
  • 网络business process outsourcing
  1. 服务外包包括信息技术外包和商务流程外包两种业务模式。

    Service outsourcing includes two modes , information technology outsourcing ( ITO ) and business process outsourcing ( BPO ) .

  2. 通过对商务流程外包的特征、作用以及主要形式的分析,提出了承接商务流程外包业务的基本策略。

    The author suggested the strategies of undertaking the business process outsourcing after analyzing the characteristics , affects and category of the business process outsourcing .

  3. 以商务流程外包为主要内容的国际服务业转移已经形成了国际产业转移的新格局。

    The wave of international services transfer is surging and the business process outsourcing is its essential aspect .

  4. 印度各大学每年有300万学生毕业,但人们认为其中只有一小部分适合离岸信息技术及商务流程外包行业聘用。

    While 3m students graduate from Indian universities each year , a fraction are considered suitable for employment in the offshore information technology and business process outsourcing industries .