
  • 网络Commodity List;inventory;MerchBill
  1. 另外,我们还分封寄出降价商品清单一份。

    We have forwarded under separate cover a list of price reductions available .

  2. 列出须直接运到英国的商品清单说明这些商品对于母国来说特别重要。

    The enumeration of certain products requiring direct shipment to England suggests their special importance from the perspective of the mother country .

  3. 在商品清单模块上,卓越在主观评价上表现最差。(3)在完成不同类型任务时,被试偏好的跳转方式不同,分别是单页面渐进式和多页面渐进式。

    In the list module Joyo is the worst on on the subjective evaluation . ( 3 ) In different tasks , the subjects prefer different jump modes , namely , a single-page and multiple-pages progressive ways .

  4. 但目前大部分销售网站只不过是起到了商品电子清单的作用。从所附销售清单中可以看出,所有商品的售价均高于预估金额。

    But most Web sites today are little more than electronic catalogs . You will see in the account sale , which we enclose , that all the goods is cleared at better price than we expect .

  5. 店主希望有选择地查看供应中任意一种短缺商品的清单,如果合理的话,定货补充库存,因此系统必须能和经营管理部门对话。

    The store 's owner wants to selectively look at the inventory level for any product in short supply and , if appropriate , order replacement stock , so the system must be able to communicate with management .

  6. 贝佐斯相信与客户良好沟通、昕取并采用他们的意见有利于公司的发展。通过网站,亚马逊鼓励顾客反馈使用心得,以此推荐他们最喜爱的书籍和产品,许多顾客列出了自己最喜欢的商品的清单。

    Bezos believed in the benefits of communication with customers and listened to and used their ideas for expansion.via the Web site Amazon customers were encouraged to recommend their favorite books and products through reviews , and many compiled lists of their favorite items .

  7. 美国出口管制政策的原则有国家安全原则、外交政策原则和短缺物质原则等,出口管制政策的措施主要有许可证审批、商品管制清单和国别分类组等内容。

    The export control principles include national security , foreign policy and economic shortage , etc. The export control measures are made up of three major parts : the examination and approval of the license , the list of controlled goods , the country groups , etc.

  8. 报告发现,他们会列出商品的心愿清单,但并不是真的打算买。

    The report found they create wishlists , with no intention of actually buying .

  9. 有人指出,这些“假消费者”将商品保存在清单中所获得的乐趣可能相当于他们购买该商品所获得的乐趣。

    There is even the suggestion that these fauxsumers get the same kick out of saving an item as they would if they had bought it .

  10. 注意,因为订货表现为某种待定的商品或某些商品在清单中的变化,所以把订货作为事务处理。

    Note that , because the reorder represents a change in the inventory level of a particular product or products , it is handled as a transaction .

  11. 这一信息使商家可以通过显示销售商品的种类和销售速度,从而跟踪记录它们的商品清单。

    This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving .

  12. 有时清单上的商品他们根本买不起,但他们还是把商品放在清单上。

    Sometimes they don ’ t have the money to make the purchase but save the item anyway .

  13. 对发展中国家而言,其环境商品贸易利益的增长点就在于尽快将环境有益商品纳入清单分类中,这种分类模式也符合发展中国家的根本利益。

    For developing countries , the growth of their trade benefits of environmental goods relies on the inclusion of environmentally preferable products in the list of goods as soon as possible .

  14. Etsy已经使用这些信息来建立商品推荐系统,让人们对一系列商品的感兴趣程度进行打分,最终得到他们可能喜欢的100种或200种商品的清单。

    Etsy has used this information to create product recommendation systems that let people rank their interest in a series of products and then end up with a list of100 or200 they might like .