
shānɡ yè fēnɡ xiǎn
  • commercial risk
  1. Oracle也是。通过在JSR之外构建Jigsaw和反对以建立的行业标准,Sun向客户暴露了可怕的商业风险。

    By choosing to build Jigsaw outside of a JSR and in opposition to an established industry standard , Sun has exposed its customers to substantial commercial risk .

  2. 通过举债进行收购,往往导致商业风险被放大。

    Commercial risk in leveraged buyouts is usually amplified because of borrowings .

  3. 我国对外直接投资非商业风险防范及法律构建

    Non-commercial Risk Resisting and Protection Legal System Construction for Chinese FDI

  4. 不可抗力既不同于商业风险,也不同于情势变更。

    Force majeure is different either from commercial risk , or from situation change .

  5. 商标背后不仅有商业风险,更有法律风险。

    Behind the trademark , there are not only business risks but also legal risks .

  6. 有政治风险,商业风险,还有很多的压力。

    There were political risks , commercial risks , a lot of pressure , says Mr Liu .

  7. 在提高公司竞争力、扩大市场占有份额,减小公司的商业风险有极大的作用。

    We can increase the competition , extend market share , and decrease the corporation business venture .

  8. 其中的风险主要可以分为法律风险、商业风险和不可抗力风险三大类。

    One of the main risks can be divided into legal risk , business risk and force majeure risks .

  9. 从而归纳出我国企业抵抗非商业风险能力不足的问题。

    Therefore , the thesis concludes our oversea direct investment enterprises have very limited ability to resist non-commercial risk .

  10. 国际项目融资中存在着诸多风险,其中商业风险是主要风险。

    There are many risks in International Project Financing . Among these risks , business risk is the main risk .

  11. 石油合同风险分为地质风险、技术风险、财务风险、商业风险和政治风险5种类型。

    Petroleum contract risk can be divided into geological risk , technical risk , financial risk , commercial risk and political risk .

  12. 第二章在明晰非商业风险相关概念的基础上,介绍了非商业风险的主要内容:征收险、汇兑限制险及战乱险。

    In chapter two , the thesis defines the concept of non-commercial risk . On the basis , the thesis introduces the non-commercial risk ' main content : expropriation risk , inconvertibility risk and war risk .

  13. 布莱信称,他会将自己5家航空及火车客运公司未来10年的全部利润,转移到一系列商业风险资本中。这些风险资本旨在制造可再生能源,并限制对环境的破坏。

    Sir Richard said he would divert all profits from his five airline and train companies over the next 10 years to a series of commercial ventures designed to produce renewable energy and limit environmental damage .

  14. 中国央行接受官方媒体新华社采访时说,拟此上限的初衷是限制商业风险,但未明说是哪些风险。新华社网站上公布了这一采访稿。

    In an interview with the official Xinhua News Agency posted to its website , the People 's Bank of China said the proposed caps were designed to limit business risks , but it didn 't specify what the risks are .

  15. 本文拟就在借鉴国内外有关成功经验的基础上,结合我国对外直接投资的实际情况,对完善我国对外投资非商业风险的防范措施及保障法律制度的构建作进一步的探索与研究。

    Using the successful home and abroad experience , and connecting with China 's facts , the thesis tries to make a initial research on keeping away the non - commercial and constructing the legal system to protect our oversea direct investment .

  16. 相比较于商业风险,法律风险具有可防控性。作为市场经济主体的企业,要守法经营、持续健康发展必须加强对法律风险的防范和控制。

    While commercial risk is unavoidable , legal risk can be controlled . Only by strengthening the management of legal risks , an enterprise , as a principal part of the market economy , can be a law-abiding business and finally achieve a sustainable development .

  17. 非洲各国因政治、经济、法律的不同,使得投资者会面临程度不同的商业风险。投资者在慎重考察非洲国家的投资环境,认为能确保盈利与安全后,才会投资创业。

    Investors may confront distinct business risk , for the different political , economical , social situations and conditions of the African countries . Only carefully considered the investing conditions and make sure that they can profit and the invest is safe , do the investors invest .

  18. 基于D-S证据融合的商业信用风险评价

    Custom Credit Assessment Based on D-S Evidential Reasoning

  19. 压力测试关注资产组合收益的厚尾特征分布,能度量在极端情况下资产组合损失,弥补了传统风险管理工具VaR的缺点,因而成为商业银行风险管理的重要工具。

    Emphasizing on the fat tail distribution of the asset portfolio , stress test can evaluate the loss of the asset portfolio in the extreme circumstances which makes up the disadvantage of VaR , the traditional risk management tool .

  20. 国有商业银行风险管理现状及对策研究

    On the Risk Administration Situation and Strategies of State-owned Commerce Bank

  21. 商业银行风险管理决策本身是个多目标决策过程。

    Risk management of commercial bank is a multicriteria decision-making process .

  22. 国有商业银行风险的表现形式和化解途径

    Risks of State owned Commercial Banks and Ways to Eliminate Risks

  23. 出口企业商业信用风险分担措施与选择。

    Part 5 Measures for export corporations to transfer export credit risk .

  24. 论我国现行商业银行风险管理法律制度的不足及完善

    On China present commercial bank risk management law system 's shortage and Perfection

  25. 全方位强化商业银行风险管理能力

    All-directions to Enhance the Commercial Bank Risk Management Ability

  26. 完善国有商业银行风险管理的构想

    Consideration of Perfecting Risk Management of State-run Commercial Banks

  27. 国有商业银行风险防范与会计问题研究

    Probe on Accounting Problems and Risk Prevention of State - run Commercial Banks

  28. 商业银行风险管理理论的历史沿革

    The Development History of the Commercial Banking Risk Management

  29. 国外商业银行风险管理的招术

    Methods of Risk Management in Foreign Commercial Banks

  30. 银行业全面开放后对我国商业银行风险管理的影响

    Impacts on Risk Management of Commercial Banks after the Opening of Domestic Banking Sector