
  • 网络Commercial air-condition;commercial air conditioning;Commercial Air-Conditioner
  1. 商用空调是近几年来国内空调市场新兴的一种空调产品类型,是以高档办公和高档家庭场所为消费对象的一种产品。

    Commercial air-condition is a new type of air-condition product these years , and it aims at two kinds of market & slap-up bureau and house .

  2. 介绍了一种由75kW商用空调压缩机改进而来的氦气压缩机。

    This paper introduces a kind of helium compressor which is modified from 7.5 kW air conditioning compressor .

  3. 商用空调多联机系统关键技术发展研究

    Study on Key Technology of Commercial Multi-Compressors Air Conditioning System

  4. 实施大客户管理是国内商用空调厂商解决这一问题的有效途径。

    Carrying out big client management is a effective measure to solve the problem .

  5. 定频压缩机一拖二智能商用空调机运行模式的设计研究

    Design and Research of Operating Mode to Invariable Frequency Compressor with Two In-door Units in Intelligent Business Air-conditioner

  6. 精通各型家用空调,商用空调,中央空调,冷库的维修安装。

    Proficient in all types of home air conditioners , commercial air-conditioning , central air-conditioning , refrigerator repair installation .

  7. 另外对制冷系统主要部件的选型方法进行了探讨,并提出了单元式商用空调今后有待改进的方向。

    In addition , the selection method for the main components of the refrigeration system is discussed , the papaer also deliver the future improving aspect of the commercial unitary air conditioner .

  8. 随着家用和用于小型超市等商用空调的数量迅速增加,电力负荷也越来越大,对小型蓄能空调的需求也应运而生,因此开展对小型蓄能空调的研究很有必要。

    As the number of domestic and commercial air conditioners and other small supermarket is rapidly increasing , the small-sized energy storage for air-conditioning system is in great need of fundamental theoretical study on for its large practical popularity .

  9. Air(初三适用)商用建筑空调

    Commercial Building Air Conditioning

  10. 气溶胶灭火技术的应用现状及发展趋势商用中央空调应用现状问题及解决措施

    Problems and Solutions in Current Application of Centralized Air-conditioning in Public Buildings

  11. 开利进军家用/轻型商用中央空调市场

    Carrier Develops Domestic / Light Commercial Central Air-conditioning Units

  12. 重庆商用集中空调市场调查报告

    The investigation report about the market of commercial central air conditioners in Chongqing

  13. 重庆商用集中空调市场形成了电空调与燃气空调的竞争格局。

    There is a competition between electric air conditioners and gas air conditioners in the market of commercial central air conditioners in Chongqing .

  14. 如何进行科学的战略规划,以便在日益激烈的竞争环境中健康、有序的实现可持续发展,已经成为每一个国内商用中央空调生产企业现阶段所面临的重要问题。

    Nowadays how to develop healthily and efficiently in the increasingly fierce competition environment has become an important issue confronted by each central conditioner manufacturing enterprises .

  15. 本文以中科院成都山地灾害与环境研究所新建科研综合楼工程为例,介绍了对新型商用中央空调所做的隐蔽设计。

    In this paper , an ornamental design of new-style commercial central air conditioner was introduced in the institute of mountain hazards and environment , Chinese academy of sciences .

  16. 介绍了都市化工业园区楼宇空调的特点、设计方法,商用集中空调系统在都市化工业园区的应用及其室外机的布置形式。

    Presents the characteristics and design method of building air conditioning systems and the application of commercial central air conditioning systems in the area and the arrangement of the outdoor units .

  17. 设计了一套中央空调管道的自动清扫机器人系统,适用于家用及商用中央空调矩形管道。

    In this paper , a new type of duct cleaning robot system was designed , which is used to clear the rectangular duct of central air-conditioning both in business and in home .

  18. 分析了重庆市商用集中空调市场中电空调和燃气空调的市场占有情况、品牌集中程度以及未来的增长趋势。

    The paper analyzes the possession of the market , the centralization degree of brands and the future growth trend of electric air conditioners and gas air conditioners in the market of commercial central air conditioners in Chongqing .

  19. 小型VRV中央空调系统具有一机多室制冷功能,冷量分配灵活,节省安装空间,与传统中央空调相比投资成本较少,已成为商用和家用空调产业的主流。

    VRV mini central air condition system with a multi-room refrigeration function , it can refrigeration allocation flexibility , saving installation space , and it costs less than the traditional investment , VRV mini central air condition system has become a commercial and residential air-conditioning industry mainstream .

  20. 《公共建筑节能设计标准》与商用多联机空调

    Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings and VRF air conditioning

  21. 商用分体空调在大中型商场中的可行性研究

    Research on the Feasibility of Commercial Air-conditioners In Large and Medium Scale Marketplace

  22. 微通道扁管被广泛应用于汽车热交换器、商用和工业空调、航空、航天等领域,绕弯成形是其成形的主要加工方法。

    Micro-channel flat-tubes have been widely used in automotive heat exchangers , commercial and industrial air-conditioning , aviation , aerospace and other fields . Rotary bending is its main processing methods .

  23. 本文系统介绍现代商用建筑中空调系统的负荷特点和设计准则,这些商用建筑包括餐饮中心,办公楼,保龄球馆和通信中心等。

    This paper introduces both the load Characterstics and design criterias that apply to modern air conditioning systems of commercial buildings . Specific information included on dining centers , office buildings , bowling centers and communication centers are covered .