
  • 网络stock market;china stock;China's stockmarket
  1. 长记忆条件下中国股市VaR的估计

    Estimating Value at Risk in Chinese Stock Market Under the Condition of Long Memory

  2. 各类VaR方法的比较:基于中国股市的实证研究

    The Comparison of Different VaR Methods : An Empirical Research Based on the Chinese Stock Market

  3. 11月份的时候,高盛分析师对中国股市进行了降级处理,因为重要的股票起伏不定,有消息称国家将出台政策抑制通货膨胀。

    Goldman analysts downgraded the region in November because of significant stock run-ups , signs of speculation and possible policy tightening to curb inflation .

  4. 基于Fourier分析的中国股市波动周期研究

    Research of Fluctuating Period Based Fourier Analysis on China Stock Market

  5. 结论为:中国股市的日收益率序列具有显著的ARCH效应,周、月收益率序列均不存在ARCH效应。

    The conclusions are that ARCH effect exist in the daily returns but not in the weekly and monthly returns .

  6. GARCH族模型计算中国股市在险价值(VaR)风险的比较研究与评述

    To Evaluate VaR of China Stock Marketing Comparatively by Using GARCH Family Model and Comment

  7. 采用GARCH类模型,利用上证综合指数对中国股市收益波动进行了实证研究。

    The volatility of China 's stock markets is investigated using GARCH type models .

  8. 接着利用改进后的FO模型,测算了中国股市目前的内在投资价值以及中国股市泡沫的绝对规模和相对规模。

    Thirdly , it measures the bubble volume of China 's stock market by the modified F-O model .

  9. 所以在中国股市环境下,造成IPO发行抑价的原因并不一定是发行人的降价发行行为,更主要的是投资者的不理性行为。

    Thereby , in China stock market condition , the main factor of IPO under-pricing is rather investors ' non-rational behavior than publishers ' pricing actions .

  10. 研究发现,中国股市过度超额初始回报率的本质是对二级市场的高估,它与国外的IPO价值低估有着本质区别。

    It turns out that the overpricing of secondary market is strongly associated with the excess initial return , which is different from the Western countries essentially .

  11. 另一方面,中国股市呈现出了许多令人迷惑的现象,一方面,如与GDP增长率相背离,却与净出口、货币供应量等具有同步的特征。

    On the other side , there are many confusing phenomenon arising in Chinese stock market such as going opposite to GDP growth rate while growing in pace with net exports and currency supply .

  12. 然而,此后股市的强劲飙升,使中国股市总值扩大了6.6倍,并首次超过了中国国内生产总值(GDP)。

    However , the powerful surge in stock markets enjoyed since then has seen China 's total market capitalisation expand 6.6 times to overtake the country 's annual gross domestic product for the first time .

  13. 投资者青睐赢家。中国股市的总市值虽未恢复到雷曼(Lehman)破产前的水平,但已超越日本,成为世界第二大。

    Investors love a winner and , although not back at pre-Lehman levels , China 's domestic market capitalisation has leapfrogged Japan to become the world 's second biggest .

  14. O-F模型与合理市盈率研究&中国股市泡沫的实证分析

    A Study of the O-F Model and Rational P / E

  15. 很多外资银行进行了大笔投资,但回报却不高,这主要是因为中国股市表现较为低迷以及国有大型银行首次公开发行(IPO)减少。

    Many foreign banks have invested a lot without seeing much in return , particularly given relatively lacklustre performances by the stock market and the fall in initial public offerings of big state banks .

  16. 针对传统基于梯度信息的多元GARCH模型估计方法的不足,提出了基于遗传算法的似然估计方法,并利用中国股市数据进行了实证研究。

    Considering the shortage of traditional estimation methods for multivariate GARCH based on gradient information , we give out the likelihood estimating method based on genetic algorithm .

  17. ICSS方法的中国股市波动结构分析

    Volatility structure of Chinese stock market based on ICSS method

  18. 本文针对等间隔数据和不等间隔数据提出了两种分析框架来研究中国股市特征,即GARCH类模型和ACD类模型。这一方法在内容上保持了完整性和系统性。

    This paper presents two different frameworks namely GARCH and ACD models for regularly and irregularly sampled observations , which assures integrality as far as content concerned .

  19. 介绍了KMV模型,并且利用我国信用研究领域的最新成果在中国股市做出实证研究。

    This paper reviews KMV Model and uses the most recent research result on credit to evaluate corporate asset of a listed company of China .

  20. 进而将LW估计首次应用于中国股市,结果表明不同频率绝对收益序列的长记忆强度基本一致;

    Then LW estimation was applied in China stock market . The results present that long memory be generally consistent across various temporally aggregated returns .

  21. 以经过周期性调整的“席勒市盈率”(ShillerPE,使用了10年平均收益)衡量,即便是现在,中国股市也几乎与1929年的美国股市一样昂贵。

    On the cyclically adjusted " Shiller PE "– which uses a10-ye a r average of earnings – the China market is even now almost as expensive as the US stock market was in1929 .

  22. 尽管投资者对中国股市明显缺乏兴趣,但据中国有关部门公布的消息,仍有机构在申请加入合格境外机构投资者(qfii)配额体系并获批,从而可直接投资于中国内地股市。

    Despite the apparent lack of appetite for Chinese equities the authorities continue to announce new applications and approvals for the qualified foreign institutional investor quota system that allows foreign investors direct access to mainland stocks traded domestically .

  23. 开放:中国股市软着陆

    Open : the " Soft Landing " of Chinese Stock Market

  24. 根据研究结果,分析了中国股市的有效性;

    Finally , the validity of Chinese stock market is discussed ;

  25. 中国股市效率的计量研究

    The Quantitative Research on the Efficiency in China 's Stock Market

  26. 几年之后的中国股市

    China 's Stock Market A Few Years Later : A Prospect

  27. 价值投资理念于2001年在中国股市出现,并逐步被投资者重视,逐渐展露锋芒,最终发展为目前市场的热点。

    Value investment ideal appeared in 2001 in Chinese stock market .

  28. 中国股市收益率稳定分布实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Stable Distribution of Stock Returns in China Market

  29. 对于许多人而言,中国股市仍是一个“赌场”。

    For many , China remains " a gamble market " .

  30. 散户投资者占到中国股市成交量的80%至90%。

    Retail punters account for 80-90 per cent of trading .