
shānɡ yè tóu jī
  • Business speculation;commercial speculation
  1. 人们无需追溯到上一个世纪去探寻目前贸易上的复杂性和使人困惑的商业投机行为是怎样产生的,也无需这样做来了解国家公债是怎样奇异地诞生的。

    One does not have to look back of the last century for the beginnings of the present complexities of trade and perplexities of commercial speculation , nor for the portentous birth of national debts .

  2. 他们的商业投机从一开始就注定不幸;注定不幸的商业投机;注定不幸的恋情;那个不幸的囚犯又一次被套上了枷锁wh普雷斯科特。

    Their business venture was doomed from the start ; an ill-fated business venture ; an ill-starred romance ; the unlucky prisoner was again put in irons-w.h.prescott .

  3. 她决定着手一项新的商业投机。

    She decided to embark on a new business venture .

  4. 他在商业投机中,被人骗去1000美元。

    He was chiseled out of one thousand dollars in business speculation .

  5. 他的第一次商业投机完全失败了。

    His first business venture flopped completely .

  6. 蔡和森与一九二四年广州商团事变研究商人、商团与商业投机&日伪统治时期的南京为个案

    Businessmen , Businessman Groups and Business Speculation & A Case Study of Nanjing Ruled by Japanese and Puppet Armies

  7. 来里的他们。这是整个无限多元的空间/时间/概率里最激进,最富于激情,最强有力的商业投机运动。”

    This is the most radical , dynamic and thrusting business venture in the entire multidimensional infinity of space / time / probability ever . "

  8. 作为沙特皇室的一员,阿尔瓦利德是前国王阿卜杜拉的侄子。他因商业投机和特立独行的公开评论而闻名于世。

    Alwaleed , a member of the Saudi royal family and nephew to late King Abdullah , has gained an international reputation for his business ventures and unusually open public comments .

  9. 商业上的投机为赢利而进行冒险的企业。

    A business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gain .

  10. 普通商业从宽,投机商业从严。

    And leniency for commerce in general and severity for commercial speculation .

  11. 因此,应加强透明度,同时必须加大非商业交易员的投机成本。例如,可以通过设立资本保证金的方式。

    For that , increased transparency should be enforced and costs of speculation for non-commercial traders should be raised , for example through capital deposits .

  12. 如果你坐在一个新的商业伙伴对面,他向你微笑,但你仍然不确定是否应该同意一个新的商业投机,看看他的眼睛外面周围那些细纹。

    If you 're sitting across from a new business associate and he smiles at you but you 're still not sure if you should sign off on a new business venture , look at those little lines around the outside of his eyes .