
  • 网络Historic Towns of China
  1. 中国历史文化名镇(村)的保护和利用策略

    Strategies of protection and utilization of Chinese famous historic towns

  2. 《历史文化名城名镇名村保护条例》实施以来,中国历史文化名镇名村的保护工作取得了较大的进展。

    After the implementation of the Regulations on Protecting Historical Famous Towns and Villages , great process has been made in protecting China 's historical famous towns and villages .

  3. 广州市番禺区沙湾镇是一个有着800余年历史的文明古镇,文化底蕴深厚,被誉为中国历史文化名镇、中国民间艺术之乡、广东省民间艺术之乡,非物质文化遗产十分丰富。

    Shawan Town Panyu District is a town with more than 800 years ' history in Guangzhou . She has a wealthy cultural , as Chinese history and culture of the town , Chinese folk art village , Guangdong folk art village . She is rich in intangible cultural heritage .

  4. 历史文化村镇保护评价体系及方法研究&以中国首批历史文化名镇(村)为例

    The Study on Conservation Evaluation System and Method on the Historic Cultural Towns Villages A Case Study of The First Group Famous Historic and Cultural towns Villages in China