
  1. 金融机构各项贷款对商品房销售价格有影响作用,但是影响效果并不明显。

    Financial institutions lending played an influential role in the sales price of commercial houses , however , the impact effect is not obvious .

  2. 近年来我国城镇商品房销售价格持续上涨,表征城镇居民财富转移效应常用指标的城镇基尼系数变化亦总体呈上升趋势。

    Chinese housing price has rise continually in recent years , as well as town Gini Coefficient , whose variation is generally regarded as a symbol of towner wealth transfer-effect .

  3. 商品房销售价格欺诈指开发商或销售商在商品房销售过程中隐瞒真相,提供虚假信息,诱使购房者在价格上受骗上当,谋取不法利益的行为。

    The price fraud of commercial residential building sale means during the commercial residential building sale process the developer or the vendor conceal the truth or provide false information to induce buyers to be cheated on price , to seek illicit interests .

  4. 本文的不足之处主要在于实证时未考虑同一收入阶层中不同消费者的异质性,以及模型中对于财富变量未能明确房地产财富的具体值,只用了商品房销售价格替代。

    For example , I have not considered the heterogeneity of different consumers in the same income groups . And I have failed to specify the specific value of real estate wealth on the model for wealth variables , so I only use real estate sales prices substituting it .

  5. 然后在此基础之上,本文利用MATLAB软件建立BP神经网络模型,对中国商品房平均销售价格进行预测。

    Then , the paper uses MATLAB software to build up BP neural network model , to forecast the housing price .

  6. 预测的结果显示,与2007年相比,2008年四个季度的商品房平均销售价格有下降趋势。

    The result shows that compared with 2007 , the average selling price of commercial housing in four quarters of 2008 is on a downward trend .

  7. 其中,河北省商品房平均销售价格作为因变量引入模型,而自变量则主要从供求角度搜集,分别为:竣工房屋造价,竣工房屋面积,河北省人均可支配收入,销售面积,河北省城镇人口。

    In the model , the average selling price of commodity house in Hebei is the dependent variable . The independent variables are cost of completed houses , area of completed buildings , the per capita disposable income , saleable area and the urban population in Hebei province .