
  1. 随着加入WTO,我国商品流通领域经历了资源整合、连锁经营等深刻变化。

    With the accession to the WTO , China commodity circulation field is undergoing many changes , such as resource integration , chain operation .

  2. POS网络系统在商品流通领域的应用

    Application of POS NetWare System in Commercial System

  3. 商业集群是商品流通领域中一个普遍而重要的经营组织形式。

    Commerce cluster is prevalent and important in distribution sector .

  4. 市场是商品流通领域,是交换关系的总和,流通是总体上看的交换,这似乎可以证明市场等于流通。

    Market is the place for commodities circulation and the sum of exchange relations .

  5. 批发企业是目前我国商品流通领域中最为薄弱的一个环节。

    China ′ s industrial consumables wholesale business is the breakout of the circulation system reform .

  6. 如何实现对商品流通领域的间接宏观调控

    How to Realize the Macroscopic Adjustment and Control of the Sphere of Commodity Circulation by Indirect Methods

  7. 商业文化是在商品流通领域中表现出来的具有商业特质的文化现象。

    Commerce culture is the cultural phenomenon with the commerce property appearing in the field of commodity exchange .

  8. 专业市场作为我国商品流通领域的一种重要建筑形式,在改革开放30年间迅速发展。

    As an important part of commodity circulation area in our country , professional market developed rapidly in past 30 years .

  9. 商品流通领域的电子商务应用具有先导性,必将加快向经济生活的渗透和扩散。

    The application of e-commerce in the area of commodity circulation can quicken its infiltration and pervasion into the economic life .

  10. 农产品批发市场是我国商品流通领域中的一种重要的建筑形式,是现有的主要商业建筑类型之一。

    The wholesale market of agricultural products is an important building form of commodity circulation areas , is one of the major commercial building types .

  11. 中国商品流通领域20多年的改革实现了三个突破、一个结束、八个转变和一个创新;

    During the last twenty years , there have been three breaking through , one termination , eight transformation and one innovation in China 's commerce .

  12. 经纪业是商品流通领域的中介行业,在我国发展历史悠久,商业地位显著。

    The brokerage is a kind of intermediaries that promotes circulation of commodities . The brokerage has a long history in China , and its function is remarkable .

  13. 专业市场是我国特殊的体制背景下商品流通领域的一项制度创新,是最具中国特色的流通企业。

    Specialized market is an innovation in the field of commodity circulation in the milieu of Chinese specific system . It is a commodity circulation enterprise with Chinese characteristics .

  14. 最后,企业主带着这些产品回到商品流通领域,再次通过等价交换而完成剩余价值的实现。

    Then owners of the factories take these commodities back to the realm of circulation and realize their surplus value through another round of exchange based on equivalence of value .

  15. 包装是商品流通领域的重要环节,也是商品竞争的辅助手段之一,发展越来越迅速。

    Packaging is an important link of the circulation of commodities domain , and is also one of the assistance means of merchandise competition ; its development is faster and faster .

  16. 电子商务理论和技术的发展将现代信息技术带入服务领域、商品流通领域、产品生产领域,使服务、商品流通、产品生产等发生理念上的变化。

    The development of the theory and technology of e commerce brings the modern information technology into the services , goods circulating and manufacturing fields , and makes essential changes in ideas .

  17. 问题的结果造成企业在商品流通领域成本居高不下,企业的生产、市场决策缺乏准确的量化依据,造成企业资源的大量浪费。

    On the other way round , it makes the cost of commodity flow keeping very high , the production decision-making of factory and market decision-making be short of reliable measurable foundation .

  18. 随着科学技术水平的提高,包装机械在包装工业和商品流通领域的作用越来越大,是产品实现机械化、自动化的根本保障。

    With the development of the science and technology , packaging machinery plays an important role in the packaging industry and commodity circulation field , which guarantees the realization of the mechanization and automation in packaging industry .

  19. 大型零售商业网点是城市商贸业发展的一个重要载体,是流通生产力的重要构成部分,是商品流通领域的基本物质基础。

    Big-size retail trade network is an important carrier for the development of trade business in the city , an important composing part of circulating productivity , and a basic material base in the field of circulation of commodities .

  20. 连锁经营强调规范与标准,它把现代大工业、大生产的组织原则应用于商品流通领域,提高了协调运作能力,实现了规模经营效益。

    Chain operation attaches importance to standard and norm . It employs the organization principles of modem industry and production into the realm of commodity circulation , so that the coordinative capacity is improved and dimensional operation benefit is achieved .

  21. 批发商在商品流通领域中的地位下降,经营萎缩,但从供应链及其管理的角度出发,批发商在供应链中的存在具有经济意义。

    The wholesalers ' status goes down in the commodity circulation field and their operation quantity shrinks , but the existence of the wholesalers in the supply chain has economic meaning from the point of the supply chain and its management .

  22. 标准化方法在工业领域、商品流通等领域的统一、协调、规范作用已被广泛认可。

    Standardized methods have already been approved extensively in many fields such as industry , circulation of commodities etc.

  23. 可视二维条码作为一种新形式的二维条码,在商品流通和物流等领域都有一定的应用价值。

    Visual 2-D Barcode can be applied in merchandise , logistics and other fields as a novel 2-D barcode .

  24. 关税是起源很早的国家税收,是随着商品生产的发展、商品流通领域的不断扩大而产生和发展的。

    Tariff , originating from the earlier national tax revenue , is produced and developed with the development of commodity production and the continuous expansion of commodity circulation field .

  25. 第三,加快中国商品交易中心(CCEC)的建设,彻底解决商品流通领域的混乱局面。

    Speed the construction of China Commerce Exchange Center ( CCEC ) and resolving the chaos in the commerce circulation fields .

  26. 随着国内商品流通行业现代化进程的加快,我国已经涌现出一批具有较大规模的连锁零售企业,这些企业在我国商品流通领域发挥着日益重要的影响力。

    With the speeding up of the modernization of domestic trading of China , there emerge a large number of chain retail enterprises with considerable scale , which also play important role in our trading industry .