
zhōnɡ huá rén mín ɡònɡ hé ɡuó dān bǎo fǎ
  • Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China;Law of the People's Republic of China on Security
  1. 如果担保《中华人民共和国担保法》将保证期间与诉讼时效相混淆。

    Guaranty Law of the People 's Republic of China mixes up the two terms : suretyship and limitation of action .

  2. 本文阐述了1995年10月1日颁布实施的《中华人民共和国担保法》中抵押制度的特点,抵押制度与其他担保方式的区别及其在立法中的缺陷。

    This paper deals with the characteristics of mortgage system of Guaranty Law of PRC which came into effect on Oct.1,1995 , the differences between it and other guaranty methods , and its legislative drawbacks .

  3. 《中华人民共和国担保法》的颁布实施,使得我国抵押制度无论是在立法上还是在实践意义上都有了突破性的进步,在我国社会经济生活中发挥着越来越大的作用。

    The issue and implementation of " The Guarantee Bill of People 's Republic of China " makes the Mortgage System achieve great advance whether in legislation and in practice , therefore exerts more and more important influence in our social economic life .

  4. 目前,规范房地产抵押的法律法规及规章主要有:《中华人民共和国房地产管理法》、《中华人民共和国担保法》以及建设部制定颁布的《房地产抵押管理办法》。

    Currently the laws and regulations about the real estate mortgage mainly have : The People 's Republic of China Real Estate Management Law , The People 's Republic of China Guarantee Law and The Real Estate Mortgage Management Method .