
fǎ dìnɡ nián línɡ
  • legal age;statutory age;lawful age
  1. 在工人待遇方面,首先要有birthcertificates,出生证等文件证明documentation,证明员工都达到了法定年龄,oflegalage。

    H : So what about our treatment of workers ? C : Firstly , there must be documentation-such as birth certificates-proving that all workers are of legal age .

  2. 未达法定年龄的人所订的契约是不具法律效力的。

    A contract made by a person under legal age is void .

  3. 售香烟给未到法定年龄的儿童是非法的。

    It is illegal to sell cigarettes to children who are under age .

  4. 未到法定年龄的青少年可以从年龄较大的朋友那里弄到酒。

    Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends .

  5. 在埃迪达到法定年龄之前,该公司将委托他人代为经营。

    The company was to be held in trust for Eddie until he came of age .

  6. 我就到了法定年龄了,下个星期六,你来参加我的成年人聚会,好吗?

    Will you come to my party next saturday ? I 'm getting the key to the door .

  7. 虽然那时Crystal只有15岁,但是还有一个月就到了16岁的法定年龄,可以给出许可或承诺。

    And though Crystal was only 15 at the time , she was mere one month from turning sixteen at which time it would be legal to give consent .

  8. 他还未到法定年龄时,就开始在酒店喝酒。

    He started drinking in pubs when he was still under age .

  9. 他把酒卖给未到法定年龄的女孩。

    He served wine to girls who were under age .

  10. 现在在英国人满十八岁就达到法定年龄。

    In England people now come of age at 18 .

  11. 他一到法定年龄就立下了遗嘱。

    When he came of age he made a will .

  12. 未到法定年龄不要饮酒。

    Don 't drink unless you 're of legal age .

  13. 任何在法定年龄以上并能够签署合同的菲律宾公民。

    Any Filipino citizen of legal age and with capacity to contract ; a.

  14. 在子女到达法定年龄之前,房子归受托人管理。

    The house is held in trust until the children come of age .

  15. 未达成年的末成年末达到法定年龄的时期。

    The period during which one is legally underage .

  16. 他对未到法定年龄的酗酒者采取强硬政策。

    He takes a hard line on under-age drinking .

  17. 明年他将到达法定年龄。

    He will come of age next year .

  18. 达到法定年龄,你就可以参与到彩票购买中来。

    Since you're18 , you can partake in what is known as the lottery .

  19. 投票的法定年龄是十八岁。

    The legal age for voting is eighteen .

  20. 到了法定年龄,你开始恋爱。

    And when you are coming of age , you begin to need love .

  21. 与未到法定年龄的女孩进行性的交流的犯罪行为。

    Sexual intercourse with a girl who has not reached the age of consent .

  22. 明年他将到达法定年龄。他已达到了法定年龄。

    He will come of age next year . He has reached his majority .

  23. 低于法定年龄的任何年龄。

    Any age prior to the legal age .

  24. 因为她已到法定年龄,她自己在分期付款购买契约上签了字。

    She signed her own hire purchase agreement now that she 's come of age .

  25. 成年的法定年龄是18岁。

    The age of majority is eighteen .

  26. 汤姆未被允许去参军,因为他还没有到法定年龄。

    Tom wasn 't allowed to join the army , because he was under age .

  27. 鲍伯下周到达法定年龄。

    Bob comes of age next week .

  28. 现在年轻人18岁就到了法定年龄,以前是21岁。

    Young people attain their majority at age eighteen these days-it used to be twenty-one .

  29. 未到法定年龄的饮酒是一种犯罪,但在学院社交生活中也很普遍。

    Underage drinking is a crime but also a common part of college social life .

  30. 18岁这一天是法定年龄,在法律上我们是成年人了。

    Eighteen this is the day we become legal adults in the eye of the law .