
shānɡ biāo zhuǎn rànɡ
  • Trademark Assignment;transfer of trademarks;assignment of trademarks
  1. 允许我们将商标转让给另外一个公司吗?

    Are we allowed to assign the trade-mark to another company ?

  2. 转租权利〔商业租户〕专利证书及商标转让

    Re-letting right [ commercial tenant ] assignment of letters patent and trade mark

  3. 我们可以把商标转让另一个人或者另一个公司吗?

    Hmmm. Now , can we assign a trademark to another person or company ?

  4. 专利证书及商标转让

    Assignment of letters patent and trade mark

  5. 商标转让的法律问题

    Some Legal Problems about Trademark Transfer

  6. 你们可以将商标转让给另一家公司,但受让一方必须保证产品的品质。

    You are allowed to transfer the trade-mark to another company only on the ground that the assign must guarantee the quality of the product .

  7. 在商标转让问题上,就注册商标和未注册商标采取不同的法律规则,很可能将注册商标的受让人置于极为不利的法律地位。

    It is possible to make the transferee of the trademark in hard legal position if different rules are used to the registered and unregistered trademarks when they are transferred .

  8. 随着知识产权交易市场的形成和知识产权贸易的发展,注册商标转让已屡见不鲜,尤其是在企业合资、合营、兼并、股份制改制、重组过程中,商标权转让、拍卖日益频繁。

    With the development of intellectual property exchange markets and intellectual property trade , there are more and more trademark assignments especially in the joint ventures , the joint managements , mergers , reform of shareholding system , amalgamation , an increasing frequency , is trademark assignments .

  9. 仅涉及商标权转让的合同除外

    With the exception of a contract for the assignment of a trade mark

  10. 涉及在中国取得专利权或者商标权的转让或者许可的技术引进合同

    A technology import contract involving the assignment or licensing of patent or trade rights obtained in China

  11. 商标权允许转让(授权),例如集体商标的保护。

    The assignment of the trademark rights is possible ( licensing ), as is the possibility of community trademark protection .

  12. 第二十五条转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当共同向商标局提出申请。

    Article 25 . Where a registered trademark is assigned , both the assignor and assignee shall jointly file an application with the Trademark Office .

  13. 文化创意服务–包括设计服务、商标著作权转让服务、知识产权服务、广告服务和会议展览服务。

    Culture and creative services – this includes design services , trademarks and copyright transfers , intellectual property services , advertising services , and convention and exhibition services .

  14. 申请商标注册、转让注册、续展注册、变更、补证、评审及其他有关事项,必须按照规定缴纳费用。

    For application for trademark registration , assignment registration , renewal registration , modification , Re-issuance of a trademark registration certificate , or review and adjudication as well as other relevant matters , fees must be paid therefor in accordance with the relevant regulations .

  15. 工业产权的转让或者许可合同是指涉及发明专利权、实用新型专利权、外观设计专利权以及商标权的转让或者许可的合同(仅涉及商标权转让的合同除外);

    Contracts for assignment or licensing of industrial property rights refer to those for assignment or licensing of rights relating to invention patents , new utility model patents , exterior design patents as well as trademarks excluding those merely for assignment of rights of trademarks .

  16. 所有投稿作品必须保证设计作品原创性,符合商标注册及所有权转让的有关规定。

    All the designs must guarantee its original in creation , which conform to the rules of symbol register and property transfer .

  17. 最后本文的第四和第五部分对与姓名姓氏商标密切相关的转让转移、开发和保护问题做了适当的分析,进而增加本文所论述问题完整性。

    At last , this article simply analyzes the problems of transferring , developing and protection of the name / surname trademarks in order to make this article integral .

  18. 而目前的法律制度中,主要在驰名商标保护法律体系、涉外转让审查制度和驰名商标转让及评估制度方面存在不足,因此针对这几点提出了相应的完善意见。

    The current legal system has many deficiencies in legal system , foreign transfer of censorship and the well-known trademark assignment and assessment system . Therefore , the author puts forward her own viewpoint about how to improve the legal protection of well-known trademark .

  19. 我国的《商标法》虽然没有联合商标的概念,但在商标转让等实务中,依然可见其踪影。

    Although our country 's " Trademark Law " does not have the concept of " union-trademark ", but it is utilized in the practice of trademark-transfer .

  20. 同时,商标权逐渐渗入经济活动中的各个方面,如商标权拍卖、转让、企业兼并、出售、联营、股份制改造、合营、合作等。

    At the same time , trademark gradually infiltrated into various aspects of economic activities , such as trademark rights auction , transfer , corporate merger , sale , joint venture , joint-stock reform , joint venture , cooperation .

  21. 商标流转分成两种形式一种是商标许可,另一种是商标的转让。

    The circulation of a trademark is divided into two forms : a trademark license , and the transfer of trademarks .