weijie washing machine .

  16. ABC公司ABC公司:我们收到了你公司要求注册卫洁洗衣机商标的申请。

    ABC Company ABC Company : We acknowledge receipt of your application , asking for registration of the trademark for your Weijie washing machine .

  17. 北京市高级人民法院裁定,中山珠江饮品在2011年提交的“facebook”商标注册申请是明显抄袭和损害市场公平竞争的行为。

    The Beijing Municipal High People 's Court said the Zhongshan Pearl River Drinks application , filed in 2011 , to label certain foods and beverages " face book " was an obvious act of copying and harmed fair market competition .

  18. 对商标注册申请和商标复审申请应当及时进行审查。

    The application for trademark registration and the application for trademark re-examination shall be examined promptly .

  19. 程国荣的肖像已经作为商标正在申请注册当中。

    As for Cheng Guorong , his photograph has become a trademark , which is under application for registration .

  20. 商标国内申请:对还未办理国内商标注册申请的,发出商标注册预警建议;

    Trademark domestic application : to have not yet applied for domestic trademark application , send out the trademark registration suggestion .

  21. 如果有人在许多国家提交商标注册申请,你可以对他们的申请提出反对意见。

    In many countries , where someone has made an application to register a trade mark , you can oppose their application .

  22. 质权人和出质人可以直接向商标局申请,也可以委托商标代理机构代理。

    The pledgor and the pledgee may directly apply to the trademark bureau or may authorize a trademark agency to file an application .

  23. 最具戏剧性的案例之一是,两名华人在加拿大提交商标注册申请,企图注册逾60家中国企业的名称和标识。

    In one of the most dramatic cases , two Chinese individuals have applied for trademark registration in Canada for the names and logos of more than 60 Chinese companies .

  24. 除新增收费项目及调高规费外,商标注册申请指定及审定前变更商品缴纳之规费,将因指定或变更商品之多寡而应缴纳不同级距之规费。

    In addition to assessment of new fees and upward fee adjustment , fees for designated products or changes in designated products will vary with the number of products or the number of changes in them .

  25. 其实早在林书豪2月13日提出商标使用权申请的好几天前,两名加州男子已经分别提出了将Linsanity注册为商标的申请。

    According to the document , Lin filed his application on Feb. 13 , several days after two California men entered the cash-in derby to trademark Linsanity .

  26. 所以欧共体法院也拒绝了这个商标注册的申请。

    They would plan to register that shape as a trademark .

  27. 第二章商标注册的申请

    Chapter II . Application for Trademark Registration

  28. 商标局对申请在先的自然予以优先。

    The Trademark Office , of course , gives precedence to the person who files first .

  29. 第二章商标注册的申请那时不叫二野,是二野的前身。

    Chapter II . Application for Trademark Registration At that time our forces were the predecessors of the Second Field Army .

  30. 中文商标在注册申请程序中近似性判断是关切中文商标能否予以核准注册的重要因素。

    The judgement on similar of Chinese brand in the procedure of examination of trademark registration is the important factor which decides whether the trademark could be registered .