
shānɡ yè dài kuǎn
  • commercial loan
  1. 2014年1月,希腊商人孔托米纳斯(Mr.Contominas)遭到逮捕并被控将商业贷款用于个人花销。九个月后,他卖掉了这里的公寓。

    Mr. Contominas , the Greek businessman , sold his condo nine months after he was arrested in January 2014 and accused of using a commercial loan for personal expenditures .

  2. 简要比较商业贷款申请的评估与消费者贷款申请的评估。

    Compare the credit analysis of commercial loan requests and consumer loan requests .

  3. 很多人把个人财产用作小额商业贷款的抵押品。

    Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans

  4. 美国银行、摩根大通(jpmorganchase)、花旗集团(citigroup)和德意志银行(deutschebank)等“综合性银行”则指出,它们的零售与商业贷款业务能够平衡证券业务的变幻莫测。

    The " universal banks " , among them BofA , JPMorgan Chase , Citigroup and Deutsche Bank , point to their retail and commercial lending operations as counterweights to the vagaries of their securities businesses .

  5. 为消除该负面影响,可以由政府向ODR网站注入资金、申请商业贷款、对缴纳会员费的企业实行无因回避制度。

    To eliminate this negative impact , we can inject liquidity into the ODR website by government , grant loans from commercial banks , adopt peremptory challenge to enterprises which pay membership fees .

  6. 几乎所有的小额商业贷款都收到了还款。

    And almost all of these small business loans are repaid .

  7. 这些证券都与商业贷款和中级抵押贷款有关。

    The securities are linked to commercial loans and medium-grade mortgages .

  8. 我想安排一项商业贷款。

    I 'd like to arrange a business loan .

  9. 商业贷款通常可以定期分部分的偿还。

    Business loans are usually repayable in regular installments .

  10. 公积金贷款利率低于银行商业贷款利率。

    Interest rates on public housing fund loans are lower than bank loans .

  11. 他们希望从商业贷款方那里获得这些。

    They expect these from their commercial borrowers .

  12. 商业贷款担保提供廉价而有效的解决办法,以获得所需的资金。

    Commercial secured loans provide affordable and effective solution to access the required capital .

  13. 第2章,相关理论综述。主要对商业贷款理论、全面风险管理理论进行了介绍和分析。

    Chapter 2 mainly discusses pertinent theories including theory of commercial loans and risk management .

  14. 我们有一些商业贷款可以为你提供您所需要的流动资金。

    We have some commercial loans available that might give you the working capital you need .

  15. 商业贷款占银行贷款总额的比例可能会在明年达到创纪录水平。

    The proportion of bank lending going to business will next year probably reach a record level .

  16. 布赖恩对法国商业贷款的认可,在一定程度上取消了国务院对于贷款的禁令。

    Bryan 's approval of the French commercial credit partially reversed the State Department 's ban on loans .

  17. 货币方面的不确定将让苏格兰经济的每个方面蒙上阴影,从商业贷款到抵押贷款。

    The currency uncertainty will blight every aspect of the Scottish economy , from commercial lending to mortgages .

  18. 因此,大多数有担保的短期工商业贷款将盘存和应收账款作为抵押品。

    Therefore , most secured short-term business borrowing involves the use of accounts receivable and inventories as collateral .

  19. 但中国的上市银行往往也有类似的权力,这就模糊了商业贷款与政策性贷款之间的界限。

    But often the listed banks have similar mandates , blurring the line between commercial and policy lending .

  20. 房利美和房地美原本不会成长到今天的规模–可惜它们想赚取政府担保的贷款成本和商业贷款收入之间的差额;

    Except that they wanted to exploit the margin between the government-guaranteed borrowing costs and the commercial lending income .

  21. 国际商业贷款协议法律适用问题在实践中已日益引起人们的重视。

    The applicable law of international commercial loan agreement has already caused people 's attention day by day in practice .

  22. 国家计划外建设项目,不准借用国际商业贷款。

    No international commercial loans may be obtained for projects of construction which are not included in the State plan .

  23. 商业贷款担保的一个重要特点是,借款人需要把反担保贷款。

    An important feature of commercial secured loans is that the borrower needs to put a security against the loan .

  24. 发改委称,这是境内企业首次获准直接借用境外人民币商业贷款。

    It said that this was the first time a China-based company had borrowed renminbi directly from an offshore bank .

  25. 境内机构可以向其境外直接投资企业提供商业贷款及融资性担保。

    Domestic institutions may provide commercial loans and financing guarantees to the offshore enterprises in which they have direct investment .

  26. 这样做可以使银行信服,你的公司会赚取一定的现金来偿还商业贷款。

    This will help convince the bank that your firm will generate the cash flow necessary to repay the business loan .

  27. 在当前农产品流通体系存在缺陷的情况下,通过商业贷款的形式促进流通领域的发展有利于农产品价格的稳定,降低农业风险,从而促进农业发展。

    In time of defective circulation system , commercial loans will help stabilize agricultural product price , decrease risk and promote development .

  28. 银行研究公司Bankregdata.com的统计显示,过去两年工商业贷款余额增长了27%。

    The volume of commercial and industrial loans outstanding is up 27 % in the past two years , according to bankregdata .

  29. 这项禁令不会影响到那些提供抵押贷款、车贷、学生贷款、商业贷款以及信用卡业务的公司的广告。

    The ban won 't affect companies that offer mortgages , car loans , student loans , commercial loans or credit card ads.

  30. 此次住房公积金贷款新政,与之前的之前出台的商业贷款政策趋于一致。(?)

    The new mortgage terms bring the public housing fund in line with earlier policies on similar commercial loans , analysts said .